Boo Jokes


Funniest Boo Jokes

What is a ghost pirate’s favorite kind of tea? Boo tea.

(Courtesy of my 6 year old)

Score: 10245

From my 7 year-old son: What rhymes with 'boo' and really stinks? You.

Why I oughta...!

Edit: Wow, thanks for all the love. My son is quite the character and he really caught me off guard with this!

Score: 1842

Where do you take someone who has been injured in a Peak-A-Boo accident? To the I-C-U

Score: 1752

What religion do ghosts practice? Boo-ddhism

Score: 1069

Where do Peek-a-boo patients go? The ICU.

Score: 520
Funny Boo Jokes
Score: 133

My wife walked into the room and I snuck up behind her and yelled; BOO! She cried hysterically and ran outside. I always do this to her but I guess it was funnier when I was alive.

Score: 131

What bee produces milk? A boo-bee

Score: 77

My 7 year old daughter drops this joke on me. What kind of bee's make milk?


Score: 65

My 8-Year old patient was so pround, mom was not. Q: What type of bees make milk?

A: BOO-Bees!

And then he just couldn't stop laughing. Mom turned 50 shades of red and blamed dad. Good times.

Score: 63

What do you call it when a Chinese ghost hits you with a stick? Bam! *Boo*!

Score: 53

What kind of Bees give the Most Milk? Boo Bees

Score: 44

What do you call a french ghost that likes anime? A oui-a-boo.

Score: 42

Why couldn't the bee dress as a ghost for Halloween? Because people are offended by seeing Boo Bees.

Score: 33

How can you tell when a bar is haunted? It's full of Boo's and Spirits.

Score: 31

What did the ghost say to the bees? Boo Bees

Score: 28

If honey bees make honey, what type of bees make milk? Boo bees...... My dad just told me this one

Score: 27

Why was the ghost an alcoholic? Because he likes boo's!

Score: 27

What kind of bees make milk instead of honey? "Boo-bees"

Score: 24

What do you call bees that produce milk? Boo-Bees....

Score: 24

Wanna play a game? >!Peek-A-Boo!<

Score: 21

What kind of bees make milk? Boo bees.

Score: 19

What do kinky ghosts enjoy? Boo-kake

Score: 19

Which bees produce milk? ...The boo-bees!

Score: 19

What did the cow with a cold say? Boo

Score: 18

What's the noisiest plant? Bam!

Score: 16

I dressed up like a giant rooster and scared my wife. Apparently she doesn’t like boo cocky.

Score: 15

What did the Ghost say to the Bee? Boo Bee

Score: 14

What does an alcoholic ghost drink? BOO'S.

Score: 14

What do you use to plan a haunted house? Boo prints. :)

Score: 13

What is a panda afraid of? Bam-boo

Score: 13

How do you scare bees? "Boo-bees!"

Gold from my local preacher

Edit: Formatting

Score: 11

If cows say "moo" and ghosts say "boo", what does the ghost of a cow say? Nothing. Cows don't have souls.

Score: 10

Did you hear about the epileptic who played peek-a-boo? Now he seizure

Now he don't

Score: 8

A turkey and his friend are walking down a street... When a ghost pops out and screams "Boo!". The friend screams in terror while the turkey has no reaction. A while later, the friend asked why the Turkey wasn't afraid. He responded "I'm not chicken".

Score: 6

What do you call a scary cake that keeps coming back? A boo meringue

Score: 6

What do you call a ghost's injury? A boo-boo

Score: 5

What do you call a drug addict who likes anime? Weed-a-boo

Score: 4

How is the bar at the ghost wedding set up? Boo's on the left,
Spirit's on the right

Score: 4

What did the French baker buy his wife to surprise her on Valentine's day? BOO-lingerie

Score: 4

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New Boo Jokes

I was surprised when the audience of the Australian cooking show applauded for the merangè I thought Australians would boo merangè

Score: 0

Why will childrens programming never show ghostly pollinators? Because they are Boo Bees.

Score: 0

Why didn't the skeleton like performing at the ghost theater? He was always boo-ed off stage. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Score: 1

A mother ghost was putting it's child ghost to bed... Mother: "I love you~"

Child: "I love you boo~"

Mother: "I love you more~"

Child: "I love you the GHOST~!"

Score: 3

What bee can you get milk from? A boo bee.

Score: 3

What do you get when you cross a ghost with a swarm of honeybees? BOO-BEES!

Score: 4

Where does a ghost go on vacation? Mali-boo

Score: 2

How does a ghost gang bang end? With boo-kakke.

Score: 2

You hear about these bees that produce milk instead of honey? They’re called BOO-BEES

Score: 2

Halloween jokes What kind of music do mummies listen to?
Wrap music.

What kind of mistakes do ghosts make?
Boo boos.

Whay do you call wood that's scared?

Score: 2

How does a ghost go surfing? On a BOO-gie board.

Score: 2

What did the ghost say to the bartender? More boo's please

Score: 2

which is the scariest plant? The BAM-BOO!

Score: 2

One of my most loving memories of my mom was when I scraped my knee and she kissed my boo-boo and put a bandaid on it. It really stuck with me.

Score: 4

What's a pirate's favorite drink? Boo-tea

Score: 2

You can really scare someone when you yell “Peek-a-boo!”. Especially when they’re trying on clothes in the fitting room.

Score: 2

If honey bees make honey, what kind of bees make milk? Boo-bees. (Joke courtesy of miss 6)

Score: 3

What is a ghost's favorite fruit? Boo-nanas.

Score: 3

What do you call an ghost with a hard on? A boo-ner

Score: 1

What did the theatre critic's ghost say? Boo

Score: 2

I hate it when a whole heap of people wearing cargo pants unexpectedly gather around me and get all excited. It's like "Boo! Khaki party!"

Score: 3

Did you hear about the ghost who liked anime? What a Wea- Boo!

Score: 1

Where does Honey Boo Boo live? Obe City.

Score: 1

What's a ghosts favorite food? A boo-rito

Score: 2

What did the ghost say to the hornets? BOO bees

Score: 2

Why did they only make one Yogi Bear? When they tried to make a second one, they made a Boo-Boo...

Score: 2

What happened when Honey Boo Boo's mom lost 120 pounds? An amber alert was issued

Score: 1

What do you call a repetative job at a haunted house? A day-job-boo!

Score: 2

How do you scare a bee? Boo bee. (Boobie - get it? - courtesy of my kids)

Score: 3

Why do ghosts like going out? So they can drink boo-ze and get sheet-faced.

Score: 3

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