Twin Jokes


Funniest Twin Jokes

I finally realized my parents favored my twin brother. It hit me when they asked me to blow up balloons for his surprise birthday party.

Score: 19374
Funny Twin Jokes
Score: 15916

If I have twin daughters, I'll name one Kate And I'll name the other "DupliKate"

Score: 12477

So my twin brother called me from prison He said, "So you know how we finish each others' sentences?"

Score: 10925

Genders are like the twin towers There used to be 2 of them but now it's a touchy subject

Score: 8340

I once dated a girl with a twin People ask me how I could tell them apart. It was simple, Jill colored her nails purple and bob had a cock

Score: 3678

What do the twin towers and genders have in common? There used to be two and now it's too offensive to talk about.

Score: 2252

Why are the twin towers and genders so similar? Because there used to be two of them, but it's offensive to joke about that now.

Score: 1982

What do the Twin Towers and gender have in common? There used to be two, and now it's a really touchy subject.

Edit: I am can't word goodly.

Score: 1829

My buddy told me he had a threesome with his girlfriend and her twin....... I asked how he could tell them apart. He said "Her brother has a mustache."

Score: 1002

I just found out my wife has an identical twin I saw her on Tinder.

Score: 845

My friend Jay recently had twin girls, and wanted to name them after him. So I suggested Kaye and Elle.

Score: 714

My wife's fantasy is to be with another man. Mine is to have two girls at the same time. She must have misunderstood because now we have twin daughters from the mailman

Score: 671

Two biologists get married and have twin girls. They name one Jessica and the other Control.

Score: 506

Did you ever hear about the Lucky Charms leprechaun's evil twin? He was tragically malicious.

Score: 399

Gender is like the Twin Towers There used to be two, and now it's a really touchy subject to bring up

Score: 379

What's the difference between a cow and the Twin Towers? You can't milk a cow for 15 years.

Score: 299

When I was ten my Mom told me to take my brother to a movie so she could set up for his surprise birthday party. That's when I realized that he was her favorite twin, not me.

Score: 298

So, my twin brother just called me from prison. He said, "So you know how we tend to finish each others' sentences?"

Score: 274

Why are the twin towers and genders so similar? Because there used to be 2 of them, but it's offensive to joke about that now.

Score: 250

My mother asked me to hand out invitations to my brother’s surprise party. That’s when I realized he was her favourite twin.

Score: 244

What did the drummer call his twin daughters? Anna 1, Anna 2

Score: 230

Why are the twin towers and genders so similar? Because there use to be two of them, but it's offensive to joke about that now.

Score: 223

Gender is like the twin towers There used to be two, now it's a touchy subject

Score: 190

My wife hasn't spoken to me since I fingered her twin by mistake during a drunken dance at a wedding. He's not happy about it either.

Score: 172

What do the twin towers and gender have in common? There used to be two of them, but it's offensive to joke about that now.

Score: 143

What did the drummer call his twin daughters? Anna One, Anna Two

Score: 141

I am 24 seconds older than my twin brother... ... whenever I come out of the toilet I start a sentence with "When I was your age...." then proceed telling him the details of my majestic creation.

Score: 139

Genders are like the twin towers There used to be 2 of them, but now it is a sensitive topic.

Score: 130

Genders are like the Twin Towers. There used to be two of them, but now it's a sensitive subject.

Score: 128

What do the Twin Towers and Genders have in common? There used to be two of them, and now it's a sensitive subject.

Score: 111

If 9/11 had happened in July... 7/11's brand name would have crumbled faster than the Twin Towers.

Score: 108

Genders are like Twin Towers. They used to be two of them but now they are sensitive subject.

Score: 91

“My wife’s identical twin sister is living with us till she finds a job” I said to my friend

He asked “ do you know how to tell them apart ?”

I remarked “ why should I ?”

Score: 84

The twin towers are like genders There used to be two of them but now they're just a sensitive topic

Score: 81

How are genders like the twin towers? There used to be two of them but now everyone gets offended if you talk about it.

Score: 52

How are the Twin Towers and Gender Similar? There used to be two, now it's offensive to talk about.

Score: 46

Genders are like the twin towers There used to be two of them

Now it's a really sensitive subject

Score: 29

What do the twin towers and genders have in common? There used to be two, now it's a touchy subject

Score: 24

Genders are like the Twin Towers There use to be two of them, but now it's just a sensitive topic.

Score: 21

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New Twin Jokes

I hate it when people assume that I'm white. That's my twin brother's name not mine.

Score: 2

If I have 2 twin sons, I’ll name one Pete... And the other one RePete

Score: 0

A drummer and his wife have indentical twin daughters. And their names are.. Anna 1
Anna 2

Score: 5

The twin towers are like genders There were two of them but now it’s a touchy subject

Score: 2

A pair of twins were in a cake shop... They were looking for a birthday cake but just couldn’t decide on a topping.

