If America is storming Area 51 then the Europeans can storm the Vatican We’ll take the aliens, you get the predators
On this day, when we Americans storm Area 51, you Europeans should storm the Vatican Archives We'll take on the aliens, you'll take on the predators.
If Americans storm Area 51, Europeans should storm the Vatican They can get the aliens, we'll get the predators.
What does Area 51 and a g-spot have in common? All these guys talking about what they’re going to do to it, but they can’t even find it.
Why do spiders hate Area 51? It's a no-fly zone.
Trump has just been debriefed about the aliens in area 51 he wants them deported immediately
Since were storming Area 51, why not storm the Vatican... By your logic they can’t rape all of us.
Hey girl are you Area 51? Cause the government will shoot me for trying to get inside you forcefully
People keep talking about how they’re going to raid Area 51 Don’t they know that Donald Trump is moving all the aliens to Mexico?
Priests should join the raid on area 51 So that it'll be aliens vs predators
I think now that we've meemed and raided area 51, we should also raid the Vatican so we can compare... We could call it Aliens vs Predators
In honor of Area 51, what do you call too many aliens in one place??? Extra terrestrials
What do the Vatican and Area 51 have in common? They are both probing Uranus.
Donald Trump heard about the Area 51 raid today and he said he wants to go. He said, "if there are illegal aliens there I want to find them and send them back to their own planet."
America is storming Area 51 Let Europe storm the Vatican.
America can have the Aliens.
Europe will get the Predators.
I don’t understand Area 51 memes There so alien to me
What if we tell the flat earthers that the answers they are looking for are in Area 51 Then that way we get to watch people storm Area 51 and no one dies that anyone cares about!
All these people posting about invading Area 51.. All they need to do is change the “restricted area” signs to “now hiring” and “now recruiting and it’ll lower the numbers by at least half.
I think the Area 51 raid is just stupid. How do we not know the government won't just relocate them aliens before the 20th?
Some might doubt that TV shows inspired hundreds of thousands of people to raid Area 51 looking for supernatural beings but I've seen stranger things
Catholic Priests should storm Area 51 So it’s Aliens vs. Predator
Jokes on us when the “Storm Area 51” event... turns out to be a timeshare presentation.
I have a feeling that quite a few people are getting "probed" over at Area 51 this weekend. And its not by aliens.
Since Americans technically stormed Area 51
Europeans will have to storm Vatican.
You guys get the aliens, we will get the predators.
Man these Area 51 memes are so under-raided. That’s it. That’s the joke.
Guys I m sneaking into Area 51 They didn't see m...
We stormed Area 51 and found an alien He’s name is Juan, they found him at the border.
Hey girl are you Area 51? Cause the Government will shoot me for trying to get inside you forcefully 😳
Can you imagine Netflix making a TV show about storming Area 51? But then again, Stranger Things has happened
A man dressed up as an alien at the Area 51 Raid.
The FBI showed up and said,
I don’t understand why people are mad about the Area 51 Raid. It’s just natural selection if they die
I guess since Chuck Norris will be raiding Area 51 We can be sure there will be no aliens there
Area 51 and constipation are the same my dad says A lot goes in but aint nothing coming out.
I found an alien at Area 51 that couldn't stop swearing! It was an extratourretestrial.
The signage at the Area 51 event is pretty crazy. They are out of this world.
I had a cockroach that learned to meme. But, he died. It tried Raid at Area 51
Pretty sure aliens don't exist and there's no area 51... If they did, Trump would have tweeted about it by now.
What does a neckbeard say when he gets into Area 51? M'othership.
what the best thing in area 51? (removed)