Salty Jokes


Funniest Salty Jokes

Why is the ocean so salty? Because the land doesn't wave back.

Score: 1926
Funny Salty Jokes
Score: 885

What snack will you always find at a KKK rally? Salty Crackers.

Score: 639

Why is the sea salty? Because the land does not wave back.

Score: 103

Why is the ocean so salty? The land never waves back.

Score: 79

Why is the ocean salty? Because the land never waves back.

Score: 67

During an exam, a student pokes the guy next to him and whispers, "pssst... is C the chemical symbol for chlorine?" He whispers back, "Na, Cl you idiot!".

"OK thanks..." replies the student, "but why so salty?"

Score: 67

Is the ocean salty because... the land doesn't wave back?

Score: 60

Why is the ocean salty? Because the land never waves back

(I apologize greatly if this had been posted before)

Score: 49

Why is the ocean so salty? Probably because the land doesn't wave back.

Credit: local radio

Score: 44

Why is the ocean so salty? Because the land never waves back.

Score: 36

Finally realized why the end of my rifle always tastes so salty Because whenever I put it in my mouth I’m always crying

Score: 32

Why is the ocean salty? Because the land doesn't wave back

Score: 26

Why is the sea so salty? because the land won't wave back.

Score: 24

Why is the sea salty? Because the land never waves back

Score: 22

I was going to make a salty chemistry joke But NA

Score: 18

Why was the peanut so salty? Because it got R O A S T E D

Score: 17

Maybe the ocean is so salty because the land doesn't wave back

Score: 16

So there's this hot NA chick in my chemistry class Her attitude is always salty, but hey, her booty is sodium fine.

Edit: Na

Score: 15

What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved.

No need to get salty. It's just a pun aboat the ocean.

Score: 14

What do you call a salty ex-marine? A seasoned veteran.

Score: 13

What’s the difference between a slug and a gamer? A gamer gets salty when they die, but a slug dies when it gets salty.

Score: 13

I wonder if.. What if the ocean is salty because the land never waves back?

Score: 10

Do you know why the sea is always so salty? Because the land never waves back.

Score: 10

Why is the ocean salty? Because land doesn't wave back.

Score: 9

"Mommy! Mommy! Little Johnny pulled down his pants and showed me his thingy!" "Oh? That's... *weird*. Well, what did you think of it?"

"It reminded me of a peanut!"

"Ha ha! Because it was so tiny?"

"No. Salty."

Score: 9

Why is the ocean always salty? Because the land never waves back.

Score: 8

A man runs into an old salty sea captain on the docks of Boston harbor and says, "Cap'm, can't help but noticin' got a steerin' wheel secures to yer crotch there." Sea captain removes the pipe from 'tween his teeth and says, "Aye. It's drivin' me nuts."

Score: 8

What's the difference between a gamer and a pot of boiling water? A pot of boiling water doesn't get salty when you put a tea-bag in it.

Score: 7

Why is the sea so salty? Because the land didn't wave back.

Score: 7

Bacon related humor... I'm way too proud of this:

I like my women like I like my bacon,
Salty and bad for me.

Score: 7

Why is the ocean always salty? Because nobody waves back

Score: 6

What part of your hand is the most salty? The NaCls

Score: 6

Salty Ocean... Is the ocean salty because land didn't wave back 🤔

Score: 5

I don't often tell sailor jokes But when I do they are usually salty.

Score: 3

Which song is the most salty? Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Hey, Jude

Score: 2

A young marine is talking to an old, salty vet. The marine complains there is never anywhere he can have "private time", he says with a nudge. The old vet laughs, and suggests he use a silencer rather than his hand. That way, they never hear you coming!

Score: 2

Why was the potato salty? Because he had a chip on his shoulder

Score: 2

Why is the ocean so salty? Because people just started to comment on its new YouTube channel.

Score: 2

I like my women like I like my snacks.. Cheesy, salty, a little sweet, and upset about my nutritional value per 50g servings.

Score: 2

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Why do Sodium and Chloride not like eachother? Because they're salty!

Score: 0

What is the difference between Trump and a cheeze it? They are both just salty orange crackers.

Score: 1

I like my women like I like my chips Original and slightly salty

Score: 1

I wonder why is the ocean so salty... Maybe because the land never waves back?

Score: 1

Truth about the ocean The reason why oceans are salty is because the land never waves back

Score: 1

Why is the sea always salty? Because the land never waves back.

Score: 1

A man asks his friend if he wants to play another round. He replies with "Na." The first guy asks the second guy 'Why you gotta be so salty?"

Score: 1

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