Dance Jokes


Funniest Dance Jokes

I once had a goldfish that could break-dance on a carpet, but only for like 20 seconds...

Score: 1886
Funny Dance Jokes
Score: 1002

How many dance teachers does it take to change a light bulb? 5678

Score: 970

I went to a dance. First they played 'Jump', so I jumped.

Then they played 'The Twist', so I twisted.

Then they played 'Come On Eileen', so I got kicked out.

Score: 461

My 5 year old daughter wants a Tampon for Christmas She has no idea what it is, but she knows what you can do with it.
Swim, ride, hike, dance, play tennis, ...

Score: 358

I got so drunk last night I got so drunk last night I walked across the dance floor to get another drink and won the dance contest.

Score: 241

What do you call a formula that can predict Al Gore's dance moves? An Al Gore Rhythm algorithm.

Score: 238

School dances this year are going to be like Fortnite lobbies... Lots of stupid dance moves and unnecessary shooting

Score: 220

My wife hasn't spoken to me since I fingered her twin by mistake during a drunken dance at a wedding. He's not happy about it either.

Score: 172

I hate it when they say, "white people can't dance"... Like Hello? We had the king of pop himself micheal Jackson.

Score: 169

I went to a dance. First they played 'Jump', and I jumped.

Then they played 'The Twist', and I twisted.

Then they played 'Come On Eileen', and I got kicked out.

Score: 129

Why can't Stephen Hawking dance? Because he's white.

Score: 112

I tried teaching my dog how to dance, but it turns out... ...he's got 2 left feet.

Score: 88

Why are Native Americans the most successfull strippers? Because when they dance, they make it rain.

Score: 85

Why do ballerinas dance on their toes? So they don’t wake up the audience!

Score: 84

What's the difference between a club and a strip club? A club has a beat that you can dance to, a strip club has a dance that you can beat to.

Score: 79

Man my friends are such jerks, as soon as I tell them I'm a dance addict... ...what do they do? Put me in this amazing 12-step program.

Score: 59

Why are native americans the best strippers? Because when they dance they make it rain.

Score: 48

I hate when my wife drags me to a dance class. She knew I was paraplegic when she married me.

Score: 48

I went to a dance club last night... >They played 'The Twist', and so I did the twist.

>They played 'Jump', and I jumped.

>They played 'Come on Eileen', and I got kicked out of the club.

-Not mine, but I thought I'd share.

Score: 45

I went to a dance club last night... They played "The Twist, " so I twisted.
Then they played "Jump, " so I jumped.
Then they played "Come on Eileen, "
....and I got thrown out. :-(

Score: 42

Scientists have recently discovered a new bioluminescent bug that performs a strange dance any time there is a full moon. They are calling it a Raving Luna Tick.

Score: 42

I majored in Politics, Computer Science, and Dance. Now I'm stuck writing Al Gore Rhythms.

Score: 40

At a Down Syndrome disco... ...Do you think they have a slow dance?

Score: 34

Why didn't the skeleton like to dance? Because he had no body to dance with!

Score: 33

A man and wife went to a new dance club... The first song was "The Twist," so they did the twist.

The second song was "The Monster Mash," so they did the monster mash.

The third song was "Come on, Eileen." They were thrown out.

Score: 32

What do you call a sequence of dance moves made by Al Gore? An algorithm.

Score: 28

Why didn't the butterfly go to the dance? Because it was a moth ball.

Score: 24

Wanna dance? Two Girls were sitting at a club. One was ugly and the another one was beautiful.

Dave walked straight to the ugly girl.

Dave: Hello!

Ugly girl: Hi!!

Dave: Wanna dance?

Ugly Girl: Yes (excited)

Dave: OK, Go and dance. I wanna talk to your friend.

Score: 23

I got kicked out of a bar last night... It was a goofy place, they had a “classic music” dance contest. I was the clear winner. They played “The Hustle” so I did The Hustle. They played “The Twist” so I did the twist.

But then they played “Come On Eileen”

Score: 23

I am like Colgate toothpaste when I dance Noticeably White

Score: 22

I said to my wife's mother "when you're dead, I'll dance in your grave." she said: "Good, I'm being buried at sea."

Score: 21

What do you call a white person having a seizure on the dance floor? An improvement.

Score: 19

I had a fish that could break dance on the floor... But only for like 30 seconds...and only once.

Score: 17

My half Native American friend Les tried to teach me to rain dance, but we could only ever muster a light mist... I guess I'm just going to have to make dew with Les.

Score: 16

My dad said not to go to cheap, low class strip clubs, because I'll see things I shouldn't... Sure enough, I had to go and there's my dad getting a lap dance.

Score: 11

Why are native Americans such good strippers? Every time they dance they make it rain.

Score: 11

Why are Native American strippers the best? When they dance they make it rain.

Score: 9

The three most arguably important historical revolutions: The Russian, the French, and dance dance

Score: 9

I tried to teach my dog to dance today. It was useless. He’s got two left feet.

Score: 9

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New Dance Jokes

Nothing compares to the resilience of the Brazilians, the impatience of the Haitians, the skill at dance of the Puerto Ricans... and the love for guns of the Americans.

Score: 1

How do you make a Rock dance? Add ing to it

Score: 0

What was Chip's favorite dance style? Salsa.

Score: 2

I went to a middle school dance back in the day. It was kinda lame, looking back on it. The music was bad, they ran out of food, and there wasn’t even a punch line.

Score: 4

In which dance movie was Godzilla made the lead star? Stomp the yard

Score: 2

At a disfigured children's ball... A boy with a wooden eye goes up to a girl with a harelip and asks her to dance.

