Tornado Jokes


Funniest Tornado Jokes

What do a tornado, a hurricane, and a redneck divorce have in common? Somebody's gonna lose their trailer.

Score: 244

A farmer in Nebraska just had his fence destroyed by a tornado, and he's asking for our help He heard we have a lot of experts in re-posting

Score: 159
Funny Tornado Jokes
Score: 140

What do a tornado and a redneck divorce have in common? Someone is losing a trailer.

Score: 130

What's the safest place in Dallas during a tornado? The Cowboys stadium, the only place there'll never be a touchdown

Score: 129

I don’t know why everyone is afraid of an F5 tornado... It’s just a refreshing breeze!

Score: 99

What do two rednecks getting divorced and a tornado have in common? Someone is going to lose a trailer.

Score: 75

What do a Florida hurricane, a Kansas tornado, and an Arkansas divorce have in common? Some poor sap's gonna lose a trailer.

Score: 54

What is the similarity between a tornado in Alabama, and a divorce in Alabama? No matter how you look at it, somebody is losing a trailer.

Score: 53

Why did the tornado cross the road? To get the road to the other side.

Score: 52

What do marriage and a tornado have in common? Starts off with a lot of sucking and blowing and the next thing you know your house is gone.

Score: 48

A tornado is a lot like having an affair. At first there is a lot of blowing, but in the end, you just lose your house.

Score: 43

How are a woman and a tornado similar? They start off sucking and blowing but then in the end you lose your house.

Score: 38

whats the diffrence between a tornado and a divorce in the south? nothing. sombodys losing a trailer!

Score: 36

My ex-wife is like a tornado First she blows, then she sucks, then she took my house and dog.

Score: 34

Whats the difference between a tornado and a divorce in the south? Nothing, because either way, someone is losing their trailer.

Score: 33

What's the similarity between a marriage and a tornado? At the start there's lots of sucking and blowing but in the end you lose your house.

Score: 28

What's the difference between a tornado and a divorce in the South? Nothing, someone's losing the trailer.
-Robin Williams

Score: 24

What does a tornado and a black person have in common? It only takes one to ruin a good neighbourhood!

Score: 24

What does a tornado and a black family have in common? It only takes one to ruin the neighborhood.

Score: 24

What’s the difference between a tornado in the south and a southern divorce? Nothing, somebody’s losing the trailer.

- Robin Williams

Score: 23

A powerful tornado tore through our town last night. So far, eight bodies have been found. Plot twister. It only damaged the graveyard.

Score: 22

What does a tornado and a divorce in the south have in common? Somebody is losing a trailer

Score: 22

What did the teenage tornado say to his parents? Nothing. He just stormed off.

Score: 20

What do a tornado and a redneck divorce have in common ? Either way someone's going to lose a trailer.

Score: 19

Why is a tornado like divorce in Alabama? With either one, someones losing the trailer

Score: 18

What's the difference between me and a tornado? A tornado can pick up girls

Score: 16

What are the similarities between a tornado and marriage? They both start off with a lot of blowing and sucking, but in the end you lose your house.

Score: 16

What do a Texas tornado and an Oklahoma divorce have in common? Either way someone's losing a trailer.

Score: 15

What does a tornado and a southern divorce have in common? Someone is losing their trailer

Score: 15

Why did the mad scientist deliberately create a huge fire tornado? Some people just want to watch the whirled burn.

Score: 12

What does a tornado and a red-neck divorce have in common? Either way someone's going to lose a trailer.

Score: 10

What is the most offensive coffee to tornado victims? House blend.

Score: 9

What does a black guy and a tornado have in common? It takes only one to ruin a good neighborhood.

Score: 8

How are a black man and a tornado similar It only takes one to ruin a good neighbourhood

Score: 8

Did you hear about the tornado that blew through the strip club? It was a real titty-twister!

Score: 8

How are a tornado and an Arkansas divorce alike? Whichever one happens, somebody's going to lose a trailer.

Score: 7

I told a tornado joke in Virginia last night. It brought the house down.

Score: 5

What does a divorce and a tornado in Arkansas have in common? Either way, someone’s going to lose a trailer

Score: 5

What does a tornado and a woman have in common? It starts with a little blowing but at the end your house is gone

Score: 4

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New Tornado Jokes

After the Tornado passed through my neighborhood, I was surprised to find that while my house was demolished everything was still there... ...Everything but the kitchen sink.

Score: 1

What’s the similarity of a tornado and a blonde? They start with sucking and blowing, then they take your house Sorry for formating

Score: 2

What weather event would happen if the members of NATO split apart? A tornado

Score: 1

What do you call a windmill that's been swallowed by a tornado? A wind meal

Score: 4

What's the difference between a tornado and a divorce in the south? Nothing, with both of them you're gonna lose a trailer.

Score: 2

What do you call a tornado in Chicago? A bulletstorm.

Score: 2

Whats strong, uplifting, and always gets a spot on the news a tornado

Score: 1

I made my second tornado today, The first one was just a draft.

Score: 2

What does the realtor on HGTV say ... ... about the house that caught fire, was flooded and damaged in a tornado, with no roof, a broken foundation and termite infestation?

*It has a lot of potential* ™

Score: 2

Why is a tornado like a marriage? It all starts off with a lot of sucking and blowing, but in the end you lose your house.

Score: 2

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