Game Jokes


Funniest Game Jokes

R Kelly is really changing the rap game He takes the art out of rap artist

Score: 28395

Ebay needs to step their game up. I searched for a cigarette lighter and 15,000 matches came up.

Score: 3077

You can tell Monopoly is an old game... ...because there’s a luxury tax and rich people can go to jail.

Score: 1650

What is the difference between Game of Thrones and Twitter? With Twitter you only get 140 characters.

Score: 1552
Funny Game Jokes
Score: 1356

I almost got caught trying to steal a board game yesterday it was a risk I was willing to take

Score: 1309

What's Adolf Hitler's favourite computer game? Mein Kraft.

Score: 1269

"Hey Bud, why don't you use condoms?" "My pull out game is superb. Condoms are also expensive, gotta pinch pennies when you have 14 kids to feed."

Score: 1000

What do you call a game where Germans throw bread at each other Gluten tag

Score: 994

After winning the game, I threw the ball into the crowd just like they do on TV. Apparently that's unacceptable in bowling.

Score: 864

You can tell monopoly's an old game... ...because there's a luxury tax and rich people can go to jail

Score: 795

Two guys in a communal shower... Guy1: You wanna play the rape game?
Guy2: No.
Guy1: That's the spirit!!

Score: 741

After winning the game, I decided to throw the ball into the crowd, like they do on TV... Apparently, that's unacceptable in bowling...

Score: 731

"Fortnite" is a terrible name for a game. It's too weak.

Score: 706

Why is there no black character in the game "Clue"? Because then it would be called "Solved."

Score: 685

“Grandpa, grandpa! I’m watching a soccer game!” “Who’s playing?”
“Against who?”

Score: 590

You can tell Monopoly is an old game... ...because there's free parking, a luxury tax and rich people can actually go to jail.

Score: 589

I met my current girlfriend at a midnight game release It was destiny

Score: 549

I had an idea for a fighting game.. But turns out, it was tekken

Score: 544

What video game would Adolf Hitler play? Mein Kraft.

Score: 534

Let's play the Oscar Pistorius drinking game Whenever your girlfriend goes to the bathroom take a shot

Score: 503

Why do Canadians always do it doggy-style? So they can both watch the hockey game.

Score: 492

What is a Linux user's favorite game? sudo ku

EDIT: First post with 100+ upvotes. Thanks all you people :D

Score: 487

I yelled “Cow!” at a woman on a bike... She game the finger. Then she ran into a cow. I tried.

Score: 479

My son wanted me to buy him GTA When I got to the store, I couldn't remember the title. So I told the guy "it's the game where the black guy drives cars round drunk, and shags loads of women"

He gave me a copy of tiger woods PGA golf

Score: 364

Election Day Drinking Game: Every time Donald Trump is elected President, we all drink and just never stop.

Score: 343

Warning: Game of Thrones spoilers. David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

Score: 330

What's Han Solo's favorite type of video game? First person shooter.

Score: 326

Board Game Shop Me: I want a dice.

Clerk: The correct term is 'die'.

Me: I want 2 die.

Clerk: Plural is dice, alone it's die.

Me: I want 2 die alone.

Score: 310

'I just feel like being black is a huge disadvantage no matter how much skill you have ' said my friend 'oh come on, it's just one move at the start of the game' I responded as I took his Knight.

Score: 308

I almost got caught stealing a board game today... but it was a Risk I was willing to take.

Score: 303

After winning the game, I threw the ball into the crowd as they do on TV. Evidently, that's unacceptable in bowling.

Score: 285

20 men walk into a bar Worst game of limbo I've ever seen.

Score: 281

So, I just tried a new drinking game. I put in the Bee Movie, and every time they make a bee pun, I take a shot.

Unfortunately, I could only get buzzed.

Score: 278

What's the name of the fastest Chinese online game player? Lo Ping

Score: 232

I made a 3D game about a depressed self-harming goth It's mostly unskippable cutscenes.

Score: 184

TIL the movie Starship Troopers was never adapted into a successful video game because... ...bugs.

Score: 176

Why do Canadians do it doggy style? So they both can watch the hockey game.

Score: 170

What's the difference between Game of Thrones and United Airlines? One has dragons and the other has drag-offs

Score: 168

A marriage is a lot like a card game In the beginning there's two hearts and a diamond but by the end you're looking for a club and a spade.

Score: 167

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New Game Jokes

Marriage is like a game of poker At first you have two hearts and a diamond
By the end all you want is a club and spade

Score: 33

Somebody made fun of my big, colorful beak the other day. Well Toucan play at that game.

(first joke pls don't roast thx)

Score: 17

What do you call an Englishman in a World Cup final game? A referee

Score: 13

I invented a war game called "Adam and Eve". It's a first person shooter.

Score: 39

That World Series game was so long... When it started Kevin Spacey was still a respected actor.

Score: 68

Did you see Mike Pence left the Colts game because the players knelt for the national anthem? He was quoted as saying "I won't stand for this" on the way out

Score: 40

College calculus is like a drinking game against a super-heavyweight. Even if you know your limits, you're dead no matter what.

Score: 17

(Offensive) You know why americans lose every game of chess? Because they start with two towers missing.

Score: 14

Marriage is like a game of cards... At the beginning you need two hearts and a diamond, but at the end you wish you had a club and a spade.