"Oh boy, would I!"

The boy walks off in a huff and screams, "Sorry I'm not good enough for you, girl harelip!"

Score: 3

An interviewer asks one of Micheal Jacksons' siblings to describe him in simple form. So he says:

He sings

He dance

But most importantly

He He

Score: 1

I won't let my kid watch dance movies. It's too choreographic.

Score: 2

Stormy Daniels was arrested for breaking an Ohio law that prohibits "anyone who isn’t a family member from touching a nude dancer." I for one, am glad that we still live in a country where a son can still touch his mother while she dance for him.

Score: 1

I got kicked out of a retirement home today Apparently “Get down before being put down” is not an acceptable name for a dance event.

Score: 3

So there was a dance and the butterfly couldn't come It was a moth ball

Score: 1

What do you get when a white boy has a seizure in the middle of a dance routine? An improvement.

Score: 2

I feel bad for skeletons when they go to prom. They have no body to dance with.

Score: 1

What is M. Night Shyamalan's favourite dance? The samba

Bet you thought it was the twist

Score: 4

I wonder... I wonder if a stripper has ever given a lap dance to a horse veterinarian to the song "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay."

Score: 2

My wife gave me a mouse and a keyboard for my birthday. I learned to play "KLONKY DONKEY" on the keyboard and trained that little fella to dance.

Score: 3

What is something that's burried but you can still dance on it? A beet

Score: 9

Drink, dance, and feel merry Until Mary leaves

Score: 1

What is a horses favorite dance? The neigh neigh.

Score: 2

How do you dance with an elephant? Carefully

Score: 1

You can wiggle and jiggle, shake and dance But the last 3 drops are meant for your pants

Score: 2

Where do cats go to dance? The hairball

Score: 1

Smells like Urine What is 40ft long and smells like urine?

A line dance at an old folks home.

Score: 3

I asked my friend who's in a wheel chair why he hated dance music so much? He's not sure why he told me, He just can't stand it.

Score: 1

What do ghosts dance to? Soul Music

Score: 3

What do you call a girl that can table dance infinitely due to unusual geometry infinitely due to unusual the geometry A Mobius stripper

Score: 4

Anyone ever hear the joke about the dance with no refreshments? It has no punchline

Score: 2

I tried to teach my dog to dance today It was useless. He's got two left feet.

Score: 2

Why couldn't Beethoven go to the dance? He was too baroque.

Score: 2

What do you get from a stripper with hemorrhoids? A prolapsed dance.

Score: 4

Why did the ex Vice President dance so procedurally? He invented an Al-Gore-Rhythm.

Score: 5

How do chemists dance? They break it down

Score: 1

What loves dance-offs, fight Decepticons and can boost AC voltages without boosting total power? A step-up transformer.

Made this up nearly 10 years back.

Score: 2

At the local catholic high school dance, all the DJ's jokes were about me... I was the only person in the punch line.

Score: 2

What'd the hobbit say when the trees started to dance? That's ENT-ertainment!

Score: 1

I thought I could never be a good dancer until I discovered Dance Dance Revolution. Though I've only really mastered one move, it's a step in the right direction.

Score: 5

My newborn nephew entered the world with the innate ability to dance. They ran tests and found that he got the ability by being born with an extra chromosome. The doctors are calling it... "Get down syndrome"

Score: 4

Why the skeleton didn't dance Cause he had nobody to dance with

Score: 1

So I went to this job interview the other day... Interviewer: how would you describe yourself?

me: preferably with words, but I've also prepared a modern dance!

Score: 5

How do robots dance? They beep-bop

Score: 1

What's the modern term for having dance fever? Twerkberculosis

Score: 1

How do you make a tissue dance ? You put a little boogie on it

Score: 1

Did you hear about the werewolf who got invited to the dance? He really wanted to go, but the upcoming full moon was giving him paws.

Score: 3

What do you call a white man having a seizure on the dance floor? An improvement.

Score: 7

What do you call a formula that can predict Al Gore's dance moves? An Al-Gore-Rhythm

Score: 1

What does a climate change scientist and a statistician dance to? Al Gore-Rhythms

Score: 1

How do you make a handkerchief dance? Put a little boogie in it.

Score: 3

Daughter's Dance Class Apparently, it's not acceptable to ask a mom if her daughter's dance class has horizontal or vertical brass poles.

Score: 1

Did you hear they figured out how to make an environmentalist dance? They used an Al Gore rhythm.

Score: 1

Why is George Michaels never gonna dance again? His EKG ain't got no rythym

Score: 2

Last Christmas, George Michael's heart gave up... Now he's never gonna dance again.

Score: 1

My grandma won the local grocery store's anual dance competition. She didn't miss a beet.

Score: 4

No matter how much you shake and dance... ...the last few drops end up in your pants.

-Tales from the Urinal

Score: 1

Why could nobody win a dance off at the annual African American ball? Because it was a black tie event

Score: 2

You know how to make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it.

Score: 5

Classicle Dance insult Girl: You would be a good dancer except for two things.
Boy: What are the two things?
Girl: Your feet.

Score: 2

A Christmas joke for you: Where do snowmen go to dance? The snowball!

Score: 2

I was trying to teach my dog to dance. But he has two left feet.

Score: 2

What war-dance did George Washington perform after becoming incontinent? (Not gross) The War of In-Depends Dance.

Score: 1

What is the best joke you have heard that was on the end of a Popsicle stick? Here is mine: Q: Where do snowmen dance?


A: At the snowball.

Best joke at the end of a Popsicle stick

Score: 4

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