Color Jokes


Funniest Color Jokes

Funny Color Jokes
Score: 5690

My least favorite color is purple. I hate it more than red and blue combined.

Score: 4933

I got a vasectomy but my gf still got pregnant. Apparently, all a vasectomy does is change the color of the baby.

Score: 3404

Purple is my favorite color! I like it more than blue and red combined.

Score: 1885

I was forced to swallow purple food color. I feel violated.

Score: 1688

Whats a fedora clad, neck bearded gentlemen's favorite color? M'genta

Score: 1616

I thought vasectomies were supposed to keep me from getting my wife pregnant?? Apparently, it just changes the color of the baby. Go figure.

Score: 1593

Why aren't color blind people allowed to join the police force? They wouldn't know who to shoot

Score: 1556

What color does your skin turn when you pour molten gold onto it? Au-burn


Score: 1370

A husband buys a dozen panties of the same color for his wife. His wife protests:"Why all the same color, people will think I dont change my panties."
Husband asks:"Which people?"

Score: 1154

What is a chameleon that cannot change color? A reptile dysfunction

Score: 580

My black friend asked me where to find the color copier I said it's 2015 and he can use whatever copier he wants to

Score: 562

After my vasectomy I thought I couldn't get my wife pregenant Apparently it just changes the color of the baby

Score: 407

What do you call an imaginary color? A pigment of your imagination.

Score: 359

Hey did you hear about the chameleon that couldn't change color? It had a reptile dysfunction

Score: 326

Today I thought of a color that doesn't exist... but then I realized it was just a pigment of my imagination.

Score: 317

I wanted to tell you all about a color I made up..... but, as it turns out, it was just a pigment of my imagination.

Score: 259

I was disappointed to find out a vasectomy doesn’t prevent you from getting your wife pregnant. It just changes the color of the baby. :(

Score: 236

Today I saw this absolutely stunning color that I've never seen before! It was indescribable, but when I blinked, it disappeared. I guess it was just a pigment of my imagination.

Score: 231

I had a vasectomy. Did you know that it actually doesn't prevent your wife from getting pregnant it just changes the color of the baby. Or at least that's what my mailman said.

Score: 210

I had vasectomy so my wife wouldn't get pregnant... But apparently all it does is change the color of your baby

Score: 201

I accidentally drank the water we used to color eggs for Easter. I think I dyed a little inside.

Score: 166

Did you hear about the old chameleon that couldn't change color? He had *a reptile dysfunction*.

Score: 163

I thought up a color that doesn't exist... It's just a pigment of my imagination.

Score: 163

I just got diagnosed with color blindness. I gotta say this diagnosis came out of the orange.

Score: 157

I got a vasectomy but my wife still got pregnant Apparently all it does is change the color of the baby

Score: 156

[OC] What color is someone's aura when they're about to die? Cyan Aura

Score: 142

I thought my vasectomy would keep my wife from getting pregnant..... Turns out it just changes the color of the baby.

Score: 125

Am I able to think up of a brand new color... ...or will it just be a pigment of my imagination?

Score: 119

Today i thought i saw a new color... but it turned out to just be a pigment of my imagination

Score: 118

What's the strongest color? Super Cyan

Score: 80

I thought getting a vasectomy would prevent my wife from getting pregnant... But apparently it just changes the color of the baby

Score: 72

What's the difference between the color pink and the color purple? Your grip!

Score: 54

I thought getting a vasectomy would prevent my wife from getting pregnant I thought getting a vasectomy would prevent my wife from getting pregnant.

Apparently, all it does is change the color of the baby.

Score: 49

The murder rate among trans women of color is so high You'd think they were black guys.

Score: 45

If you had $1 for every time you've masturbated What color would your Bugatti be?

Score: 42

I tried to make up a new color today It turns out it was just a pigment of my imagination

Score: 42

I thought getting a vasectomy would prevent birth But apparently it just changes the color of the baby.

Score: 39

My Boss thought that getting a vasectomy would keep his wife from getting pregnant. All it did was change the color of the baby.

Score: 39

I saw a new color in a dream last night. I think it was just a pigment of my imagination.

Score: 33

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New Color Jokes

Just failed my Marine corp entry exam.... They told us to color a picture of the American flag and I'm the only one that didn't eat the crayons.

Score: 0

What do you call a color you just came up with? A pigment of your imagination.

Score: 0

A little girl attending a wedding asked her mother why the bride wears white "Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life", says the mother.

"Oh", says the girl. "Is the groom *that* unhappy about the whole thing?"

Score: 0

Fun fact, bulls aren’t angered by the color red, but the waving motion of the cloth Which makes absolute sense since my neighbor gives me a scowl whenever I wave to her, Sharon you cow

Score: 7

Y’all need to be careful when talking about the color of the upvote arrow. It’s orange but if you keep talking it gonna be blue.

Score: 2

What do you call a chameleon incapable of changing color? A reptile dysfunction

Score: 4

I just heard the Klan isn't racist anymore. Instead of fighting color they're fighting crime.

(I'm so sorry)

Score: 3

What is the color of dripping water? Pink.




