Tuna Jokes


Funniest Tuna Jokes

What's the difference between tuna, a piano and glue? You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna.

Score: 2315
Funny Tuna Jokes
Score: 1388

What’s the difference between a piano, a can of tuna, and glue? You can tune a piano, but you can’t piano a tuna

Score: 957

Which one is the odd one out; a Crab, a Tuna, a Chinese man run over by a bus or a Lobster? A tuna, because the rest of them are crustaceans.

Score: 684

I just fell victim to a dad joke Dad: What do you get when you cross a tuna, a piano, and glue.

Me: I don't know?

Dad: You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna.

Me: What about the glue?

Dad: I knew you would get stuck on that part.

Score: 498

What's the difference between a tuna, a piano, and an owl? You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna.

Score: 463

A crab, a tuna, a lobster, and a Chinese man being run over by a steam roller. What doesn't belong? The Tuna, since all of the others are crushedasians.

Score: 184

Given the terms “crab”, “tuna”, “lobster”, and “Chinese guy caught in an avalanche of boulders”, which does not fit? Ans: “tuna”. The other 3 are crushed asians.

Score: 139

What's the difference between a piano, a tuna, and glue? You can tuna piano, but you can't piano tuna!

Score: 122

I made a tuna salad this morning. Stupid thing didn't even eat it.

Score: 66

What's the difference between a Tuna, a piano, and a tub of glue? You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna!

Score: 59

How long should you microwave fish for? Tuna half minutes.

Score: 50

What's the difference between a piano, tuna, and glue? You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna!

Score: 49

Did you hear the one about the armless man and the tuna sandwich? **He didn't make it.**

Score: 45

What's the difference between a tuna, a piano, and glue? You can tuna piano, but you can't piano tuna.

Score: 39

What's the difference between a tuna, a piano and a gluestick? You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna.

Score: 38

Strange new trend at the office People are putting names on food in the company fridge. Today I had a tuna sandwich named Kevin.

Score: 37

I paid a fish to come over to re-key my guitar, piano and drums. He was a professional tuna.

Score: 33

What does a piano, a tuna and glue have in common? You can tuna piano but can't piano a tuna

Score: 24

What's the difference between a piano,tuna and glue. You can tune a piano.
You cant piano a tuna.

Score: 23

Dad: What's the difference between a piano, tuna and some glue? Me: Don't know?

Dad: You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish

Me: What about the glue?

Dad: I knew you'd get stuck on that!

Score: 21

Guess how many fish I got from the market? Tuna half.

Score: 18

Whats the difference between a piano, tuna, and glue? You can tune a piano but you can’t piano a tuna.

Score: 18

What's the best trade a palindrome has ever made? A nut for a jar of tuna.

Score: 17

I looked at the bottom of a tuna tin and it said: "Best Before Date" I thought, "No, it isn't."

Score: 16

How are Michael Jackson and Starfish Tuna similar? They both come in little cans.

Score: 15

What's the difference between glue, tuna and a guitar? You can tuna piano but you can't guitar a tuna

Score: 15

You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass!

Score: 14

Whats the difference between a piano a can of tuna and a bucket of glue... You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna

(Random person) "what about the bucket of glue?"

(You) "I knew you would get stuck on that"

Score: 12

Why did the cat stop singing? Because it was out of tuna.

Score: 11

What's saltier than a tuNa? A barNaCle

Score: 9

What's the difference between a piano, a tuna, and glue? One is an instrument, one is a fish, and one is an adhesive.

Score: 8

What is a jawa's favorite style of pasta? Rotini

Sorry, was picking out pasta for tuna casserole and it made me laugh.

Score: 6

If Romeo and Juliet were tuna... they would be Starkist lovers.

Score: 4

What's the difference between a piano, a tuna, and glue? You can tune a piano, but you can't piano a tuna.

Score: 4

What's the difference between tuna and a piano? You can finger a piano, but fingering tuna gets me kicked out of the aquarium.

Score: 3

I bought a can of tuna cat food, but there was catfish meat inside. I got catfish catfish cat fish.

Score: 3

If western water have swordfish, when what do eastern waters have? Ka*tuna*

Score: 3

Q: "What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?" A: "You can't tuna fish."

Score: 3

What’s the difference between a tuna, a piano, and a pot of glue? You can tuna piano but you can’t piano a tuna

Score: 3

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New Tuna Jokes

What's the difference between a tuna and a piano? You can't mistake a dolphin for a piano.

Score: 0

What is the difference between a piano, a tuna and glue? You can tune a piano, but you cant piano a tuna. I knew you would get stuck on glue.

Score: 2

Dad: what’s the difference in a fish, a piano, and a pot of glue? Daughter: I don’t know
Dad: you can TUNE a piano but you can’t TUNA fish!
Daughter: ok but what about the glue
Dad: I knew you’d get stuck on that

Score: 2

A man messaged his ex : Just ate a tuna taco and suddenly you came in my mind She replied : just now ordered a mini hot dog and it came in 2 minutes , suddenly you came in my mind

Score: 2

I got fired from my job at a tuna cannery because I came into work dressed as Ironman. I told them this was who I was now, and they were being Starkist.

Score: 2

Why was the musician bad at fishing? Because he didn't know how to tuna fish

Score: 1

Why did the tuna cross the strait? To get to the other tide.

Score: 2

How many cans of tuna can a toucan can if a toucan can can tuna? Two cans!

Score: 1

What kind of fish is funny, beautiful and a good role model for young women? Tuna Fey.

Score: 1

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