What Has Jokes


Funniest What Has Jokes

What has 4 letters, sometimes 9 letters, but never has 5 letters. Just a hint: I didn't ask a question.

Score: 28934

What has 6 balls and rapes retards? The lottery.

Score: 11445

You know what has 8 legs 8 hands and 8 eyes? 8 Pirates

Score: 11169
Funny What Has Jokes
Score: 10462

What has 132 legs and 8 teeth? The front row of a Toby Keith concert.

Score: 2142

What has five fingers and isn't your hand? My hand.

Score: 1929

"Hey son, what has 4 legs and doesn't breathe?" "Haha you can't fool me again, dad. A chair!"

"Not this time. Our dog died."

Score: 1755

What has 6 eyes, 16 tentacles and quacks like a duck? I don't know either but it's in my kitchen please help.

Score: 1606

what has 2 legs in the morning and 3 in the afternoon? I have no idea but it's in my basement please send help.

Score: 1433

What has 6 letters, starts with 'P', and ends a sentence? Parole.

Score: 971

What has 72 legs and 26 teeth? The first row of a country concert.

Score: 954

What has TWO wings, and ONE arrow? A Chinese telephone.

Wing wing. Arrow?

Score: 946

A dad asks his son, "What has four legs but isn't alive?" The son says,"Nice try dad, a chair!"

"Not this time son, our dog is dead"

Score: 847

What has 4 legs and 1 arm? A Pitbull coming from the childrens play ground

Score: 829

What has 4 wheels and flies? A garbage truck

...I'll see myself out.

Score: 795

What has 50 pairs of eyes but only three teeth? The front row at a Trump rally.

Score: 473

A man says to his son: "Hey son, what has 4 legs and doesn't breathe"?" "You're not fooling me dad, a chair!!"

"Not this time, your dog died."

Score: 455

What has two wings and an arrow? A Chinese telephone

Score: 384

What has 5 fingers but isn't your hand? My hand.

Score: 340

What has 100 legs but can't walk? 50 pairs of pants.

Score: 313

What has four legs, is green and fuzzy, and if it falls out of a tree can kill you? A pool table.

Score: 256

What has 2 wings and 1 Arrow ? A Chinese telephone




(posted this last year got some good feedback)

Score: 256

What has 400 legs and 23 teeth? The front row of a Trump rally

Score: 253

What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck.

I'm sorry.

Score: 252

What has 9 letters and makes everyone mad? Clickbait

Score: 231

Dad: What has 4 legs and isn’t alive? Me: You can’t fool me dad! Its a chair!

Dad: Not this time son. Get a shovel, the dog’s dead

Score: 222

What has caused Caitlyn Jenner to put on weight? Trans fats.

Score: 221

What has 4 wheels and flies? Garbage truck

Score: 205

What has 2 grey legs and 2 brown legs? An elephant with diarrhea...

Score: 198

What has two wings and a halo? A Chinese telephone.

"Wing wing".


Score: 181

[Repost] what has 8 eyes and 8 legs? 8 pirates

Score: 123

What has 200 legs and 40 teeth? The first row at a Trump rally.

Score: 105

What has two thumbs and never takes the blame? That guy

Score: 91

What has a bunch of K's and is hated? Kim Kylie Khloe Kendall kourtney kris Kanye

Score: 46

What has 10,000 feet and one tooth? An unemployment line in Arkansas.

Score: 44

What has no legs and sounds like a dog? A log

Score: 39

What has 60 legs and 8 teeth? The front row of a Country concert

Score: 33

What has 7 eyes and 7 legs? A ship with 7 pirates

Score: 30

My dad asked me: "Son, what has four legs and doesn't breathe?" I said "You're not fooling me again dad, a chair"

He answered "No, your dog died"

Score: 25

What has 3 words, 8 letters, is easy to say, and hard to prove? I'm a zebra.

Score: 25

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New What Has Jokes

? Q: What has 9 arms and sucks?
A: Def Leppard.

Score: 1

What has two legs and flies? Mike Pence!

Score: 1

What has four "i"s but cannot see? A person with glasses.

Score: 0

What has 78 teeth and holds back a monster? My Zipper

Score: 0

What has two heads and one brain? A man.

