Iraq Jokes


Funniest Iraq Jokes

A father in Iraq gifted his daughter a new bag. The girl replied, "Thanks for the Baghdad"

Score: 17454

I called a suicide hotline in Iraq.. They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

Score: 14491

I called the suicide hotline in Iraq... The dude got all excited and asked me if i could drive a truck

Score: 2173

“Son In Iraq I killed 15 people.” Son: Dad, you were a helicopter mechanic.

Dad: Never said I was a good one.

Score: 1487

Why are there no Walmarts in Iraq? Because they're all Targets.

Score: 1296
Funny Iraq Jokes
Score: 568

How did I get from Afghanistan to Iraq? Iran.

Score: 335

The new Call of Duty just got released in Iraq They call it the Sims

Note: this technically a repost

Score: 297

Why are there no Walmarts in Iraq? Because they are all Targets.

Score: 291

Did you know? Call of duty has been released in Iraq and Afgahnistan as "The Sims."

Score: 138

I called the suicide hotline in Iraq. They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

Score: 138

Saudi Arabian seems really behind on the times. It's like they're living under Iraq or something.

Score: 137

Why are there no Walmarts in Iraq? Because there's a Target around every corner.

Score: 119

In Iran, everyone's scared of spiders.. But in Iraq, no phobia.

Score: 115

A Father from Iraq gave his daughter a new bag. The daughter replied Thanks for the Baghdad

Score: 86

How I escaped Iraq Q: How did you escaped Iraq?

A: Iran

Score: 86

How did I escape Iraq? Iran

Score: 82

A father in Iraq gifted his daughter a brand new bag... The girl, excited, replied, "Thanks for the Baghdad!"

I'll show myself out now

Score: 79

How did I escape from Iraq you ask? Iran

Score: 75

Why don't people in Kuwait know who Obama is? Because they've been living under Iraq.

Score: 74

I once called the suicide prevention hotline in Iraq They got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck.

Score: 57

My father and I were leaving our hotel in Iraq and he almost forgot his suitcase. I said, "Don't forget your Baghdad".

(Hopefully it isn't a repost)

Score: 46

Son in Iraq i killed 20 people. Son: Dad you were a helicopter mechanic.

Dad: Never said I was a good one.

Score: 45

How come there are no Walmart’s in Iraq? Because there’s a Target at every corner!

Edit: A joke from the Bush era I still find funny.

Score: 42

How did I get from Iraq to Pakistan? Iran

Score: 42

Wanna know how I escaped Iraq? Iran

Score: 41

Why are there no Walmarts in Iraq? Because there is a Target on every corner

Score: 40

I called the suicide hotline in Iraq The got excited and asked if i could drive a truck

Score: 38

I called the suicide hotline in Iraq. I told the operator that lately I've been having suicidal thoughts. Operator: "Great! Can you drive a truck?"

Score: 36

What did i do to escape Iraq? Iran

Don’t worry this story Israel

Score: 35

Why did Walmart go out of business in Iraq? Because there are too many targets.

Score: 34

Lucy, Linus, and Charlie Brown are assigned a history project. Each person was assigned a country to report on.

“Wow!” Lucy said. “I got Italy!”

“Interesting” exclaimed Linus. “I got Germany.”

With dismay, Charlie Brown said, “I got Iraq.”

Score: 29

Apparently the US government has to choose between supporting ISIS and the al-Assad regime... I think that's called getting caught between Iraq and a hard place.

Score: 23

What do you get for calling a suicide hotline in Iraq? A job offer

Score: 17

Do you know why there are no Wal-Marts in Iraq? They’re all Targets.

Score: 10

Scotland is like Iraq A little but Sunni, but an awful lot Shiite.

Score: 8

You know how I escaped Iraq? Iran

Score: 8

People always ask me how l escaped Iraq and l always tell them the same thing... Iran

Score: 7

Why isn't there a Wal-Mart in Iraq? ....because there is a target in every corner.

Score: 7

What does Dora say in Iraq? Sniper no Sniping

Score: 7

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New Iraq Jokes

What's the difference between Pakistan and Iraq? Only about $5 in terms of medical bills.

Score: 0

Someone knocked on my door and asked if could help with the flood in Iraq i said i would but my hose only reaches the end of my driveway

Score: 1

How did I get from India to Iraq? Iran.

Score: 2

I went to the grocery store to buy oil. Couldn't find it. So i inVaDed IraQ

Score: 2

George Bush was in a briefing one day... “Sir 4 Brazilians were killed in Iraq yesterday.”

“Oh NO that’s awful!” He exclaimed “um how many is a Brazilian again?”

Score: 2

Peole who serve in Iraq are 🅱️pic Do you think that people that served in Iraq have IRAQnaphobia

Score: 0

i got hit by iraq so iran

Score: 6

I always wondered why Saudi Arabians are always confused It's because they live under Iraq!

Score: 1

Why did the Arab cross the Euphrates on foot? A rock hit his IROC in the middle of Iraq.

Score: 1

There was a young boy who failed school, Acted a bit of a fool.
Went out to Iraq, smoked a whole lot of crack,
And his legs ended up in Kabul.

Score: 2

Want to know how I got out of Iraq? Iran

Score: 1

Match the middle eastern country to its sworn enemy... - Bahrain
- Lebanon
- Qatar
- United Arab Emirates
- Egypt
- Syria
- Jordan
- Iran
- Iraq
- Saudi Arabia
- Algeria
- Morocco
- Yemen
- Oman
- Kuwait

1. Israel

Score: 7

Where do Middle Easterners hide their spare keys? In Kuwait, because it's under Iraq.

Score: 1

What's the national bird of Iraq? Duck.

Score: 5

ISIS has been having a tough time lately. They're stuck between Iraq and Assad place

Score: 2

How did I get from Iraq to Afghanistan so quickly? Because Iran

Score: 1

Do you know how I escaped Iraq? Iran.

Score: 4

Why are there no Walmarts in Iraq? Because there's targets on every corner.

Score: 7

A guy in Baghdad sinks the 8-ball in regulation... A guy in Baghdad sinks the 8-ball in regulation. His friend says "nice win, play again?" He responds "Okay, but Iraq."

Score: 3

People say Iraq weather was great, They always talk about how Sunni it is but personally I think it was Shiite.

Score: 2

My friend said he didn't know there was a war going on in the middle east... He must have been living under *Iraq*

Score: 7

Why aren't there any Walmart stores in Iraq? Because there's a Target on every corner.

Score: 3

I also called a suicide hotline in Iraq... They told me to try calling back in a few days because they already had enough volunteers for the week.

Score: 6

Where did Saddam Hussein keep his CDs? In Iraq

Score: 3

What was the main difference between the war in Vietnam and the war in Iraq? George Bush had a plan to get out of Vietnam.

Score: 4

Why do Arabs only buy Chevy Trucks? Because they're like Iraq.

Score: 2

What do you call spider terrorists? Iraq-nids

Score: 2

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