Dishwasher Jokes


Funniest Dishwasher Jokes

My wife was happy when I told her a put a load in the dishwasher... Until 9 months later when Consuela's baby came out looking just like me!

Score: 1546

Remember back in the day, when your TV wouldn't work, you'd bang it a few times? I tried that with my dishwasher, but unfortunately, she ended up pregnant...

Score: 1063

So I woke up this morning to my dishwasher making a weird sound.. Turns out she was just vacuuming.

Score: 426
Funny Dishwasher Jokes
Score: 246

Put a load in the dishwasher earlier My wife prefers to call it intercourse

Score: 246

Remember back in the day when your TV wouldn't work so you'd bang it a few times? I tried that with my dishwasher, but unfortunately, she ended up pregnant...

Score: 194

How do you turn your dishwasher into a snowplow? Give her a shovel

Score: 141

Why does a bride wear white? So the dishwasher matches the rest of the appliances.

Score: 92

How to turn your dishwasher into a snowblower. Hand her a shovel!

Score: 55

Why do men want their brides to wear white? Because they want the dishwasher to match with the fridge.

Score: 48

What do you do when your dishwasher breaks? Remarry

Score: 45

Prank Caller- Hello! is your refrigerator running?? Me- No, but the dishwasher is..
Prank Caller- Huh???
Me- Yeah my wife's out on a jog...

Score: 40

Why do men prefer white women? They want the dishwasher to match with their fridge

Score: 37

My dishwasher makes this loud rumbling sound... Strange thing is, it only seems to happen at night, when she's sleeping.

Score: 37

Why do women wear white wedding dresses? So the dishwasher can match the refrigerator and stove

Score: 29

Why are wedding dresses white? So the dishwasher matches the fridge.

Score: 26

My girlfriend: "Did you forget to turn on the dishwasher?" Me: *sipping coffe from a vase*
"No, why?"

Score: 26

What do you call a defective dishwasher? A feminist

(I do not mean offence, it is just a joke)

Score: 22

What's the difference between a woman and a dishwasher? I know how to turn on a dishwasher.

Score: 21

I lost my dishwasher, washingmashine, dryer, iron, stove, and vacumcleaner today. Her funeral will be this saturday.

Score: 20

Finished putting a load in the dishwasher when I thought to myself.. She’s on the pill right?

Score: 19

my dishwasher stopped working.. i heard sometimes you just have to give em a good kick, and they'll start right up again

so i tried that, then she dumped me

Score: 17

Today a waitress got her finger stuck in the dishwasher We had to fire both of them.

Score: 17

How do you turn your dishwasher into a snowblower? Give her a shovel.

Score: 13

Over a year ago, I left a full load in my friends dishwasher when I stayed at his home. Lucky me, he’s the father.

Score: 12

Getting married is like buying a dishwasher You'll never need to do it by hand again

Score: 11

My dishwasher broke down and stopped working So I remarried

Score: 10

I've got a dishwasher that's still going strong after 37 years. She does nag a bit though.

Score: 10

What do you do when your dishwasher stops working? You break up with her

Score: 9

Great news, I've got a new dishwasher! Well, the wedding is in 2 months.

Score: 8

A 90 year old Holocaust survivor told me this joke. How do you know when it's time to get a new Dishwasher?

When she cheats on you.


^(That makes it okay, right?)

Score: 8

How do you turn a dishwasher into a snow remover? Give her a shovel...

Score: 6

One of the dumbest things you can buy online is a dishwasher Sometimes they forget to poke holes in the box and she's dead when she arrives

Score: 4

My mom comes up to me and says "I'm can do a magic trick" I go, "Really? What's you magic trick?"

and my mom says she can turn a dishwasher into a snow blower.

"I can't wait to see this!" I said

So she hands me a shovel.

Score: 3

I needed to clean my FleshLight, i heard they were dishwasher safe. But that would Just ruin the load.

Score: 3

Why do bride's wear white? To match the fridge and dishwasher.

Score: 3

I turned my dishwasher into a snowblower... ...gave my wife a shovel

Score: 3

What do you do when the dishwasher stops working? You punch her

Score: 2

My wife was wondering if we should wash dishes by hand, in order to save a little money. I figure that using the dishwasher uses more electricity, but less water. So overall it's a wash.

Score: 2

My dishwasher is acting weird Its chopping vegetables too

Score: 1

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New Dishwasher Jokes

My dishwasher broke down today Apparently her mother died

Score: 0

I was showing my buddy around the house and he pointed out how nice of a dishwasher I had. I said "Thanks, we just got married last year!"

Score: 1

I gave the dishwasher a few kicks to get it started. Afterwards, she begged me to stop and demanded a divorce.

Score: 1

Life was so easy before the advent of dishwasher Because no one had to do the tedious work of putting the plates back.

Score: 1

What's the difference between a dishwasher and the Calgary Flames? The dishwasher holds more than one cup!

Score: 1

You know, living away from my parents really makes me realize how much I need a dishwasher that's also a really good chef

Score: 1

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