Why is the ocean so salty? Because the land doesn't wave back.
How do you say goodbye to 20,000 Japanese? With a big wave.
Taylor swift waved at a boy yesterday But he didn't wave back... So she will have a new album coming out tomorrow.
How do you say goodbye to an Indonesian? with a big wave
A whale and a wave make a bet. (Just made this up.) The whale says to the wave, "I bet I could beat in a race to land." The wave agrees, so the whale takes off. He swims so fast, he drives himself ashore. The wave following behind him says " Hah! Beached ya!"
How do you say goodbye to 230,000 Indonesians? A big wave.
Why is the sea salty? Because the land does not wave back.
Hope Today I saw a Chinese baby and a Black baby wave at each other. It gives me hope for the future. Or at least another Rush Hour movie.
Is the ocean salty because... the land doesn't wave back?
I was sailing my boat when a massive hand rose out of the water and then slowly disappeared. I thought, "Thats the biggest wave I’ve ever seen."
Why is the ocean so salty?
Probably because the land doesn't wave back.
Credit: local radio
How many 3rd wave feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Whats the point? 3rd wave feminists can't take a joke anyway.
An ultralow frequency sine wave radiates into a bar. The bartender says, "Hey, why the long phase?"
Which kitchen appliance do surfers dislike most? The micro wave.
How do you get an one-armed person down a tree Wave at them
Why is the ocean salty? Because the land doesn't wave back
Why is the sea so salty? because the land won't wave back.
How do you get a one armed blonde out of a tree? You wave at her.
Dying in a tsunami isn't so bad... At least the earth gives you a wave goodbye.
Today, I saw a black guy wave to an Asian from across the street. It gives me hope for the future... Rush Hour 4!
A radio wave walks into a bar and asks for a pint. The barman says, "here you go, but why the long phase?"
How do you get a 1 armed man out of a tree Wave
Maybe the ocean is so salty because the land doesn't wave back
After the recent wave of Trump primary victories, what did Nancy Reagan request for her funeral before she died? To be laid to rest beside the remains of the Republican party
A quantum object turns from wave to a particle... "It's just a prank bro! Look, there's the observer!!"
How Do You Get A One-Armed Man Out Of a Tree? You Wave.
A mathematician is paying for his groceries... A mathmatician is paying for his groceries and the cashier asks for him to write his signature. He draws a single wave on the pad. When he sees the cashiers' confused look he says, "What? it says 'sign here'."
How do you get a one armed man out of a tree? Wave to him
How do you get a one armed man off a tree? You wave to him
How do you get a one-armed man out of a tree? Wave at him.
Ripple Its when a group of midgets do the wave.
How do you make a guy with one arm fall out of a tree? Wave
Fun fact, bulls aren’t angered by the color red, but the waving motion of the cloth Which makes absolute sense since my neighbor gives me a scowl whenever I wave to her, Sharon you cow
My Texan friends really seem to love German cars. Every time I see them, they smile, wave real friendly-like and say, "Audi!"
What did the wave call its grandmother? Gamma!
How do you get a one armed stoner out of a tree? Wave at them..
Salty Ocean... Is the ocean salty because land didn't wave back 🤔
A photon both raises his hand and shouts "Goodbye!" It's a wave and a parting call.
What is it called when a wave hits you in the face? A beach slap.
I was on the beach and got hit by a massive wave of cake It was a tiramisunami.
What do you Ska & COVID-19 have in common? No one could resist having a third wave.
What do you call a bad wave An epic flail
How have French citizens been known to wave to their government? With their arms
So apparently the wave at baseball games have now been banned. Pollock drowned.
My maths teacher just taught me how to do wave functions he is my sin π
Why does Harley drivers never wave back at other motorcyclists? Because its too hard controlling a wheel barrel with one hand.
Why on earth would you want to live in a place called "Ohio"?
Ohio isn't something you call a place. Ohio is something you say in the case of mistaken identity. It's like:
"Oh, hi!" [wave], "Oh." [awkward lowering of hand]
I made this one up.
I tried to wave at my friend over there, but he could only hear it. When he waved back, I also heard the same sound sound. Guess it's a sine.
Does the beach wave back when the ocean waves? No, but it appreciates the sediment.
A wave came in and washed away the sand castle I spent hours making.. but it's ok, they weren't my sediments exactly
Life is kinda like a wave Or is it more like a particle?
Electrons treat their religion like a sporting event Every time they hold mass, they do the wave
Why did the sine wave? Cos Tan waved first.
Yo mamas glasses so thick when she looks at a map, she can see people wave
How do you make a one armed idiot, fall out of a tree? Wave.
Why did the 2nd wave feminists keep burning their bras? They can't cook.
how do you kill a blonde with only one arm that climbed a lamppost? You wave to her.
Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump are on a ship when a rogue wave causes it to capsize. Who survives? America
What does a chef and a gravitational wave astronomer have in common? They both work in gastronomy