Xbox Jokes


Funniest Xbox Jokes

Funny Xbox Jokes
Score: 1627

PS4/Xbox joke Oh no! Playstation and xbox online services are down! Someone call an ambulance! Wii U Wii U Wii U

Score: 1337

What do cubs fans do after they win the world series? They turn off their Xbox.

Score: 687

Xbox One down! PS4 Down! Get an ambulance! Wii U!
Wii U!
Wii U!

Score: 592

I added Paul Walker on Xbox, but he spends all his time on the dashboard.

Score: 305

My wife came home from work crying yesterday and asked me to console her. So I hit her over the head with my Xbox.

Score: 277

What does Lebron James do after winning the NBA
Championship? He turns off his Xbox.

Score: 207

Q: What do Cowboys fans do after they win the Super Bowl? A: Turn off the XBox.

Score: 183

I added Paul Walker as a friend on Xbox live But all he ever does is hangout on the dashboard.

Score: 156

An Xbox One got into a fight with a PS4 The ambulance came. Wii U Wii U Wii U.

Score: 121

I added Paul Walker on Xbox Live... But he spends all his time on the dashboard.

Score: 113

So I added Paul Walker on Xbox And for some reason he seems to spend all his time on the dashboard.

Score: 82

I added Paul walker on Xbox He spends all his time on the dashboard

Score: 75

Oh no! Playstation and Xbox online services are down! Someone call an ambulance! Wii U Wii U Wii U.

Score: 55

I added Paul Walker on Xbox Live He spends a lot of time on the dashboard.

Score: 49

Just added Paul Walker on xbox, Shame he's always on the dashboard tho.

Score: 45

What does a Bears fan do when his team wins the Superbowl? He turns off his Xbox, and goes to bed.

Score: 36

A PS4 fan and an Xbox One fan started fighting! Someone call the ambulance! *Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U*

Score: 36

I Added Paul Walker on Xbox Live We never really get around to playing games though, he's always just stuck on the dashboard.

Score: 32

What game is in Schrodinger's Xbox? Dead or Alive

Score: 30

What's the difference in Xbox One and your mother? I genuinely care about your mother.

Score: 28

Have you heard about the device that automatically swaps out Xbox discs for you? It's a game changer.

Score: 28

Xbox Live has made me a better parent My son can never win an argument after I tell him I banged his mom.

Score: 28

The white Xbox One S was just announced. Of course it's 40% smaller than the black one.

Score: 21

Xbox One and PS4 Get into a car crash... And here comes the ambulance "WIIUWIIUWIIUWIIUWIIU"

Score: 21

I just added Princess Diana to my xbox friends list. I don't think she has any games though, all she does is spend all day on the dashboard...

Score: 20

I'm friends with Princess Diana on Xbox Live... She spends most of her time on the dashboard.

Score: 19

Xbox one and PS4 got into a brutal fight, someone called an ambulance Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U Wii U

Score: 19

I added Paul Walker but... I added Paul Walker on Xbox, but he spends all his time on the dashboard.

Score: 19

Lost Tooth Mother: Babe our daughter lost her first tooth

Father: I Know , I bet she won’t touch my Xbox again

Mother: WHAT!!!!

Father: What??

Score: 19

What does a Bills fan do when they win the superbowl? He turns off his xbox.

Score: 12

What was Princess Diana's favorite thing about the Xbox 360? The dashboard.

Score: 11

I added Paul Walker on Xbox Live But all he does is sit on the dashboard

Score: 6

A Microsoft Dev walks into a room.... Bethesda is working on Skyrim remastered 4k edition for the new xbox.

Microsoft Dev "Woah that screenshot looks cool"

Bethesda Worker: "That's not a screenshot, it''s the game"

Score: 5

I added Paul walker on Xbox He spends most of his time on the dashboard

Score: 5

What are the similarities between an Xbox and Michael Jackson. They're both made of plastic, and little kids turn them on.

Score: 4

My wife came home from work crying and asked me to console her. So I twatted her with the Xbox.

Score: 4

The XBox One X is Microsoft's new console The short of that is XBOX, they've now come full circle, or 360.

Score: 4

Im friends with princess Diana on Xbox, She never plays games though, she's always on the dashboard

Score: 4

What does a cleveland Browns fan do after seeing them win the superbowl? Turn of his xbox and go to bed.

Score: 3

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New Xbox Jokes

So I added a famous person on xbox A while back I added Paul Walker the actor famous for the fast an the furious franchise as a friend on my xbox an all he does is spend all of his time on the dashboard.

Score: 0

Someone on Xbox asked if I had school tomorrow I told him that they tend to kick you out of it after you get your high school diploma

Score: 3

Why do poeple have to be so anti-PC? Xbox and PlayStation kinda suck

Edit:this joke might have been made

Score: 0

A PS4 and XBOX One had the flu... And here comes the ambulance:

Score: 3

If I had a dollar for every time an Xbox had an update I'd be... Bill Gates

Score: 1

What my grandmother gave me for the past Christmases I asked my grandmother for an Xbox two years ago and I ended up getting an eggs box instead. What was even worse was that when I had asked her for a PS4, she ended up giving me 4 jars of.......

Score: 2

E3 TOUNGE TWISTER!!! How much X can an Xbox One X X if an Xbox One X could X X??


Score: 2

What do you call a Mexican gaming console? An Xbox Juan

Score: 2

What did the man call his xbox when he switched over to PS4? ex-box

Score: 1

Xbox and Ps4 get into a car accident and get injured when the ambulance comes, it goes wiiu, wiiu, wiiu.

Score: 3

An xbox and a ps4 were attacked .. here comes the ambulance WII U WII U WII U

Score: 3

An XBOX One and a PS4 were seriously injured. An ambulance came by... WII U WII U WII U

Score: 2

I'm looking for a woman who is small, white, gets turned on really easily, lets me play with her for hours and hours, makes me laugh, cry everything. She must have lots of memory and let me try anything on her. . . . . . This sounds just like my xbox

Score: 2

Went to download "World of Tanks" for my son on his xBox . . . . . . but accidentally downloaded "World of Taints".

Boy is that embarrasing . . . because I never knew the Germans and Soviets had huge taint battles. [OC]

Score: 0

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