Score: 1

Black people shouldn’t be called people of color They should be called shady people

Score: 2

How could racism exist back then? How could racism exist back then if nobody could see color?

Score: 2

What’s Stalins least favorite color? Tsartreuse

Score: 0

I got a vasectomy so I wouldn't have anymore children, Turns out, vasectomy only changes the color of your child.

Score: 5

An African American guy in College ... Asks a white dude:
- Hey man where’s the color printer?
Dude replies:
- Man, it’s 2018, you can use any printer you want!

Score: 8

Just found out that I am color blind The diagnosis came completely out of the purple.

Score: 7

A color blind person is feeling down He’s feeling a little purple

Score: 3

What it's called when a Chameleon can't change it's color anymore? A reptile dysfunction.

Score: 3

Remember it's St Patrick's day today, try and stand out from the crowd... ... wear all orange, it's also an Irish color

Score: 2

I just had to take my chameleon to the vet as he can't change color anymore He's been diagnosed with A'reptile dysfunction

Score: 1

I unexpectedly found out I’m color blind That sure came out of the yellow

Score: 6

People always name Jell-o by its color rather than the flavor. I think that's a little tasteless.

Score: 3

My girlfriend is at the barber. She is dying to get a new hair color.

Score: 4

Roses are blue, violets are red I have color blindness.

Score: 1

Last night I dreamt in color... Turns out it was just a pigment of my imagination

Score: 12

What is the color of the wind? Blew.

Score: 33

I was in a comedy club where the performer referred to asians with the n-word in one of his jokes. I thought that was a bit off-color.

Score: 1

I really counted on my vasectomy to keep my girl from getting pregnant... but apparently it only changes the baby's skin color...

Score: 20

If a genie offered you a choice between ending world hunger or getting a billion dollars What color would your Lamborghini be?

Score: 3

I visited my eye doctor the other day for an eye test. Found out I was color blind, it was completely out of the purple. Devastated.

Score: 3

If you don't know how the upvoting system works... Click to color a caret carrot-colored.

Score: 1

Why America changed the spelling of words America:Color








England: What are you doing?

Murica': Getting rid of u.

Score: 10

I had a vasectomy. The doctors will tell you that you won't be able to have kids anymore. I'm here to tell you that it just changes the color of the kids. #stayinformed

Score: 7

What color is jam in Germany? The skin is brown and the inside is orange.

Score: 1

I got a vasectomy I was told it would keep her from getting pregnant, turns out all it does is change the color of the baby.

Score: 22

Where do crayons go on vacation? Color-ado

Score: 4

Did you hear that Glidden just came out with a new paint color? It's called "blonde." It's not very bright, but spreads easily.

Score: 2

Why can't you remember the color of packing peanuts from your birthday gifts? You can't remember things that are always in the present.

Score: 1

Red called blue. Blue picked up the phone and said "yellow?" Red replied "you must not have color id"

Score: 2

I was diagnosed with color blindness just an hour ago. It came right out of the purple.

Edit: Dammit, I accidentally put a space between "color" and "blindness".

Score: 4

It's said that no two people see the color the exact same way. I like to think it's just A pigment of our imagination

I'll go now.

Score: 4

Oh, what have the days come to, I can't even say "black paint" anymore I have to say, "Man of color, would you please paint the fence?"

Score: 1

If you had to choose between a long lasting relationship and 10 million dollars What color would your Porsche be ?

Score: 7

Turns out vasectomies don't stop your wife from having babies... They just change the color of them.

Score: 2

TIL that knitting ex champion Teresa Keller lost her title in 2011 just because she was kitting with a slightly different color. Oops wrong thread.

Score: 1

Racism is stupid. Why hate a person based on his/her skin color? If you just took the time to know them as a person, you can find a whole lot of other things to hate them for.

Score: 18

What's a frat bro's favorite color? Natty White

Score: 1

I got vasectomy thinking it would stop me from making any more babies... Turns out, it just makes them a different color.

Score: 2

Pigment Dreams If you dream in color that color is a pigment of your imagination>

Score: 3

"Stain, color, darken, tint..." Those were my grandfather's dyeing words.

Score: 2

What's the difference between gray and grey? One is a color, the other is a colour.

Score: 5

What is a telephone's favorite color? Green green, green green

Score: 19

How did the blind man respond to being called a racist? "I don't see color."

Score: 2


Score: 1

I'm torn: on the one hand, I absolutely hate xenophobia, sexism, and racism on the other hand, orange is my favorite color.

Score: 4

What was Hitler's favorite color to use when painting? Aryan white.

Score: 4

What does a color blind racist say? I don't see color
I see race

Score: 3

You hear about the chameleon that couldn't change color? He had a reptile dysfunction.

Score: 9

Goth people wear black to reflect the color of their souls... Except ginger goths. They go naked.

Score: 13

The color red walks over to the table where Blue and Purple are sitting "Sorry," says Blue, "you can't sit with us. You aren't cool enough."

Score: 5

How do you call a blond who changed her hair color to brown? Artificial Intelligence!

Score: 4

What do you call a blonde who colors her hair another color? Artificial Intelligence

Score: 31

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