Detective Jokes


Funniest Detective Jokes

My girlfriend said, "You act like a detective too much. I want to split up." "Good idea," I replied. "We can cover more ground that way."

Score: 22559

My girlfriend told me she's sick of me pretending to be a detective. Girlfriend: "I'm sick of you pretending you're a detective. I think we should split up."

Me: "Good idea. We can cover more ground that way."

Score: 2474

My girlfriend said she was sick of me pretending to be a detective... ...and that "we should split up"

"Good idea", I said, "that way we can cover more ground"

Score: 1517

Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez. “How was he killed” asked one detective. “With a golf gun.” Replied the second detective.

“A golf gun? What’s a golf gun?”

“I don’t know, but it sure made a hole in Juan”

Score: 1029

GF: I'm sick of you pretending you're a detective. We should split up ME: Good idea. We can cover more ground that way.

Score: 971

My girlfriend said she's fed up with me always pretending I’m a detective, and that we should split up... I told her that’s great, we can cover more ground that way.

Score: 576

Within minutes, the detective figured out what the murder weapon was. It was a brief case.

Score: 440

My girlfriend said, "You act too much like a detective . I want to split up." "Good idea," I replied. "We can cover more ground that way."

Score: 416

My girlfriend wanted a favor from me Her: I want you to kill my ex and make it seem like an accident

Me: Say no more


Detective: It looks like the killer beat him to death and then placed a banana peel by his feet

Score: 225

Girlfriend Detective Girlfriend: "I'm sick of you pretending you're a detective. I think we should split up."

Me: "Good idea. We can cover more ground that way."

Score: 219

What do you call when you cross a detective with an electrician Sherlock Ohms

(sorry if this is repost, I thought of it in class)

Score: 133

My girlfriend said that she wanted to split up because I acted too much like a detective I said "good idea, we'll cover more ground!"

Score: 100

GF: I'm sick of you pretending you're a Detective. I think we should split up. Me:

Good idea, we can cover more ground that way.

Score: 84

My girlfriend: “You act like a detective too much, I want to split up.” “Good idea,” I said, “We can cover more ground that way.”

Score: 52
Funny Detective Jokes
Score: 38

My girlfriend is getting bored of my obsession with pretending to be a detective, she's suggested we should split up. It's a good idea, we'll cover more ground that way.

Score: 36

My girlfriend said, “You act like a detective too much. I want to split up.” “Good idea,” I replied. “We can cover more ground that way.”

Score: 35

I am meeting with a private detective in one hour... Can someone please tell me where Cognito is?

Score: 30

My girlfriend said she was sick of me pretending to be a detective, and said we should split up What a good idea, that way we can cover more ground!

Score: 26

My wife was so fed up with my detective obsession that she said she wanted to split up. "Good idea" I replied, "We can cover more ground that way".

Score: 23

What do you call a ghost detective? An Inspectre

Score: 22

What’s the difference between a hired detective and a Gynecologist? Ones a Private Investigator, the others a Privates Investigator

Score: 16

What did the detective say after finding a calculator? "Hmm... Now everything is starting to add up..."

Score: 14

What did the detective say when he tripped over a pretzel left by the perp? Well, that was an unexpected twist!

Score: 13

Why did the PI detective cross the road? He needed to keep up with Jenny's U-turns.

Score: 13

Why did the detective wear a patch on his left eye? It's his private eye.

Score: 13

Detective: "Where were you on the night of the murder?" Suspect: "At home, sir."
Detective: "That's where the murder happened idiot."

Score: 12

Why did it took so long to investigate Flint water crisis? They never appointed a lead detective

Score: 11

I knew a detective who always wore a cat costume. One day I asked him why.

He told me "I am always in purrsuit."

Score: 10

What did the detective say when he received a really long letter? "I'll get to the bottom of this."

Score: 9

What do you call a lizard that works as a detective? An investi-gator.

Score: 7

Dead husband A detective asks a woman, "So, your husband hanged himself?"

Woman replies, "Yes, that is correct."

The suspicious detective continues, "But why does he have all those bruises on his head?"

"The old fool used an elastic rope!"

Score: 7

A detective in Paris is conversing with the hunchback of Notre Dame about a murder committed the previous night Detective: Well, who do you think did it?

The Hunchback of Notre Dame: I have a hunch.

Score: 5

A detective walks into a party... and asks the partygoers,
"Do you guys have any Nacho Cheese?"
The partygoers respond,
"No dip, Sherlock."

Score: 5

The detective said, "Something's fishy about this evidence..." Turned out to be a red herring.

Score: 5

A detective has finally solved a high profile dog murder. He successfully followed a lead.

Score: 4

GF: I'm sick of you pretending you're a detective. We should split up. Ex BF: Good idea. We can cover more ground that way.

Score: 4

A prostitute is found dead in a back-alley... The detective arrives on the scene and finds the coroner examining the corpse.

_Detective:_ Has she been raped?

_Coroner:_ Not yet, I was waiting to bring her back to the morgue.

Score: 3

A detective walks into a Sunglass Hut. “I know a shady corporate business when I see one.”

Score: 3

What do you call your friend thats a detective? Your Sherlock Homie

Score: 3

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I was ecstatic when I received a job offer to be spider man. But it was such a shame when my Nigerian boss fired me, after mistaking me for an ‘appalling’ private detective he had also hired.

Score: 2

What did the TV detective say after Paris Hilton was run over by a truck? Huh. Looks like somebody ordered a skinny flat white.

Score: 2

Who is Detective Pikachu‘s partner? Detective Gumchu.

Score: 1

I went luggage shopping with my detective friend. I pointed at one and said, “This looks like an open and shut case.”

Score: 2

The detective walks away from the crime scene "another cold blooded muderer" "what's turning all the lizards to crime these days?"

Score: 0

I’m sick of you pretending to be a detective all the time! I’m sick of you being a detective all the time! We need to split up.

Good idea, we can cover more ground that way.

Score: 1

What do you call a detective that's lucky? Sheer-luck Holmes

Score: 1

Detective asked why I tried robbing the bank. I said it was a prank "but you succeeded 4 times before"
"well, that makes it a prank that went wrong"

Score: 1

What did the detective see when he responded to the string of crimes at local liquor stores? A bunch of cold cases.

Score: 2

What did the detective say on the Titanic? "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this"

Score: 2

Subreddit for these type of jokes? Is there a dedicated subreddit for joke like these?

What kinda of bee can't make up it's mind? A Maybe

What do you call and alligator who's a detective? An investigator.

Score: 2

What did Detective Mills get for his birthday? Some head.

Score: 1

What do you call when you cross a detective with an electrician Sherlock Ohms

Score: 1

I'm supposed to be meeting a private detective in an hour. Can someone please tell me where "Cognito" is?

Score: 1

What do you call a metal detective? Magnesium PI

Score: 3

What do you call an detective's glasses? Inspectacles

Score: 2

What do you call a Mexican detective? Sherlock, homes

Score: 1

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