Ex Girlfriend Jokes


Funniest Ex Girlfriend Jokes

My ex girlfriend was an absolute treasure I say this because just like treasure, you'll probably need a map and a shovel to find her

EDIT: I know this is a repost but what do you expect? This is /r/jokes

Score: 1429
Funny Ex Girlfriend Jokes
Score: 970

I spotted my ex girlfriend on the other side of the museum hall, but I was too self-conscious to go say hello. There was just too much history between us.

Score: 539

I spent the last two years trying to find my ex girlfriend's killer. No one will do it.

Score: 438

Sometimes I wonder about my ex girlfriends who I haven't seen in years, you know, like has she become all fat and bloated, or has she become disgustingly skinny; or maybe someone has already found the body.

Score: 410

What's the difference between a buoy and my ex girlfriend? A buoy can be found above the ocean's surface.

Score: 407

I looked across the museum hall and spotted my ex girlfriend, but I was too self conscious to say hello. There was just too much history between us.

Score: 353

I finished with my ex girlfriend due to her obsession with counting. I wonder what she's up to now.

Score: 143

Saw my ex girlfriend getting beaten up by 5 guys at a bus stop, so as a human being I had to step in and help... She didn't stand a chance against the 6 of us

Score: 110

My ex girlfriend and I had a safe word... So when things would get a little too rough in the bedroom, she'd yell, "Marry me!" and I would pull out, leave her apartment, and not call her for a few weeks. Super safe.

Score: 108

I've spent the last 2 years looking for my ex girlfriends killer. But no one will do it

Score: 105

The other day, an ex girlfriend of mine was hit by a bus near my house And I thought to myself "that could've been me"

Then I remembered - I can't drive a bus

Score: 96

My Ex Girlfriend was getting beaten up at a bus stop by 5 guys, so as a human being I had to step in and help.... She didn't stand a chance against the 6 of us

Score: 92

Ex girlfriends are like a box of chocolates... ...they'll kill your dog.

Score: 80

I heard my ex girlfriend needs a new kidney I'm not worried, her body hasn't rejected an organ in 25 years.

-Tom Cotter

Score: 53

I found out my ex girlfriend was at the opposite end of the museum as me today. I wanted to go say hi to her but there was just too much history between us.

Score: 49

My ex girlfriend wasn't able to handle my OCD I told her to close the door five times on her way out.

Score: 46

My ex girlfriend is a lot like my grill. They're both smoking hot and burned my house down.

Score: 43

When I told my ex girlfriend that I wanted to break up, she tried gifting me a mini plastic figurine of myself in an attempt to salvage our relationship. I screamed, "Lego of me!"

Score: 40

What's the difference between an archeologist and an ex girlfriend? The ancient stuff the archeologist digs up is useful.

Score: 33

What should I do if an ex girlfriend calls me and tells me she's HIV positive? The trick is, always act surprised.

Score: 20

I’m broke, and I am drinking at the bar where my ex girlfriend works. I am hoping she would give me another shot.

Score: 19

For the past two years I've been looking for my ex girlfriend's killer ...But nobody will do it

Score: 14

My ex girlfriend was like a pirate's quest... ...she had a sunken chest and always kept me searching for the booty.

Score: 13

My ex girlfriend is a brick Flat on both sides and laid by hispanic men.

Score: 10

An ex girlfriend is like a box of chocolates. It'll kill your dog

Score: 10

My ex girlfriend used to love coming home and finding me naked on the bed now she just calls the police

Score: 10

My ex girlfriend was obsessed with trying to discover the largest prime number. I wonder what she is up to now.

Score: 10

My ex girlfriend left me to become a streetwalker in Venice She drowned

Score: 10

My ex girlfriend had a tattoo of a shellfish on her inner thigh If you would put your ear on it, you could smell the sea

Score: 9

I've spent the last 5 years looking for my ex girlfriend's killer. So far I haven't found anyone that will do it.

Score: 3

What did the blue crab call his ex girlfriend? Old Bay

Score: 3

Ex girlfriends are like a box of chocolate You share it with your whole family.

Score: 3

How do you pick up my ex girlfriend? With a broom and a dustpan.

Score: 2

My ex girlfriend was very good at magic She kept making my money disappear

Score: 2

What’s the difference between Mike Tyson with the flu, and my ex girlfriend? At least Mike Tyson was thick.

Score: 2

Whats the difference between my ex girlfriend and the average man? My ex has a higher sperm count.

Score: 2

I ran into my ex girlfriend the other day. Then I backed up and ran into her again.

Score: 2

What did the Amish man say to his ex girlfriend? Amish you a lot.

Score: 1

My ex girlfriend got an STD from a soldier. Gunnerrhea.

Score: 1

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Score: 1

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