Trap Jokes


Funniest Trap Jokes

Funny Trap Jokes
Score: 7635

My 5 y/o cousins joke :) Him:Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: Why?
Him: To get to the stupid persons house.
Me: *voluntary laugh as older cousin*
Him: Knock knock.

Me: Who's there?

Him: It's the chicken!

I fell right into the little tackers trap!

Score: 487

If anyone ever asks you to spell “part” backwards don’t do it… It’s a trap.

Score: 369

A state trooper lays in wait at a speed trap... and spots a speeder.

He flashes his lights, pulls the car over, walks up to the driver and says, "I've been waiting for you all day."

The driver responds, "I got here as fast as I could."

Score: 291

I walked into my sister's room and tripped on a bra. It was a booby-trap.

Score: 200

Don't read part A backwards Its A trap

Score: 154

15 dollars for a rat trap, 3 dollars for cheese Coming home to find a house not full of droppings?. Miceless.

Score: 92

Is my Thai girlfriend a trap? Some deep inside me says yes

Score: 90

Please don't type Part A backwards It's a trap!

Score: 80

I tripped over my sister's bra the other day It was boobie trap

Score: 68

I tripped over a bra today I guess it was a booby trap

Score: 66

If you see a toilet in your dream, do not use it. It's a trap.

Score: 60

I walked into my sisters room and tripped on a bra... It was a booby trap!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Stolen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^from ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Last ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^us

Score: 58

What do you call a woman that tries to force you into commitment? A booby trap

Score: 36

How do you catch a bra? With a booby trap!

Score: 34

A dyslexic man walks into a bra... It was a booby trap.

Score: 32

For a while Harry Houdini used trap doors in every act. It was a stage he was going through.

Score: 32

What do you call a bra that tightens the more you try to take it off? A booby trap!

Score: 28

How do you trap an elephant? Start by digging a big hole in the ground then fill it with ashes. Take some peanuts and place them around the edge of the hole. When the elephant comes to eat the peanuts, kick him in the ash-hole.

Score: 25

If someone tells you to spell part backwards don't do it It's a trap!

Score: 23

What do you call it when your friends trick you into going to the strip club? A booby trap.

Score: 22

Don't spell "part" backward! It's a trap.

Score: 21

I walked into my sister's room and slipped on her bra I swear she set a booby trap

Score: 21

I tripped on my sister’s bra. It was a booby trap.

Score: 19

Looking out If you see a door that says Women, don't go in. It is a trap. There's only toilets in there.

Score: 18

I tripped over a bra in my sisters room it was a booby trap

Score: 16

If someone asks you to spell part backwards, don’t. It’s a trap.

Score: 16

If anyone ever asks you to spell “part” backwards don’t do it! It’s a trap.

Score: 14

I tripped over my wife’s bra. ​

It was a booby trap.

Score: 13

If someone asks you to spell 'part' backwards, don't do it It's a trap

Score: 13

I tripped on a bra in my sister's room It was a booby trap

Score: 12

How do you catch an escaped bra? You have to set up a booby trap.

Score: 9

For a while Houdini would use trap doors in every act He was going through a stage

Score: 4

What do you call a transgender grim reaper? A death trap.

Score: 4

A rookie cop is sent to monitor a speed trap for hours... Finally near the end of his shift a car blows by at 80 mph. He pulls over a teenager and tells him, "I waited all day for you to get here."

The teenager replies: "I got here as fast as I could."

Score: 4

I was asked to spell part backwards Its a trap

Score: 4

Scientists have genetically modified a Venus Fly Trap to have the skin of a cactus They say its bark is worse than its bite.

Score: 3

What did the Venus fly trap say to the waiter? Excuse me, there's no fly in my soup.

Score: 3

How to trap your least favorite politician. 1) Dig a deep hole.

2) Sprinkle ash all around the edge of the hole.

3) When he/she shows up, kick him/her in the ash hole.

Score: 3

What's the other name for a bra? A boobie-trap!

Score: 2

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Score: 2

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Score: 1

Which Elvis song, is his most painful? Caught in a trap.

Score: 2

How do you trap a Swede in the bathroom? On the left wall write: look right.

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Score: 1

What do you call a brothel in Bangkok? A tourist trap

Score: 1

How do you trap a polar bear? You cut a hole in the ice and line it with peas. When the bear bends over to take a pea, you kick him in the icehole.

Score: 2

What do you call a tight fitting bra? A boobie trap.

Score: 2

[x-post with /r/Overwatch] What's Junkrat's favorite music genre? I don't know, but he says he's stuck between trap and pop.

Score: 1

Why did the driver slow down when he saw two meth heads? It was a speed trap

Score: 2

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