Elementary School Jokes


Funniest Elementary School Jokes

What's the difference between an ISIS outpost and an Afghanistan elementary school? I have no clue, I just fly the drone.

Score: 381

What's the difference between a Taliban outpost and a Pakistani Elementary school? I don't know, I just fly the drone.

Score: 256

What’s the difference between a Taliban outpost and a Pakistani Elementary school? I don’t know, I just fly the drone.

Score: 241

Did you hear about the kidnapping at the elementary school? It's ok now, he woke up.

Score: 157

What's the difference between an Iraqi elementary school, and an Isis hideout? I don't know man, I just fly the drone.

Score: 103

What's the difference between an Afghani Military Base and a Pakistani Elementary School? I don't know, I just fly the drone.

Score: 96

What do you get when you push a piano out of the second floor window of an elementary school? A flat minor.

Score: 60

What's the difference between an ISIS training camp and an elementary school? I don't know, I just fly the drone.

Score: 42

Whats the different between an ISIS training camp and an elementary school? Don't ask me, I just fly the drone

Score: 41

The difference between a Pakistani elementary school and an ISIS hideout? I don't actually know, I just fly the drone man.

Score: 35

What's the difference between a Pakistani elementary school and an Al Qaeda training camp? Don't ask me, I just fly the drone.

Score: 30

What is the difference between a terrorist training camp and a Pakistani elementary school? I don't know, I just fly the drones.

Score: 27

In Pakistan, what's the difference between an elementary school and a terrorist training camp? I don't know, I just fly the drone.

Score: 25

What's the difference between an ISIS training camp and a Pakistani elementary school? I don't know man, I just fly the drone.

Score: 23

Did you hear about the kidnapping at the elementary school? He's awake now!

Score: 22

Working hard and being hard at work are not the same thing. Working hard is a good way to get a raise or a promotion. Being hard at work is a good way to get fired from your job at the elementary school.

Score: 15

What's the difference between a Taliban outpost and a Pakistani elementary school? I don't know, I only fly the drone

Score: 10

What's the difference between a terrorist training camp and an elementary school? Don't ask me, I just fly the drone.

Score: 10

Did you hear about the kidnapping at the elementary school? He woke up later

Score: 9

Why was the bodybuilder arrested at the elementary school? Because it was a gun-free zone

Score: 8

What's the most assigned elementary school essay in Chicago? "What I want to be *IF* I grow up"

Score: 7

So a Muslim man walks into an elementary school... To pick up his wives

Score: 7

Its a myth that people dont kiss in elementary school, i kissed loads of girls I miss being a teacher

Score: 7

What do you call an elementary school dropout? An anti-vax child.

Score: 5

What's the difference between an ISIS training camp and a Pakistani elementary school? I don't know man, I just fly the drones.

Score: 5

Elementary school students are learning about the 13 colonies Teacher: Massachusetts is in New England

Student: what’s new England?

England: *walks in* nothin much what’s new with you

Score: 5

Whats the differebce between an Afghani Military Base and a Pakistani Elementary School? I don't know, I just fly the drone.

Score: 4

Today in elementary school. Teacher: Next week, we have a field trip to travel to Uranus.

Kid: Myanus?

Teacher: No... You're traveling to timeout for field trip.

Score: 4

Gold and Silver haven't seen each other since Elementary School They decided to meet up at a bar. Gold walks in and sees his old friend and calls out to him.

"Aay, G."

Silver gets excited and shouts back, "Hey, you!"

Score: 4

My first original joke, from elementary school days: What do flies drink? Fly swatter.

Score: 4

What do elementary school indoor recess and communism have in common? They’ve both caused mass panics wherever they were implemented.

Score: 4

What's the difference between a Taliban Base and a Pakistan Elementary School? Don't ask me, I just fly the drone.

Score: 2

What is the difference between elementary school and gym? They count more in elementary school.

Score: 2

Did you hear about that kidnapping at the local elementary school? Yeah , he woke up by then end of class

Score: 2

When I tell people that I'm a 20 year old guy who identifies as a girl they congratulate me But I'm not sure why when I told them I also identify as 7 years old they kicked me out of the elementary school cafeteria.

Score: 2

What's the difference between an ISIS stronghold and a Saudi elementary school? I don't know I just fly the drones.

Score: 2

What's the difference between a taliban outpost and an Afghani Elementary school? I don't know, I just fly the drones

Score: 1

What’s the difference between a terrorist outpost and an islamic elementary school? I don’t know. I just fly the drone.

Score: 1

They say that if you're afraid to speak to groups, imagine that they're naked... That's why I no longer work at the elementary school

Score: 1

I need some very clean bingo jokes I am doing a bingo calling for an elementary school. Any very clean bingo jokes?

Score: 1

New Elementary School Jokes

Jared Fogle visited my elementary school last week and gave a really emotional speech. I was touched.

Score: 0

What does my wife telling me about her day have in common with a Pakistani elementary school? We're both in for a droning.

Score: 1

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