Score: 0

What has a bottom as it’s top? Your leg

Score: 0

What do you get when you take the Cosine of (Polar Bear)? A Cartesian Bear.

What has my life become?

Score: 1

What has Trump been doing since his call to the Ukraine? He’s Biden his time.

Score: 6

What has a bunch of KKK’s and is still hated to this day? Kim Khloe Kourtney Kris Kanye Kendall Kylie

Score: 9

What has two black eyes and is fat? A panda

Score: 2

What has a mouth with teeth and flies? An Ethiopian child.

Score: 2

What has George Michael got in common with Wellington boots? They both get sucked off in bogs.

Score: 2

What has 5 legs and 1 arm? A pitbull in a playground

Score: 1

What has 8 legs, 8 arm, and 8 eyes? 8 Pirates.

Score: 8

What has 10,000 legs and 3 pubes? A Justin Bieber concert.

Score: 6

What has 6 sides and flies? A box with flies in it

Score: 20

What has no mass? An empty church.

Score: 6

Yesterday, when my girlfriend came home, I said:: "Hi, Sweetie! I've got another riddle for you. What has four legs, and doesn't move?"
She answered: "That's easy... A chair!"
-"Wrong! It's your sweet Corgi-dog..."

Score: 2

What has 4 letters, sometimes 9 letters, but never has 5 letters. hint hint: don't overthink

Score: 6

What has Ferris wheels, cotton candy, and delicious fried food? That's a fair question

Score: 1

What has a bottom on it's top. Your legs

Score: 4

What has more minivans than a dealership? A Mormon church parking lot....

Score: 5

Old but (terrible) gold What has 2 legs and bleeds?

Half a dog

Score: 3

What has 100 eyes and 2 teeth? A bus full of old people..

What has 2 eyes and 100 teeth?

A crocodile

Score: 8

What has two fat thumbs and difficulty typing? Rgua fyt!!

Score: 2

What has an N, an I, two Gs, an E, and an R, and is brown? Ginger.

Score: 2

What has a hundred teeth and holds back a monster? My zipper.

Score: 2

What has aids and flies? Africa.

Score: 9

What has 9 arms and sucks? Def Leopard

Score: 3

What has one horn and gives milk? A milk truck

Score: 3

What has four legs and goes "ho-dee-doe ho-dee-doe"? Two black guys trying to catch the elevator.

Score: 1

What has four legs and goes "Oooooooo" A cow with no lips.

Score: 1

What has four legs and goes "marc, marc?" A dog with a harelip.

Score: 1

What has one horn and isn't magic? A dead unicorn.

Score: 6

What has 3 holes and goes down an alley? Thomas and Martha Wayne.

Score: 2

What has 4 legs, is green & if it falls off a tree, will kill you? A pool table.

Score: 2

What has three eyes and one leg? traffic light

Score: 2

What has more lives than a cat? Frogs. They croak every night.

Score: 7

What has 140 metal teeth and holds back the world's biggest monster? My zipper.

Score: 6

Doctor and the Patient Dr.- your case is quite complicated.

Patient- why doctor? What has happened?

Dr.- You got a disease from the chapter which I left for option during my studies...

Score: 1

Action dan here, what has nine arms and sucks? def leopard.

Score: 2

What has 30 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Score: 13

What has forty legs and two teeth? A Klan rally.

Score: 7

What has big ears, brings Easter treats, and goes “hippity-THUD, hippity-THUD, hippity-THUD? The Easter Elephant.

Score: 1

What has 1 thumb and is very important? A ransom note.

Score: 4

What has six eyes, four wings and eight legs? Two chickens and a goat.

Score: 2

What has legs but never runs? Stephen Hawking

Score: 3

What has 18 legs and catches flies? A baseball team.

Score: 8

Dad: "Hey son, what has four legs and doesn't breathe?" Son: "Haha, you can't fool me again Dad! A chair!"
Dad: "Not this time, son. Our dog died."

Score: 16

What has 2 heads and six legs? Nirvana

Score: 6

Q: What has more ships than the navy? A: Anime fanbases

Score: 5

What has two legs and can't stand up? Half a cat

Score: 6

What has 6 arms, 3 legs, and 2 feet? The Boston marathon finish line.

Score: 2

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