They Call Me Jokes


Funniest They Call Me Jokes

They call me The Tripod Her: So why do they call you 'Tripod'?

Me: Let me unzip this and show you...

*opens camera case and takes really steady photo*

Score: 134

I have one alcoholic beverage and they call me an alcoholic But when I have a Fanta, no one calls me fantastic.

Score: 87

Women call me ugly, until they find out how much money I make... Then they call me poor and ugly.

Score: 52

They call me the Mary Poppins of artillery... I deliver...


Score: 32

They call me Joe Fat Fingers And I dobn't kniw whu

Score: 30

In Italy, they call me Olive Oil Its because im extra virgin. :(

Score: 24

Women call me ugly until they find out what I make Then they call me ugly and poor

Score: 16

They call me Love Master Because I suck at tennis.

Score: 11

What do they call me in prison? Mitochondria, cause I'm the powerhouse of the cell

Score: 9

Why do they call me the fireman? Cause I turn on the hoes

Score: 8

Crueless joke Women always call me ugly until they find out how much money I make.
Then they call me ugly and poor.

Score: 7

They call me the Weatherman when I'm playing basketball Because I'm never accurate.

Score: 5

Why do they call me an oven? Because when I get turned on things get really hot

Score: 5

Women only call me ugly until they see how much money I make.. Then they call me ugly & poor

Score: 4

Hey girl, you know why they call me "Toilet Paper?" Because I'm so Charmin.

Score: 3

They call me the Pastry Chef Because all your mothers came to get cream pies from me.

Score: 3

They call me the 47th chromosome Because when I turn up to a party, everyone gets retarded.

Score: 3

In Italy they call me olive oil Because I'm extra virgin.

Score: 3

I'm always the life of my family reunions. It's no wonder they call me the laughingstock of the family.

Score: 3

In bed they call me Snickers... ... Because I always satisfy!

Score: 2

They call me El Comal (Tex-Mex Joke)(Spanish) Porque yo caliento todos los gorditas.

Score: 2

They call me the mexican. Why?
Because i cross borders with my jokes.

Score: 2

Why do they call me seven days? Because I'm weak.

Score: 2

Why do they call me the fireman? Because I turn on the hoes.

Score: 2

In group projects, they call me the task manager I **control** the group, **shift** the blame, then proceed to **escape**

Score: 2

Want to know why they call me The Ignorer? No? Okay here’s why.

Score: 2

They call me the joker. Because I'm always taken out of the game before it begins.

Score: 2

They call me a hopeless romantic Because I’ll never find love

Score: 2

Hey Girl, you know why they call me the Mechanical Bull? Because riding me is a very uncomfortable and likely short experience.

Score: 2

They call me Schizo man because they don’t exist

Score: 2

In China they call me the Joker... Because I'm crazy about Bats and will kill your parents.

Score: 2

Do you know why they call me Pico? Cause I'm da guy, yo!

Score: 2

They call me a baby killer You kill a baby or two and suddenly you are a baby killer, like what abot the men n women I killed.

Score: 2

Women always call me ugly until they realize how much money I make Then they call me ugly and broke

Score: 2

Every girl used to call me ugly until they found out how much money I have Now they call me ugly AND poor

Score: 2

Carmen at the bar Guy sits down at the bar next to pretty lady.
"What's your name?" he asks.
"They call me Carmen."
"Carmen, huh? Thats a nice name."
"It suits me well because I love cars and I love men."
"Fancy that."
"What's your name?"
"They call me BeerTits."

Score: 2

They call me "Roundup"..... Cuz I'm a weedkiller.

Score: 1

Wanna know why they call me "The Weatherman"? Cause you can expect a few extra inches tonight!

Score: 1

Women call me ugly until they see my car. Then they call me an ugly taxi driver.

Score: 1

They call me cocktail, and not because of the drinks I make ^^^^but ^^^^because ^^^^of ^^^^my ^^^^body

Score: 1

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People always think I'm ugly until they find out how much money I make Then they call me ugly and poor.

Score: 0

When I was a kid, I had a big head, so everyone called me "pumpkin head", but then my body grew into it. Now they call me "pumpkin body".

Score: 0

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