Electricity Jokes


Funniest Electricity Jokes

The sweater my wife gave me was picking up static electricity, so I went to the store to change it. They gave me another one, free of charge.

Score: 12166

What did little Johnny's mother do when she caught him zapping the other children with static electricity? She grounded him.

Score: 926

When I was a little kid, I was afraid of the dark. But then I grew up and saw the electricity bill.

I'm now afraid of light.

Score: 433

Why is the French military always shocked when they lose a battle? Because electricity flows in the path of *least resistance*

Score: 250
Funny Electricity Jokes
Score: 196

If electricity always follows the path of least resistance Why doesn't lightning only strike in France?

Score: 132

What did Sean Connery say when he noticed that there wasn't any electricity in the Pennsylvania countryside? "Shomething'sh Amish..."

Score: 124

I opened both my water and my electricity bills at once. Needless to say, I was shocked.

Score: 113

Mike Pence doesn't believe in science But he wants to use electricity to turn fruits into vegetables

Score: 104

A sweater I bought was picking up static electricity. So I returned it to the store. They gave me another one, free of charge.

Score: 95

If electricity follows the path of least resistance... Why doesn't lightning only strike in France?

Score: 80

What did soviet russians use for lighting before they started using candles? Electricity.

Score: 71

Why wasn't Bill Murray cast as Thor? Because nobody likes an electricity bill.

Score: 71

Before candles, what did North Korean communists use to light their homes with? Electricity.

Score: 62

My electricity bill was running suspiciously high Had the power company send someone over. He found a wire tapped into my house running to a neighbor's. Watt do you know, a Joule thief lives next to my Ohm.

Score: 56

My uncle Ben always used to say, "With great power..." Comes a great electricity bill

Score: 52

If electricity always flows in the path of least resistance Why doesn't lightning always strike in France?

Score: 51

Just opened my water bill and my electricity bill at the same time... I was shocked

Score: 51

In college I was so broke I couldn’t afford the electricity bill Those were the darkest days of my life.

Score: 50

With great power comes.. An expensive electricity bill

Score: 46

What did Russians used to light their houses with before candles? Electricity.

Score: 38

What did communists use for light before candles? Electricity.

Score: 36

Electricity is like a wife. It's cheaper to take the neighbour's.

Score: 34

If electricity takes the path of least resistance... why doesn't lightning only strike the country of France?

Score: 30

Why are wires addicted to electricity? They can't resist.

Score: 29

In the past, I was so broke I couldn’t afford the electricity bill... Those were the darkest days of my life

Score: 27

If hydrolysis is splitting things with water and electrolysis is splitting things with electricity... ... What is analysis?

Score: 23

With great power... ... comes a great electricity bill.

Score: 21

What did Venezuelans use to light their homes before candles? Electricity.

Score: 20

What did the blonde say after the lesson on electricity? Watt?

Score: 18

There aren't many puns about electricity I'd be shocked if I thought of one!

Score: 14

With great power comes great electricity bill!

Score: 14

Facebook says: I know everyone. Google says: I know everything. The "Internet" says: Ya'll are nothing without me. Electricity says: Not this game again...

Score: 10

What did the socialist use to light his home before candles? Electricity.

Score: 6

I once got into so much debt I couldn't even afford my electricity bills, they were the darkest times of my life.

Score: 5

You shouldnt play with electricity guys You might get grounded.

Score: 5

I just bought 10,000 kW of electricity from this one company. They charged me a lot.

Score: 4

Local cyborg beats another cyborg to death for it's Sodium-nickle batteries, proceeds to restore his electricity supply after being arrested. He was charged with a salt.

Score: 4

If it wasn't for the sun and electricity it would be lights out for everyone

Score: 3

What did the socialists use before candles? Electricity

Score: 3

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New Electricity Jokes

What did the people of the Socialist country use before candles? Electricity!

Score: 0

Last year, I couldn't affort electricity bills for two months It was the darkest time of my life.

Score: 0

What do your pops and a breaker box have in common? If you use too much electricity either one might start tripping.

Score: 0

Why did the Ahmish have electricity Why did the Ahmish have electricity
Because they were Ah-mish

Curtousy of my 9 year old

Score: 0

People are fed up with electricity problems. And government don't give a dam

Score: 2

They should make a movie about a Pikachu that's incapable of using electricity. "Defective Pikachu"

Score: 2

DC Electricity is a great consultant It’s always either positive or negative

Score: 1

Why is electricity so motivated? Because they conduit

Score: 3

Hurricane Irma took out my electricity. something about it just makes me feel powerless

Score: 1

What do you call a woman who sets fire to her electricity bill? Bernadette...

Score: 1

Sarcasm to Indians is like electricity Half of them don't get it

Score: 2

Seems like everything is powered by electricity these days, Guess you could say electricity's in charge.

Score: 2

What does this post and my electricity bill have in common? I'll be seeing it in three days whether I like it or not

Score: 1

Without electricity. . . . . . I can't help but feel powerless.

Score: 3

What is the light source communist used before candles? Electricity.

Score: 2

If electricity always takes the path of least resistance.. Why doesn't lightning only strike in France?

Score: 2

My wife was wondering if we should wash dishes by hand, in order to save a little money. I figure that using the dishwasher uses more electricity, but less water. So overall it's a wash.

Score: 2

Who keeps electricity fair and equitable The Ohm-budsman

Score: 2

How many africans does it take to change a light bulb? "None, because they don't have electricity"

Score: 2

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