Score: 25

What do you call a game developer with erectile dysfunction? Ubisoft

Score: 16

Billy Joel's house has burned down. apparently due to a faulty game console. Investigators say the fire was caused by a faulty game console. However, Mr Joel has claimed that Wii didn't start the fire.

Score: 19

My friend invented a machine that can take a disc out of a console, then put a new one in It's a game changer

Score: 23

A Scrabble game got dumped all over the interstate highway. That's the word on the street at least.

Score: 103

If the cops were asked to rate a GTA game... They'd give it 5 stars.

Score: 18

Last week I got eczema, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids. It was the first time I ever won a game of Scrabble.

Score: 54

What did the rapper, The Game, say when 50 cent gifted him a sweater? Gee, you knit?

Score: 32

How did Link win the basketball game? With his hookshot... (Sorry)

Score: 13

Minesweeper It's either a computer game or an angry German custodian yelling at kids who stole his broom.

Score: 61

Incest is like a board game It's fun for the whole family!

Score: 26

What was the score of the Ethiopian baseball game? Eight-nothing

Score: 44

As soon as the Zombie Apocalypse hits I'm grabbing a sledgehammer and heading down to the local cemetery for the greatest game of Whack-A-Mole ever.

Score: 17

I asked a girl at the bar if she was game...... She said yes. So I shot her.

Score: 26

Three generations apart, watching a soccer game "Hey great grandpa, watch this soccer game!"

"Sure, which two countries are playing?"

"Austria - Hungary."

"Against who?"

Score: 30

"When did you stop beating your wife?" "When her chess game improved."

Score: 54

Little Johnny came running into the house and asked, Mom, can little girls have babies?” “No, of course not” she said. Little Johnny then ran back outside and his mom heard him yell to his friends, “It’s okay! We can play that game!”

Score: 21

Ever wondered why there's no Congressional Basketball game? Because Congress can't pass anything.

Score: 24

My crush said I'm like a brother to her Lucky she likes game of thrones

Score: 51

Do you know what game non-vaccinated kids play? Marco Polio.

Score: 79

"Ha! i killed all your black guys!" Said my son, playing a lovely chess game with me.

^^*true ^^story

Score: 12

I was seriously considering stealing a military strategy board game from the store yesterday... ...but i didnt. Im not much of a Risk taker.

Score: 18

I always play Jenga on a first date, That way she knows how strong my pull out game is.

Score: 78

A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns but I soon realised toucan play at that game

Score: 37

Wife says to her husband: "Choose, either me or the soccer game!" He responds: "Give me 90 minutes to think."

Score: 79

I went to weight watchers last night, I opened a bag of maltesers and threw them on the floor Best game of hungry hippos I've ever seen

Score: 24

When is a game not a game? When it's afoot.

Score: 14

Why did the Golfer bring two pairs of pants to the game? In case he got a hole in one

Score: 22

What did the resistor say to the capacitor after he beat him in a game? I ohmed you!

(my 10 year came up with this when I was teaching him soldering)

Score: 32

I nearly got caught stealing a board game the other day It was a risk I was willing to take.

Score: 43

A guy is buying some game DVDs, some magazines and a six pack. Cashier : "You must be single."

Guy: "Wow, how did you know?"

Cashier: "Because you're ugly."

Score: 33

What's an alcoholic's least favorite part of a baseball game? The bottom of the fifth.

Score: 15

What is Hitler's favourite video game..? Mein Kraft

Score: 17

What game do children play in Africa? Don't Starve.

Score: 20

I didn't know which board game to buy, so I chose at random... It was worth taking the risk.

Score: 22

What is a chicken's favorite game to play in the pool? Marco Pollo

Score: 32

I like my women like I like my golf game. Mid 80's with a slight handicap

Score: 66

The Patriots are true gentlemen. They let the Falcons finish their game before they started theirs.

Score: 30

It's Albert Einstein, not mine Few things are Infinite,
The Universe, Human stupidity and the amount of times you have to tell your Mother you can't pause an online Game.

Score: 38

What is Donald Trump's favorite video game? *Papers, Please*

Score: 25

Capcom is developing a new game based on Donald Trump... It's called President Evil.

Score: 13

What video game system do police officers play in their cars? Wii U, Wii U, Wii U...

Score: 96

Did you hear the score to the game last night? America: 8
Ethiopia: Didn't

Score: 58

Sports injury Last night on ESPN I was watching Women's beach volleyball. About three minutes into the game, there was a really bad wrist injury. The doctor said I should be fine in a few days though.

Score: 14

My friend was trying to annoy me with bird puns Well, toucan play at that game

Score: 21

What's a pedophiles favourite part of a game of hockey? Before the first period.

Score: 21

My marriage is like a game of cards It started out with two hearts and a diamond, now all I want is a club and a spade.

Score: 49

Turned on a women's volleyball game today, and within the first three minutes a wrist injury occurred But don't worry I'll be fine

Score: 30

Did you hear the score of the Germany Vs Ethiopia game? Germany 8, Ethiopia didn't.

Score: 23

What did the English chav say when he won a game of chess? Check m8.

Score: 81

What's a Liberal Arts Major's Favorite Board Game?...... Trivial Pursuit.

Score: 12

How do you break up an Al-Quaeda bingo game? Yell "B-52!"

Score: 29

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