Twin 1: “I want chocolate”

Twin 2: “I want skittles”

Twin 1: “How about we do Rock Paper Scissors?”

Twin 2: “Why would I want that on my cake?”

Score: 6

My sister wished me a happy fathers day... I was so scared and frightened that I froze for an entire minute.
She looked confused for a second then laughed, she apologised for mixing me up and my twin brother

Score: 2

What names did the drummer give to his twin daughters? Anna One, Anna Two.

Score: 3

How does a drummer call his twin daughters? Ana one, Ana two...

Score: 18

Why were people in twin towers mad? They ordered pepperoni, but got a plane.

Score: 1

Its that time of the week for joke #2432 What's the difference between the twin towers and gender?

There used to be 2 but now its rude to talk about it.

Thank you I'll be back next week with joke #2433

Score: 1

Nowadays, the Twin Towers are like the genders. They used to be two, now it's a sensitive matter.

Score: 6

What do the twin towers and genders both have in common? There used to be two but now it’s a touchy subject

Score: 3

I like to think of gender as the Twin Towers There was two but now it's just a touchy subject.

Score: 2

Aren't genders like the twin towers? There used to be 2 of them but now it's a really sensitive subject ..

Score: 14

Have you hear the joke about the twin eyeless cyclopses? No? Neither have eye...

Score: 2

What’s the difference between Gender and the Twin Towers? Nothing, there used to be two of them but now it’s a touchy subject.

Score: 2

Why were the twin towers disappointed with their pizza? Because they ordered pepperoni but all they got was plane.

Score: 3

What's the difference between New York and Lord of The Rings? Twin Towers.

Score: 1

A biologist had twin daughters Named the first one Alice, and the second Control.

Score: 1

I bought two mattresses the other day I really only needed one, but when I went to buy it, I saw that it was a twin, and I didn't want to separate them.

Score: 7

Why was the twin towers mad? Because they ordered a pepperoni pizza, but all they got was a plain.

Score: 2

I just found out that George Clooney's wife has a twin brother named Juan who looks exactly like her Some people say that once you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal

Score: 7

Conjoined twins go before a judge. One twin says, "Your honor, my husband is cheating on me."

Judge asks, "With whom?"

"My other half."

Score: 1

What's Swedish Chef's evil twin's name? Swedish Jeff

Score: 3

What's the hardest part about dating a conjoined twin? Every morning she screams at me for being in bed with her sister.

Score: 1

What do you call twin boys with no arms and no legs hanging from a window? Kurt and Rod

Score: 7

Saw my Long Lost Siamese Twin Today It was good to reconnect.

Score: 3

Why do the conjoined twins travel to London? the other twin gets the chance to drive a car =(

Score: 6

Genders are like the twin towers There used to be two, but now it's to offensive to joke about them

Score: 2

Why were the twin towers mad on 9/11? Because they ordered pepperoni but all the got was plane.

Score: 8

My favourite band is called "2 Aeroplanes" Their most famous hit was "The Twin Towers"

Score: 1

What do you call a Ford with a twin exhaust? A wheelbarrow

Score: 1

My wife’s fantasy is to be with another man and mine is to have two girls at the same time… She must have misunderstood, because now, we have twin daughters from the mailman…

Score: 6

Growing up was tough for me. I realized my parents favored my twin brother when they asked me to blow up balloons for his surprise birthday party.

Score: 1

Apparently I was supposed to have to have a twin until I absorbed him. I guess I just needed a little more womb

Score: 1

Genders are like the Twin Towers. They were once 2, but now they're just offensive to talk about.

Score: 1

What do the twin towers and genders have in common? There were two and now it's just offensive to talk about.

Score: 11

Gender is like the Twin Towers There used to be two, and now it's a bit of a touchy subject.

Score: 12

Genders are like the Twin Towers... There used to be two of them, but now it's a sensitive a subject.

Score: 20

People who eat bacon... People who eat bacon have a higher risk of a heart attack.

People who don't have an increased risk of bringing the twin towers down.

Score: 1

I love my conjoined twin He's always on my side

Score: 1

What will Beyonce say after her first twin is born? I could have another you in a minute

Matter fact he'll be here in a minute

Score: 7

Hey Girl! Can I be the hijacked plane that penetrates your twin towers?

Score: 1

Two biologists get married. They have a set of twin girls. They name one baby Jessica and the other baby Control.

Score: 7

Why is the twin towers and gender the same. There used to be two of them but now it's to offensive to talk about.

Score: 8

What's the difference between most people and planes? Most people miss the twin towers.

Score: 17

What do you call it when a mother has twin boys in Arizona? Tucson.

Score: 2

What did the Spanish firefighter name his twin sons? Jose and Hose B

Score: 2

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