Acid Jokes


Funniest Acid Jokes

I'll never forget my dog's last words "You've taken too much acid."

Score: 8415

Why would the military use acid? To neutralize the enemy base.

Score: 3480

Why does the military use acid? To neutralize the enemy base

Score: 1953

Police arrested two kids yesterday... was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks.

They charged one – and let the other one off.

Score: 1314
Funny Acid Jokes
Score: 1074

Why did the military use acid? To neutralize the enemy base!

Score: 1017

A chemistry lab is a lot like a party... Some people drop acid while others drop the base.

Score: 385

Throwing acid is wrong... some people’s eyes.

Score: 282

I’ve been killing rich parents, throwing spiders at nerdy teens, dumping acid on kids, and calling disabled people mutants. I haven’t created a superhero yet, but it better happen soon because I need to be stopped.

Score: 236

Sodium Chloride and Sulphuric Acid were in jail Turns out they were in for assault and battery

Score: 235

Why do people take acid at raves? Because there's so much base.

Score: 228

Why does the military stockpile hydrochloric acid? To neutralize their enemy's strongest bases.

Score: 207

The police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. The police charged one and let the other one off.

Score: 175

I think my dog is upset I quit doing drugs He hasn't talked to me since the last time I dropped acid.

Score: 162

For our chemistry exam we had to write a thousand words on acid. Unfortunately my pen turned into a gorilla and the floor melted.

Score: 160

I was on acid and I actually tasted colors. Tasted a lot like paint.

Score: 156

My Mom said to stop drinking soda because it has acid in it. I replied," Stop making such baseless accusations".

Score: 122

What do you call a mexican protein? Amigo Acid

Score: 104

What do you call an acid with an attitude? A-mean-o acid.

Score: 98

*Police arrested two kids* ** Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one – and let the other one off.**

Score: 84

Sorting out Problems Remember, whenever you have a problem with someone, use hydrochloric acid. It's always a solution.

Score: 60

The police arrested two suspicious men in a car park today. One was drinking battery acid and the other was eating fireworks.
They charged one and let the other one off.

Score: 57

What's the difference between a raver and a chemist at a club? One drops acid while the other drops the base.

Score: 42

Did you hear about the guy who is accused of attacking people with acid? I think that these accusations are baseless.

Score: 36

Policie arrested 2 kids yesterday. One was drinking battery acid and the other one was eating fireworks. One kid was charged, but the other one took off.

Score: 35

Roses are red, violets are green.. ..If you were on acid you would know what I mean.

Score: 33

Police arrest two kids Police arrest two kids. One was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.

Score: 27

What did phenolphthalein do when he couldn't understand his Chemistry homework? He just added Acetic Acid until it became clear.

Score: 26

At school A teacher writes on the whiteboard: HNO3 and asks a student:

\- What substance is that?

\- Hmmm... wait a moment... It's on the tip of my tongue!

\- Spit it out at once!!! That's nitric acid!

Score: 26

Police arrested two kids yesterday!!! Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one - and let the other one off.

Score: 26

A chemistry lab is like a giant party; Some people like dropping acid, others prefer dropping the base.

Score: 20

What do you get when you mix sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid? Water, and /r/leagueoflegends

Score: 20

Why did the military use acid? To neutralise the enemy base.

Score: 20

Police arrested two kids yesterday. One was drinking battery acid, the other eating fireworks... They charged one, and let the other off.

Score: 19

I help blind kids. Throwing acid usually does the trick.

Score: 19

Police arrested 2 kids today One was drinking battery acid, the other other was eating fireworks.

They charged one- and let the other one off

Score: 18

Kids these days. The police arrested two kids yesterday.

One was drinking was drinking battery acid, and the other was eating fireworks.

They charged one and let the other one off.

Score: 14

So a policeman see's two kids in a street corner One's drinking battery acid while the other is eating fireworks

So the policeman charged one and let one off

Score: 13

Why is a White House press statement like sulfuric acid? They're both baseless and corrosive.

Score: 12

An acid and a base walk into a bar The police later arrested the two for a salt.

Score: 12

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New Acid Jokes

What did the valley girl say when her acid reflux flared up? Oh my G.E.R.D!

Score: 3

How’d you add the fun into acid attacks Give them 2 tabs

Score: 0

I went over my mates house and dropped acid for the first time last night. Now he saying I have to buy him a new carpet.

Score: 1

I got a chance to play the new Pokemon game set in London but the pokemon only knew Acid Splash, Cut, and SelfDestruct

Score: 2

What did the chemist say about the protein that talked back? “What a-mean-o acid!”

Score: 2

why didn't the quickest sperm win the race to the womb? It drowned in gastric acid.

Score: 4

What do you call an acid with an attitude? Amino acid

Score: 5

Why do phish phans love acid? Because it's all about pH

Score: 1

My sister tripped on my acid last night. Now her foot is burning.

Score: 2

A chemistry lab is like a big party some drop the acid - others drop the base.

Score: 5

An old lady walks into a pharmacy \- I would like to buy a pack of acetylsalicylic acid.

\- Do you mean aspirin?

\- Oh yes! I couldn't remember the name!

Score: 5

If I were to drop LSD at a dubstep concert.... Would the acid neutralize the bass?

Score: 8

Why did the military use acid? To neutralize the enemy base.

So how did that AP Chem test go?

Score: 8

My friends are always tripping on acid I don't understand why they can't just walk around it

Score: 5

Why don't hippies make good chemists? Because they're always dropping acid.

Score: 8

What does a hippie king and rancid precipitation have in common? Acid Reign

Score: 2

A safari trip is a trip to the safari. An Alaska trip is a trip to Alaska.

However, an acid trip is not a trip to acid. It’s a trip to the safari in Alaska.

Score: 2

Whats another term for acid? Its on the tip of my tongue...

Score: 1

What do you call three brothers taking acid together? Triplets

Score: 2

What's a pirate's favorite amino acid? Aaaaaaaarrrrrginine....

Score: 3

Friend just asked if I can get good l(sd) I said, sporadically

EDIT: Prob some DEA autobot on here to downvote and make sure lsd doesn't make the front page. Fight the power people! Also learn from my mistake acid and ISIS don't mix, long night

Score: 0

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