Starbucks Jokes


Funniest Starbucks Jokes

Funny Starbucks Jokes
Score: 1725

TIL America has more museums than Starbucks and McDonald's combined. Starbucks and McDonald's have a combined total of 0 museums.

Edit: McDonald's and Starbucks have a combined total of a couple museums.

Score: 994

What do you call currency in space? Starbucks.

Score: 462

This barista at StarBucks looked so nervous as she handed me my coffee. I think she was scared because she spelt my name wrong, she wrote "callthecops".

I didn't bother leaving a tip.

Score: 406

I heard Starbucks is trying to hire a lot more refugees Those poor art majors are going to suffer, then

Score: 348

My friends that majored in English always tell me the same thing Welcome to Starbucks!

Score: 124

What's long and white? The line to Starbucks.

Score: 73

How do aliens pay for their coffees? With Starbucks!

Score: 70

I like my coffee like I like my women Basically, I'm now banned from Starbucks.

Score: 48

So, a cheerleader walks into a Starbucks... and shouts, "gimme a tea!"

Score: 43

What's the currency in space? Starbucks

Score: 41

John robbed some coffee from Starbucks the other day. The police are charging him for mugging.

Score: 39

I made a Starbucks barista cry I put my name down as Dad and he stood there calling it over and over again with no reply.

Score: 36

What type of currency do people use in space? Starbucks.

Score: 32

Judge threw out a lawsuit against Starbucks said the Plaintiff had no grounds.

Score: 28

What kind of currency do astronauts use in space? Starbucks

Score: 26

What do aliens use for currency? Starbucks!

Score: 25

I got fired from Starbucks for not changing the coffee filters. It was grounds for dismissal.

Score: 20

What does an alien use to pay for coffee? Starbucks

Score: 20

What do you order at Starbucks when you're sad? A desspresso

Score: 18

That awkward moment... ...when the woman you're dancing behind bends over so you can grind it, then you realise she just lost an earring...and that no one else in Starbucks can hear your iPod.

Score: 15

starbucks is like a hooker... one on every corner and money upfront before they scream your name

Score: 15

What's the best thing about having a girlfriend who is addicted to Starbucks? You'll never forget her name.

Score: 13

What did the Minotaur order at Starbucks? Half calf

Score: 12

At a Starbucks job interview "What is your name?"
"Could you spell that, please?"
-L A R I S S A
"When can you start?!"

Score: 12

Saw a guy today at starbucks He had no smartphone, tablet or laptop.

He just sat there drinking coffee like a psycho

Score: 12

So, today I found out that Starbucks coffee is an 8 on the ph scale I guess that you could say all of those white girls are basic.

Score: 11

Go to Starbucks - Order Coffee

- Tell them your name is Waldo

- Leave

Score: 10

Police on lookout for Starbucks thief Suspect is still at veinte

Score: 10

Endgame Spoiler : Tony Stark and Bucky becomes partners to start a business at the end of the movie. They name it Starbucks.

Score: 10

I told my first date to meet me at Starbucks because I forgot her name But the date went horribly wrong since Starbucks got her name wrong.

Score: 8

I like my women the way I like Starbucks I just can't afford either

Score: 6

Trivia: If you stood every single Starbucks employee around the equator... I would totally steal a white chocolate and raspberry muffin.

Score: 5

When asking a basic white girl if she wants some Starbucks, the short answer will always be "yas" The long answer is probably going to be "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas"

Score: 4

A White, American, college age female walks into a starbucks... She doesn't order anything.

Score: 4

I like my girls how I like my Starbucks coffee. Expensive and underwhelming.

Score: 4

What kind of exercise do you do after drinking too much Starbucks? Pilates.

Score: 4

I'm not a fan of Starbucks new racial bias training I just got thrown out for ordering a black coffee

Score: 3

What kind of currency is used in outer space? Starbucks

Score: 3

I ask starbucks to write Ari as my name on every cup That way i can say its 'Ari on a Grande'

Score: 3

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Why did the hipster burn his lips at Starbucks coffee? He wanted to drink it before it gets cool.

Score: 1

Starbucks has started serving a new burger… Starbucks has started serving a new burger that is half beef and half plant-based.

They call it half calf.

Score: 1

We engineers are way too condescending to liberal arts majors despite the fact that we absolutely need them. After all, somebody’s got to brew our coffee at Starbucks.

Score: 2

Old lady pushes her walker up to the counter at Starbucks and says... "I'll take a medium Sanka!"

Score: 2

What drink does Captain America order at Starbucks? An iced americano

Score: 2

What’s the Biblical time’s equivalent to Starbucks coffee? Hebrews Coffee

Score: 0

What do you call a place full of white people? Starbucks.

Score: 2

What do the zodiac signs use to pay for coffee? Starbucks

Score: 1

What currency do astronauts use? Starbucks

Score: 1

I think it is truly amazing how music can take us to other places so quickly Per example, yesterday I was at Starbucks and Meghan Trainor started playing. I immediately went to the coffee shop on the other side of the street

Score: 2

What kind of currency do aliens use in space? Starbucks

Score: 3

I walked into a Starbucks It was so white I almost went blind

Score: 2

The Starbucks employee asked me if I wanted my drink sized Venti. I said "nah I want the one size smaller than that" And then everything exploded.

Score: 1

I ordered a tall blonde at Starbucks but all I got was this coffee...

Score: 2

Before Chance was involved in music he was a barista at Starbucks for 5 years Chance the Frapper

Score: 1

The new Starbucks drink is like getting back together with an ex. It's fun and exciting in the beginning, but then is horrible and should have never happened in the first place.

Score: 2

Starbucks is changing their name! To EightBucks

Score: 2

Starbucks staff are so lazy I only asked for a small coffee and they said "that's a tall order."

Score: 2

When I get Starbucks in the morning, I always ask for a Norwegian. It's a tall blonde.

Score: 0

You never have to worry about Starbucks running short on coffee. I hear they always have a latte

Score: 1

I was talking to my Israeli friend who works at Starbucks... Hebrew.

Score: 1

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