How many BuzzFeed workers does it take to turn on an electric chair? Thirteen. But number nine will shock you.
A murderer is to be executed by electric chair and the priests asks if he has any last request. The man asks for the priest to hold his hand. Needless to say, the priest was shocked.
How many Buzzfeed writers does it take to start an electric chair? 13, but #9 will shock you!
Court decision: "I hereby find you guilty of clickbait, and sentence you to death by electric chair...... ....what happens next will shock you."
I told my boss I needed a raise to stay at work because there are three different companies showing interest in me... He asked me which companies and I told him, "The gas, electric, and cable ones"
I told my boss 3 companies were after me and I needed a raise to stay at my present job. He asked which 3 were interested. I said the gas, electric and cable.
The court has decided you guilty of clickbait and has sentenced you to death by the electric chair... ... What happens next will shock you
I'm so much in debt, I can't afford to pay my electric bill... These are the darkest days of my life...
I went to my boss at work and said, "I need a raise. Three other companies are after me."
He said, "Really? Which companies are after you?"
I said, "The electric company, the utilities company and the phone company."
I built an electric fence around my property yesterday… My neighbor is dead against it…
I opened my water and electric bills simultaneously... Needless to say, I was shocked.
A priest asks the murderer at the electric chair....
-"Do you have any last requests?”
-"Yes,can you please hold my hand?"
My neighbour knocked on my door at 3 in the morning.
Can you believe that, 3AM?!
Luckily for him, I was still up playing my electric guitar.
A murderer, sitting in the electric chair, was about to be executed. “Have you any last requests? asked the chaplain. “Yes,” replied the murderer. “Will you hold my hand?”
Two electric windmills are standing in a field. One turns to the other and asks "What kind of music do you like?" The second one replies "I'm a huge metal fan".
I’m in so much debt, I can’t afford to pay my electric bill. These are the darkest days of my life.
A priest asked a convicted murderer at the electric chair:
"Do you have any last requests?"
"Yes," replied the murderer "will you please hold my hand?"
A priests asks the convicted murderer at the electric chair, "Do you have any last requests?”
A priests asks the convicted murderer at the electric chair, "Do you have any last requests?”
"Yes," replies the murderer. "Can you please hold my hand?"
I bought a new set of Electric Garden Trimmers. They're cutting-hedge technology.
Son: Dad, does every father know more than his son?
Dad: Of course.
Son: “So, who invented the electric bulb?”
Dad: “Thomas Edison.”
Son: “But why didn't Edison's father invent the electric bulb?”
Dad: “It was dark everywhere, he was busy inventing Edison.”
You have been charged guilty for clickbait, and will now have to use the electric chair What happens next will shock you
Tesla is considering releasing a line of electric buses named after Egyptian gods. It'll be A-new-bus.
I built an electric fence around my property yesterday. My neighbour is dead against it.
Criminal on the electric chair. The officer ask: Any last wishes? The criminal: Please hold my hand...
What's the best thing about having Parkinson's? Never having to buy another electric toothbrush.
Elon Musk was born in South Africa, and made an electric car. What if he had been born in Madagascar? He would have made a gas car
Judge: "You have been found unanimously guilty of using clickbait, and I sentence you to death by electric chair." What happens next will shock you.
My roommate is really dedicated to dental hygiene just last night I heard her using an electric toothbrush for what seemed like an hour
I told my boss 3 companies were after me and I needed a raise to stay at my present job. He asked which 3 companies were interested. I said gas, electric, and cable.
Why do Hanzo players have such high electric bills? They never switch off.
My girlfriend doesn't think I can think fix the electric shower. Well, she's in for a shock.
Accidentally used my wife's electric toothbrush... I don't remember her eating fish for lunch.
A priests asks a convicted murderer at the electric chair, "Do you have any last requests?” "Yes," replies the murderer. "Can you please hold my hand?"
Dyson is planning to release an electric car by 2020... I bet they'll suck.
I met a man in prison who said he was a conductor... I found this especially true when I saw him on the electric chair
How did the church save money on their electric bill? They switched to souler power from the son.
I heard that Dyson, the vacuum cleaner giants, are planning on making a new electric car... I hope it doesn't suck.
Have you guys heard of the joke about the electric chair? It's shocking.
I am a proton held at rest next to a plate with a high positive charge in a uniform electric field I have a lot of potential but I'm not doing any work.
I just bought a chordless electric guitar Because I’m terrible and don’t know any.
I just put up an electric fence around me garden The neighbour's dead against it
A bus conductor was arrested as accused of murder. He was given electric shocks which had no effect on him He surely was a bad conductor
What does a tesla do in the rain? The electric slide
What were North Korean communists using before gas lamps? Electric Lamps
What did Jean-Luc Picard say when Engineering offered to fix his electric sewing machine? Make it sew!
my father wanted me to be a physicist so he tortured me with electric current And now I'm famous conductor
My friend was a pretty good guitarist But that one time he stepped in a puddle while playing his electric guitar on an old, badly grounded amp, he became a great conductor.
Do androids dream of electric sheep? Only the Welsh ones.
An Englishman went into a hardware store and asked to buy a kitchen sink. Would you like one with a plug?' asked the assistant.....'Don't tell me they've gone electric,' said the Englishman.¤
A Seriously Ill Man is on Death Row
He is led to the electric chair and asked if he has any last words.
"Good news!" He says, "The doctor told me I'm gonna live!"
There are three kinds of men... The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
How do you call a sand which has electric charge?
I was sitting in my room just thinking about my life, when I started wondering how things got to be so dark. Then I realized I forgot to pay the electric bill.
An electric engineer electrocuted by accident. he had injuries of 60 hurts
Told my boss I wanted a pay raise, 3 other companies are after me!
He said "Oh yeah, which ones?"
I told him "the gas and electric company, the phone company and the credit card company"
My country tried to pass a bill. The bill would keep all river dams forever, and would make the country only ever run off of hydro-electric power. It didn't pass though. I guess the public didn't want to be part of a bill called "Eternal Dam-nation"
I opened my water and electric bill at the same time I was shocked!
Why did the robot get the electric chair? He was charged with battery.
I officially became an organ donor... Now does anyone need a 1970s brown electric organ? It's been sitting in my living room for a long time.
What do you get when you cross an octopus with an electric eel? A shocktopus.
What do a lover and an electric guitar have in common? You'll get a lot of feedback if you're not fingering them correctly.
I figured out how to discipline my kid without spanking Electric dog collar
Whats Mike Pence's favourite movie Electric boogaloo
What do you call a picture of an electric piano? Photosynthesis!
My local gadget store has a great deal on devices that measure electric charge, but it's too far to walk. It's a coulomb meter.