Burnt my Hawaiian pizza today.. I should have cooked it at aloha temperature.
What does a Hawaiian Muslim say? Aloha Akbar
I burned my Hawaiian pizza today... I guess i should have put the oven on aloha setting
My girlfriend burned our Hawaiian pizza today... I should have told her to put the oven on aloha setting.
I burnt my Hawaiian pizza today Should have cooked it on aloha teperature
How did the Hawaiian hipster die? He walked on lava before it was cool.
Burned my Hawaiian pizza... Should have put it on aloha temperature.
I just burned my Hawaiian pizza in the oven I guess I should have put it on aloha setting
I burnt my Hawaiian pizza today.. Shoulda cooked it on aloha temperature
What classic game do Hawaiian kids love the most? The floor is lava.
Just burnt my Hawaiian pizza... Guess I should've put it on aloha temperature.
Burnt my Hawaiian pizza today Should have cooked it on aloha temperature
I burned my Hawaiian pizza today Should've cooked it on aloha temperature
I just burnt my Hawaiian pizza I guess I should have put it on aloha temperature
Burnt my Hawaiian pizza today Should've cooked it on aloha temperature..
I burnt my Hawaiian pizza last night.. Should have put it on aloha setting
Burnt my Hawaiian pizza last night........ .......... should have put it on aloha heat.
Burnt my Hawaiian pizza today.. I should have put it on aloha setting.
I burnt my Hawaiian Pizza last night. Must use Aloha setting.
How do Hawaiian Muslims greet each other? "Aloha Akbar!"
What do you get when you cross a terrorist and a Hawaiian food truck?
Aloha snack bar!
I'm sorry
Burnt my Hawaiian pizza today ... Should of put it on aloha temperature.
My Mom burned my Hawaiian pizza today... I guess she should have put the oven on aloha setting...
I burned my frozen Hawaiian Pizza... Should have cooked it on aloha temperature
I was loudly advertising my Hawaiian finger-food stand in a public place and everybody started running away - wtf... "Aloha Snackbar!" "Aloha Snackbar!"
I burnt my Hawaiian pizza last night I should have cooked it at aloha temperature
So I burnt my Hawaiian pizza last night... I should've put it on Aloha temperature.
What's the favorite game played by Hawaiian children these days? The floor is lava.
What do you call a female Hawaiian? Miss. Isles
Just burned my Hawaiian pizza. Should've put it on 'aloha' temperature.
I burned my Hawaiian Pizza in the oven today I guess I should've cooked it on Aloha temperature
Hawaiian Punch has a new telephone number. It's the Punch line.
I was really thirsty so I reached for the Hawaiian Sun to drink Unfortunately, it was empty. Someone else had beat me to the punch.
"How much longer are we going to have endure this erupting volcano full of hot air and gas" asked the Hawaiian "I don't know, but turn off Twitter for a short term solution"
I burnt my Hawaiian pizza today I guess I should've cooked it on aloha temperature
I overcooked my Hawaiian pizza I should've put it on Aloha heat
What's the difference between Pizza Hut and North Korea Pizza Hut can deliver a Hawaiian on time
What does a Hawaiian suicide bomber say when he walks into a building? ALOHA ACKBAR!
What did the Hawaiian Jihadist say before he died? Aloha Ackbar!