Pink Jokes


Funniest Pink Jokes

Funny Pink Jokes
Score: 1829

The American education system obviously listen to Pink Floyd. They've left those kids a loan.

EDIT: Woke up to find THIS :O

Score: 1614

Pink Panther's TODO list 1. TODO

Score: 686

The Pink Panther's To Do list - To do

- To do

- To do, to do, to do, to do, to doooo

Score: 304

Green chameleon for sale... No, a red one.

No, blue.

No wait, a pink one.


Never mind, I'm keeping it!

Score: 199

What's the difference between pink and purple? Your grip.

Score: 188

Pink Panther’s to do list - To do
- To do
- To do, to do, to do, to do, to dooooo

Score: 181

A black man, a blue man, a green man, a pink man, a red man and yellow man walk into a bar... The bartender says, "We don't serve your kind in here. Too much Risk."

Score: 160

What's the difference between Pink Floyd and Princess Diana? Pink Floyd kept going after the wall.

Score: 106

The Pink Panther's to do list: To do - to do - to do, to do, to do, to do, to dooooo.

Score: 94

What's the difference between pink and purple? Grip.

Score: 93

Pink Panther's to do list: to do,

to do,

to do, to do, to do,

to do, to dooooo!

Score: 76

I bought my girlfriend a pink vibrator for valentines day. She told me as long as she has me she won't need it. I told her "actually that's what I'm here to talk about"

Score: 71

I once dated a girl who had a pink seashell tattoo on her inner thigh. It was pretty, when you put your ear on it you could smell the ocean.

Score: 65

What's the difference between the color pink and the color purple? Your grip!

Score: 54

What do Princess Diana and Pink Floyd have in common? Their last big hits were The Wall.

Score: 46

Why do we dress baby boys in blue and baby girls in pink? Because they can't dress themselves.

Score: 44

What did the man do after listening to a Pink Floyd album for two hours? Skip to the next track

Score: 42

What's the difference between pink and purple? Grip strength.

Score: 41

What's 9 inches long,pink, and makes my girlfriend scream when I put it in her mouth Her miscarriage

Score: 36

How do you annoy a Pink Floyd fan? Play their music on shuffle

Score: 36

Whats pink and always slippery? A pink slipper

Score: 35

"What's The Pink Panther's favourite type of jacket?" "No idea."



"Denim denim denim denim denim..."

Score: 34

What Does Pink Floyd and Princess Diana Have in Common? Their biggest hit was the wall.

Score: 32

What do Pink Floyd and Dale Earnhardt have in common? Their last big hit was the wall

Score: 31

Punny wednesday The phone rang 'green green' and so I pink up the phone.
"Yellow? Blue is this? Can you speak louder? I can't hear you purplerly, I'll call you black later."

Score: 29

I wore a pink t-shirt out the other night and my girlfriend said I looked like a Flamingo.. So I had to put my foot down.

Score: 28

Do you know the difference between pink and purple? Your grip.

Score: 25

I got kicked out of my aunt's funeral for singing a song... It was the Pink Panther theme. Dead aunt, dead aunt, dead aunt dead aunt dead aunt...

Score: 25

Whats big, pink, long and my girlfriend hates when I put it in her mouth? Our miscarriage.

Score: 24

Breast cancer awareness has pink ribbons, but what does alcoholism awareness have? Bruises.

Score: 24

Princess Diana and Pink Floyd has a lot in common Both their greatest hits was the wall

Score: 23

What sound does a red metal rod make when it hits a white metal rod? *PINK!*

Score: 21

What do Pink Floyd and Dale Earnhardt have in common? Their biggest hit was the wall

Score: 20

I think that the president and his cabinet listened to Pink Floyd "We don't need no education" -Devos

"All in all its just another brick in the wall" -Trump

Score: 17

I saw a climate scientist eating pasta out of a pink leather bowl He was eating carb on dyed ox hide

Score: 15

What do Princess Diana and Pink Floyd have in common? Their greatest hit was 'the wall'.

