Tequila Jokes


Funniest Tequila Jokes

My wife stormed into the pub last night as me and the boys were downing shots of Tequila. “You’re coming home now!” she screamed.

“No, I’m not,” I laughed.

She said, “I’m talking to the kids.”

Score: 16323
Funny Tequila Jokes
Score: 308

What's an author's favorite drink? Tequila Mockingbird.
(Yes I know it's horrible :P)

Score: 222

Tequila may not be the answer... ...but it's worth a shot.

Score: 183

What is an alcoholic Mexican's favorite book? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 123

What is a drunk Mexican's favourite book? Tequila Mockingbird.

Score: 96

I'm going to name my kids after what their mother was craving while pregnant... Peanuts and Pickles are great. Tequila is kind of an idiot

Score: 94

If you really want a promotion at work, all you have to do is walk into your office shouting, "Vodka! Tequila! Sambuca!" at the top of your lungs... This will make you the person who calls the shots...

Score: 80

You know what they say about drinking too much tequila... Can't remember.

Score: 77

What is the most popular novel in Mexico? Tequila mocking bird

Score: 45

What book does every Mexican student read in school? Tequila Mockingbird.

Score: 45

What's the most popular book in Mexico? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 44

What do you get when you mix alcohol and literature? Tequila mockingbird

Score: 42

What do you get when you mix liquor and literature.... Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 41

What do you get when you mix alcohol and literature? Tequila Mockingbird

(Also Ernest Hemingway, but that’s beside the point)

Score: 38

Why did the Mexican push his wife over the cliff? Tequila

Score: 35

Clint Eastwood, the Pope, and Yoda walk into the bar... It was at this point I realized I had done WAY too many tequila shots.

Score: 34

What is a Mexican's favorite novel? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 32

What do Mexican kids read in middle school? Tequila Mockingbird.

Score: 31

Why did the Mexican man push his wife off a cliff? tequila!

Score: 30

What do you get when you mix up literature and alcohol? Tequila mockingbird

Or Ernest Hemingway

Score: 25

What happens when you combine alcohol and literature? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 24

Why'd the Mexican throw his wife off the cliff? Tequila!

Score: 24

Why did the Mexican throw his wife into the river? Tequila.

Score: 23

I’ve been on a tequila diet... And I’ve lost 4 days already

Score: 23

what do you get when you mix 9th grade literature with alcohol? Tequila mockingbird.

Score: 22

Why did the Mexican man push his wife off of a cliff? Tequila.

Score: 22

Why did the Mexican man throw his wife off of a cliff? Tequila!

Score: 21

What's an alcoholic's favorite book? Tequila mocking bird

Score: 20

Did you know that Harper Lee invented a cocktail? It was the Tequila Mockingbird.

Score: 19

Why did the Mexican man throw his wife off a cliff? Tequila

Score: 15

What do you get when you cross alcohol and literature? Tequila Mockingbird.

Score: 13

What is it called when you mix Alcohol and Literature? Tequila Mockingbird. (X-post /r/waterpuns)

Score: 11

what does Harper Lee write when she's drunk? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 11

What's a Mexican's favourite novel? Tequila Mockingbird.

(I'm sure this joke has been made before, but I thought it up this morning.)

Score: 6

Two almonds Two almonds walk into a bar. They order 20 tequila shots each.

Bartender says: "What are you guys, nuts?"

Score: 6

What kind of drink do English majors favour?.... Tequila mockingbird

Score: 5

What do you get when you mix liquor with literature? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 3

Why did the Mexican throw his wife off the cliff? Tequila.

Score: 3

what's the difference between a dog and a fox? 2 shots of tequila

Score: 3

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New Tequila Jokes

A duck walks into a bar... "I'd like a shot of tequila!" he says to the barman.

"Sure, here you go. That's $10 please."

"Ok, just put it on my bill."

Score: 1

I have a couple shots of tequila maybe once every blue moon. Sorry, I wrote that wrong. I have a couple of Blue Moons for every shot of tequila.

Score: 2

It's National Tequila Day. I wasn't gonna celebrate, but then I thought I'd give it a shot.

Score: 3

You hear Harper Lee wrote a novel while drunk? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 2

What's Jose Cuervo's favorite book? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 2

What do you read on cinco de mayo? "Tequila Mockingbird"

Score: 2

Tried mixing Mexican alcohol with 20th century American literature last night… Ended up with tequila mockingbird.

Score: 1

What do you get when you mix English class with alcohol? Tequila Mockingbird

Score: 1

Why did the Mexican push his wife off teh cliff? tequila

Score: 2

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