Genius Jokes


Funniest Genius Jokes

Donald Trump was asked what the J in Donald J Trump stood for He said 'Genius'

Score: 22252

Donald Trump was asked what the J stood for in Donald J Trump He said "Genius"

Score: 12354

It is unfair how for every $1 a man makes, a woman makes $0.78... Because then the man is left with only $0.22...

EDIT: Wow, this blew up on my way home.

Yes, this joke is from Bo Burnham as others have so nicely pointed out. Check out his work; he is a comedic genius.

Score: 10173

We all know Albert Einstein was a genius... ... but his brother Frank was a monster

Score: 1450

Everyone knows Albert Einstein was a genius... but his brother, Frank, was a real monster.

Score: 1338
Funny Genius Jokes
Score: 281

I got a hand job from Albert Einstein the other day... It was a stroke of genius

Score: 216

Trump in a conference A reporter asked Trump, "What does the J stands for in Donald J Trump?"

Trump replied, "The J stands for Genius."

Score: 140

Little brother told me this joke, genius. "Why did Beethoven kill his pet chicken?"
"Because it kept saying "bok bok bok"

Score: 101

What do you call Einstein getting a hand job? A stroke of genius.

Score: 78

We all know Albert Einstein was a genius But his brother Frank was a real monster.

Score: 68

What was it called when Einstein masturbated? Stroke of genius.

Score: 59

What do you call a handjob from a rocket scientist? A stroke of genius.

Score: 56

What do you call Albert Einstein giving a handjob? A stroke of genius.

Score: 50

What's it called when a smart girl jerks you off? A stroke of genius!

Score: 41

What do you call a hand job from Stephen Hawking? A stroke of Genius.

Score: 37

Someone gave a handjob to Albert Einstein... What a stroke of genius!

Score: 35

You are a Genius Boss When my boss asked me who is the stupid one, me or him? I told him everyone knows he doesn't hire stupid people.

Score: 34

Einstein masturbates A stroke of genius.

Score: 32

What's the difference between a genie and a genius? A genie grants wishes. A genius wishes for grants.

Score: 32

Isaac Newton died a virgin. That means I have one up on history's greatest scientific genius. Because I'm not dead.

Score: 30

We all know Albert Einstein was a genius... Did you know his brother Frank was a monster?

Score: 30

Queen : Come to bed King : Not until i have a name for my army

Queen : K night

King : Babe your a genius

Score: 29

Did you hear about the insane Mexican train saboteur? They say he had some real loco-motives.

(I know, it's pure genius, and totally original.)

Score: 27

My grandma recently claimed she once gave a handjob to Albert Einstein.. What a stroke of genius.

Score: 22

What do you call a horse that can read, write and tell jokes? A stable genius.

Score: 21

I took one of those online IQ tests ... And got a 404. I'm a super genius!

Score: 20

We all know that Albert Einstein was a genius... But his brother Frank was a monster!

Score: 20

What do you call someone with amazing equestrian skills? A Stable Genius.

Score: 19

What happened when Stephen Hawking's wife gave him a handjob? She had a stroke of genius.

Score: 18

A programming genius named Sewter Built a limerick-writing computer

The metre was fine

And the rhymes quite divine

But for some reason it always got the last line wrong

Score: 17

What do you get when einstein jacks off???? a stroke of genius!!!!!

(its terrible, i know)

Score: 15

Albert Einstein was a genius... But his brother Frank was a monster.

Score: 10

What does 'J' stand for in Donald J Trump? 'Genius'

(This joke was stolen from CharlieDarwin2)

Score: 8

Give me an example of a genius: The man who put the 'b' in subtle.

Score: 8

I took an iq test yesterday on Facebook, as a matter of act... and it told me im a genius! in the *top 99%*!

Score: 5

Albert Einstein may have been a genius... ...but his brother Frank was a monster!

Score: 5

Soldiers Queen: Come to bed.
King: Not until I have a name for my soldiers.
Queen: K, night.
King: Babe, you're a genius!

Score: 4

What’s the difference between my grandpa and a smart person The smart guy has a stroke of genius and my grandpa has a stroke

Score: 3

Thete was one a scientist who found that he could raise his IQ by masterbating It was a stroke of genius

Score: 3

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New Genius Jokes

President was asked what the J stood for in Donald “J” Trump, to which he replied... “Genius”

Score: 1

A comedian I knew thought it'd be funny to think of a joke about a font. However, after 3 hours thought he came up with nothing. Turns out he's a comic sans genius.

Score: 0

Issac Newton died a virgin, that means I have 1 up on the greatest scientific genius... I’m not dead

Score: 1

🍕, how does a mathematic genius write that down? πz²a

Score: 0

A little kid told me this joke one time and I thought it was genius. “Why was the clown sad?”

“Idk why?....”

“Cause he got shot in the face...”

Score: 2

Alfred Einestein was a genius But his brother Frank was a monster

Score: 0

Have you heard about that new genius serial killer targeting prostitutes? He has a perfect memory and uses it to track his victims. Once someone’s been abducted, they never get away. His thots never escape him.

Score: 2

What do you call a stupid genius? An Oxymoron.

Score: 3

What is the difference between genius and stupidity? Genius has its limits

Score: 1

Whoever designed the octagon was a genius. But whoever designed the circle definitely cut corners.

Score: 2

Queen: Come to bed, my love. King: I can't, I have to think of a name for my soldiers.

Queen: K, night.

King: ... My love, you're a genius!

Score: 3

What do you call Einstein pleasuring himself? A stroke of genius.

Score: 3

What did Jimmy the ISIS genius say before he died? Gotta blast!

Score: 1

I have a math genius co-worker, And everyone seems to think he is a co-median.

Score: 1

I can say I'm one of those prodigy geniuses who just don't have any enthusiasm. All I need now is to be a genius.

Score: 1

I hear Sisyphus was a musical genius The original master of rock and roll!

Score: 2

How do you say genius sarcastically? Apple genius.

Score: 3

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