Score: 14

What do Pink Floyd and Princess Diana Have in Common? Their last hits were the wall.

Score: 13

What's the similarities between princess Diana and Pink Floyd? Their last big hit was the wall

Score: 13

What's pink and wrinkly and hangs out Grandad's trousers? Grandma on wash day.

Score: 13

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New Pink Jokes

What animal is black, white and pink? An embarrassed zebra.

Score: 2

What is the color of dripping water? Pink.




Score: 1

You might have heard that Mary K. gives their top sales people pink cars. But have you ever heard of the Mary KKK car? It's still pink but it has a white hood and runs over black people.

Score: 1

You have to take these modern homeopathic health fads with a pinch of salt. Preferably Himalayan pink rock salt, due to its high mineral content and detoxifying effects.

Score: 5

The first time I had steak it was medium-rare, and I overheard my grandpa say "they're all pink in the middle" I just got served a sirloin well-done, now I don't think my grandpa was talking about steak...

Score: 2

What do Lady Di and Pink Floyd have in common? Their last big hit was "The Wall"

Score: 2

Pink Panther's to-do list 1. To-do
2. To-do
3. To-do to-do to-do
4. To-do to-dooooo
5. To-doodoodoodoo

Score: 7

Why do baby boys wear blue and baby girls wear pink? They can't dress themselves…

Score: 2

Why do we dress baby girls in pink and baby boys in blue? Because they can't dress themselves.

Score: 1

In light of recent events, it seems pretty clear to me that whites and colors shoukd be kept seperate... ...I don't know what to do with all these pink socks.

Score: 1

A mexican is crossing the border The guard says, "if you can use the words pink, green and yellow in a sentence, I'll let you across."

The Mexican agrees, and thinks for a while the says, "I hear my phone going 'green green', so I pink it up and say 'yellow!'"

Score: 3

What's the similarity between Trump and Pink Floyd? They both got famous from The Wall.

Score: 4

What's pink and goes "moo"? A pig with an identity crisis.

Score: 3

What do Pink Floyd and Princess Diana have in common? Their biggest hit was the wall

Score: 2

What do Pink Floyd, Kurt Cobain and Princess Diana all have in common? ....all of their last hits were the wall

Score: 3

What is a mainstream media award for accurate, fair and even-handed journalism called? A pink slip.

Score: 7

What's pink and hard? A pig with a flick knife

Score: 2

What did Pink Floyd say when their manager tried to bring in a decorator for the studio? We don't need no renovation.

Score: 2

How Do You Get Pink Eye? Scrub Your Brown Eye

Score: 2

What do Dale Earnhardt.... What do Dale Earnhardt, Princess Diana and Pink Floyd have in common?

Their last big hit was the wall

Score: 2

What does a large pink cat and a deceased insect have in common? Dead ant, dead ant,
Dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant dead annnnt....

Score: 2

if everyone in the United States drove a pink automobile what would we have? a pink carnation

Score: 8

Q: What goes in hard and pink but comes out soft and mushy? A: Bubblegum -- and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Score: 3

What do you get when you cross a blue eye and a brown eye? Pink eye

Score: 7

Why does Trump like Pink Floyd? Because they made The Wall.

Score: 2

What's Donald Trumps favourite album? "The Wall" by Pink Floyd

Score: 4

When does brown and white make pink? When the brown eye mixes with the white eye, you get pink eye!

Score: 1

For a second I wasn't sure if I should give my patient a blue toothbrush or a pink toothbrush. It was a trans-in-dental moment.

Score: 5

What is light and red? Pink

Score: 1

What is pink and has seven dents in it? Snow White's virginity.

Score: 2

Do you know what the difference between pink and purple is? Your grip.

Score: 10

What is on the Pink Panther's to-do list? To-do, to-do, to-do, to-do, to-dooooooo

Score: 3

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