Opening Jokes


Funniest Opening Jokes

An unemployed engineer opens a clinic... He soon goes out of business, since the field is over saturated due to all the unemployed engineers opening clinics recently.

Score: 538
Funny Opening Jokes
Score: 308

I thought opening a door for a woman was polite But she just screamed and flew out of the plane

Score: 297

I'm thinking of opening a pre-owned clock store... I'm gonna call it 'Second Hand'.

Score: 261

I'm thinking of opening a sperm bank and calling it... "Get a load of this guy"

Score: 259

Why should you always knock on your fridge door before opening it? Because there could be an Italian dressing inside.

Score: 255

Thinking about opening up a sperm bank in New Jersey. Gonna call it: "Get a load of this guy over here!".

Score: 215

I thought I heard one of the kids opening the furnace earlier Then I remembered the handle was on the outside.

Score: 157

Whats the difference between me and Jimmy Fallon? I can get through his opening monologue without laughing

Score: 120

My brother asked if i could help him come up with a way to advertise the new vacation resort he was opening up. I said "Brochure."

Score: 107

Opening a gym... Gonna focus on power walking & door knocking. I'll call it "Jehovah's Fitness"

Score: 77

Why should you always knock on the refrigerator door before opening it? There might be a salad dressing.

Score: 71

The Ukrainian government is opening up a tourist attraction in Chernobyl. It will be like Disney World, except the six foot tall mouse is real.

Score: 67

My wife got angry with me for opening a door for her. It almost made me lose control of the car.

Score: 60

I am opening a restaurant called "Peace and Quiet" A kid meal is £250

Score: 58

I Thought Opening A Door For A Lady Was The Polite Thing To Do But She Just Screamed And Flew Out Of The Airplane

Score: 52

Jake went over to pick up his girlfriend to go on a date. When he found her naked, he asked why.
"Well, because I don't have any dresses to wear!"
"Sure you do," Jake replied, opening her closet. "Here's a blue one, a red one, a green one- oh, hi Francis- a yellow one..."

Score: 47

Did you hear about the epileptic midget opening a pizza shop? It's called Little Seizures.

Score: 46

I'm opening a restaurant called "whatever" It'll immediately be every girlfriend's favourite spot.

Score: 46

"Who was the Windows programmer's favorite hip-hop group?" "Run-CMD"

(I came up with this one at work after repeatedly opening the command prompt. Not sure if it's been said before, but I hope you enjoy!)

Score: 41

I thought about opening up a cemetery... but it seems like it would be a large undertaking.

Score: 38

Dating a stripper is like opening a bag of chips in church eveybody looks at you in disgust but deep inside they all want some.

Score: 34

Why should you always knock before opening the Fridge? Incase there is a salad dressing.

Score: 33

I applied for work at a furniture factory and they said they had an opening for someone to inspect the mirrors. I told them, "That's a job I could really see myself doing"

Score: 33

I freaked out the electrician by opening the door naked. I couldn’t tell what gave him a bigger shock – whether the fact that I was naked, or that I got into his house.

Score: 33

Opening a new restaurant, focusing on gourmet noodles and spaghetti. We're also going to offer free delivery. We're calling it Send Noods

Score: 32

What is the similitude between and air conditioner and a computer? Opening windows makes both less efficient.

Score: 30

A couple friends and I are opening a chicken wings restaurant called the "Right Wing Cafe." We don't actually sell any wings, we just complain about other wing places.

Score: 27

Did you hear that Dollar Tree is opening a store in the U.K? They're naming it pound town.

Score: 26

I thought opening the door for a lady is a polite thing to do... But she just screamed and flew out of the plane.

Score: 24

My girlfriend had trouble opening her her birth control. I told her it’s because it’s child-proof.

Score: 18

Opening a new Pho restaurant that never closes Going to call it Twenty Pho Seven.

Score: 16

What do you get for opening the BEST Vietnamese soup joint in London? A great big pho queue.

Score: 15

What do you call a muslim opening a bar in Hawaii? Aloha Snackbar.

Score: 7

I watched this documentary about retina surgery.. It was eye opening.

Score: 6

A guy is opening a donut shop next to a medical marijuana shop... He’s calling it “Glazed and Confused”.

Score: 5

I did terribly in my quantum physics class, but still got an "A" and I also got an "F"
I'm not opening my report card.

Score: 4

I had surgery to change myself from Asian to Caucasian. It was a real eye opening experience

Score: 4

Aaron Hernandez's lawyers had him looking forward to prison. The told him it would be just like playing football again and that he would still have a lot of large men opening holes for him.

Score: 3

I'm opening a Comedy Club on the beach. Comic Sands.

Score: 3

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New Opening Jokes

I'm thinking of opening a vietnamese restaurant/billiard hall I'd call it Pho Cue.

Score: 2

Did you guys here about the opening of a new retail establishment that sells a selection of fine, unusual or foreign prepared food in the capital in India? Or as I like to call it, a new deli in New Delhi

Score: 2

I am thinking of opening a world war 2 themed amusement park I just think that the holocauster will be a huge hit

Score: 2

The surgery was done and I could open my eyes for the first time. It was an eye opening experience

Score: 3

They recently opened a gynecologist clinic near my house. I'm fine with it, but they really shouldn't have put up a sign that said "GRAND OPENING"

Score: 3

Mcdonalds is opening a new restaurant for heroin addicts. They are calling it SmackDonalds.

Score: 2

a lobster goes to a bar and the barman says “Nope. You’re barred!” The lobster asks “but why?” The barman, using his hand to mimick one of the lobster’s pincers opening and closing, says “you always come in here, giving it all that.”

Score: 1

Did you hear that Eminem was opening a noodle restaurant in Tokyo? He *is* very good at ramen.

Score: 2

I was telling my friend about a job opening the other day. A full time, private job, where he would have to travel to other people's houses and keep them cool by spinning as fast as he could. He was not a fan.

Score: 2

My wife went to the grand opening for a new department store without me...... I couldn't go with her so she called me and said it was a new low.

Score: 2

WonderWoman has the biggest opening ever Is a misleading title

Score: 3

I've considered opening a mixed emotion martial arts center... But I'm conflicted.

Score: 2

Y'know what they say about opening a stranger's door? Don't try it 'till you knock it

Score: 2

Campers are opening up a restaurant. You should try out their specialty: the S'morgasbord.

Score: 3

Hooters opening a store... It's called saggies

Score: 2

I'm going to be opening a store that sells cow print socks One for your left foot, one for the udder

Score: 3

I'm opening a clinic called The Hokey Pokey It's where you go to turn yourself around.

Score: 2

Ukraine is opening a theme park in Chernobyl. It's like Disneyland, except the 2 metre mouse is real.

Score: 3

I'm opening the first place you can create a painting and brew your own beer It's called "Arts & Crafts"

Score: 2

Im opening a shop where I will sell pies with savoury custurd filling. I should do quite well. Its a quiche market.

Score: 2

Opening a laser eye clinic. Going to name it CircumVision... SEE what I did there?

Score: 3

I have a dream of opening a business that sells purple pitted fruit as well as offering home water service repair I'll call it Plum and Plumber

Score: 2

I'm opening a store that specializes in selling automatic weapons. It's called Bloodbath & Beyond

Score: 1

What would Jacob Kowalski's book about opening a bakery be called? Fantastic Yeasts and Where to Find Them

Score: 1

I shadowed an opthamolologic surgeon today. The experience was really eye opening.

Score: 2

Hi. Everyone. I created a subreddit for topical news jokes. If you like Colbert, Letterman and Leno's opening monologues, come check it out. /r/newsjokes

Score: 2

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