What has 4 letters, sometimes 9 letters, but never has 5 letters. Just a hint: I didn't ask a question.
What has 6 balls and rapes retards? The lottery.
You know what has 8 legs 8 hands and 8 eyes? 8 Pirates
What has 132 legs and 8 teeth? The front row of a Toby Keith concert.
What has five fingers and isn't your hand? My hand.
"Hey son, what has 4 legs and doesn't breathe?"
"Haha you can't fool me again, dad. A chair!"
"Not this time. Our dog died."
What has 6 eyes, 16 tentacles and quacks like a duck? I don't know either but it's in my kitchen please help.
what has 2 legs in the morning and 3 in the afternoon? I have no idea but it's in my basement please send help.
What has 6 letters, starts with 'P', and ends a sentence? Parole.
What has 72 legs and 26 teeth? The first row of a country concert.
What has TWO wings, and ONE arrow?
A Chinese telephone.
Wing wing. Arrow?
A dad asks his son, "What has four legs but isn't alive?"
The son says,"Nice try dad, a chair!"
"Not this time son, our dog is dead"
What has 4 legs and 1 arm? A Pitbull coming from the childrens play ground
What has 4 wheels and flies?
A garbage truck
...I'll see myself out.
What has 50 pairs of eyes but only three teeth? The front row at a Trump rally.
A man says to his son: "Hey son, what has 4 legs and doesn't breathe"?"
"You're not fooling me dad, a chair!!"
"Not this time, your dog died."
What has two wings and an arrow? A Chinese telephone
What has 5 fingers but isn't your hand? My hand.
What has 100 legs but can't walk? 50 pairs of pants.
What has four legs, is green and fuzzy, and if it falls out of a tree can kill you? A pool table.
What has 2 wings and 1 Arrow ?
A Chinese telephone
(posted this last year got some good feedback)
What has 400 legs and 23 teeth? The front row of a Trump rally
What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck.
I'm sorry.
What has 9 letters and makes everyone mad? Clickbait
Dad: What has 4 legs and isn’t alive?
Me: You can’t fool me dad! Its a chair!
Dad: Not this time son. Get a shovel, the dog’s dead
What has caused Caitlyn Jenner to put on weight? Trans fats.
What has 4 wheels and flies? Garbage truck
What has 2 grey legs and 2 brown legs? An elephant with diarrhea...
What has two wings and a halo?
A Chinese telephone.
"Wing wing".
[Repost] what has 8 eyes and 8 legs? 8 pirates
What has 200 legs and 40 teeth? The first row at a Trump rally.
What has two thumbs and never takes the blame? That guy
What has a bunch of K's and is hated? Kim Kylie Khloe Kendall kourtney kris Kanye
What has 10,000 feet and one tooth? An unemployment line in Arkansas.
What has no legs and sounds like a dog? A log
What has 60 legs and 8 teeth? The front row of a Country concert
What has 7 eyes and 7 legs? A ship with 7 pirates
My dad asked me: "Son, what has four legs and doesn't breathe?"
I said "You're not fooling me again dad, a chair"
He answered "No, your dog died"
What has 3 words, 8 letters, is easy to say, and hard to prove? I'm a zebra.
Q: What has 9 arms and sucks?
A: Def Leppard.
What has two legs and flies? Mike Pence!
What has four "i"s but cannot see? A person with glasses.
What has 78 teeth and holds back a monster? My Zipper
What has two heads and one brain? A man.
What has a bottom as it’s top? Your leg
What do you get when you take the Cosine of (Polar Bear)?
A Cartesian Bear.
What has my life become?
What has Trump been doing since his call to the Ukraine? He’s Biden his time.
What has a bunch of KKK’s and is still hated to this day? Kim Khloe Kourtney Kris Kanye Kendall Kylie
What has two black eyes and is fat? A panda
What has a mouth with teeth and flies? An Ethiopian child.
What has George Michael got in common with Wellington boots? They both get sucked off in bogs.
What has 5 legs and 1 arm? A pitbull in a playground
What has 8 legs, 8 arm, and 8 eyes? 8 Pirates.
What has 10,000 legs and 3 pubes? A Justin Bieber concert.
What has 6 sides and flies? A box with flies in it
What has no mass? An empty church.
Yesterday, when my girlfriend came home, I said::
"Hi, Sweetie! I've got another riddle for you. What has four legs, and doesn't move?"
She answered: "That's easy... A chair!"
-"Wrong! It's your sweet Corgi-dog..."
What has 4 letters, sometimes 9 letters, but never has 5 letters. hint hint: don't overthink
What has Ferris wheels, cotton candy, and delicious fried food? That's a fair question
What has a bottom on it's top. Your legs
What has more minivans than a dealership? A Mormon church parking lot....
Old but (terrible) gold
What has 2 legs and bleeds?
Half a dog
What has 100 eyes and 2 teeth?
A bus full of old people..
What has 2 eyes and 100 teeth?
A crocodile
What has two fat thumbs and difficulty typing? Rgua fyt!!
What has an N, an I, two Gs, an E, and an R, and is brown? Ginger.
What has a hundred teeth and holds back a monster? My zipper.
What has aids and flies? Africa.
What has 9 arms and sucks? Def Leopard
What has one horn and gives milk? A milk truck
What has four legs and goes "ho-dee-doe ho-dee-doe"? Two black guys trying to catch the elevator.
What has four legs and goes "Oooooooo" A cow with no lips.
What has four legs and goes "marc, marc?" A dog with a harelip.
What has one horn and isn't magic? A dead unicorn.
What has 3 holes and goes down an alley? Thomas and Martha Wayne.
What has 4 legs, is green & if it falls off a tree, will kill you? A pool table.
What has three eyes and one leg? traffic light
What has more lives than a cat? Frogs. They croak every night.
What has 140 metal teeth and holds back the world's biggest monster? My zipper.
Doctor and the Patient
Dr.- your case is quite complicated.
Patient- why doctor? What has happened?
Dr.- You got a disease from the chapter which I left for option during my studies...
Action dan here, what has nine arms and sucks? def leopard.
What has 30 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What has forty legs and two teeth? A Klan rally.
What has big ears, brings Easter treats, and goes “hippity-THUD, hippity-THUD, hippity-THUD? The Easter Elephant.
What has 1 thumb and is very important? A ransom note.
What has six eyes, four wings and eight legs? Two chickens and a goat.
What has legs but never runs? Stephen Hawking
What has 18 legs and catches flies? A baseball team.
Dad: "Hey son, what has four legs and doesn't breathe?"
Son: "Haha, you can't fool me again Dad! A chair!"
Dad: "Not this time, son. Our dog died."
What has 2 heads and six legs? Nirvana
Q: What has more ships than the navy? A: Anime fanbases
What has two legs and can't stand up? Half a cat
What has 6 arms, 3 legs, and 2 feet? The Boston marathon finish line.