Hood Jokes


Funniest Hood Jokes

Funny Hood Jokes
Score: 74

Robin Hood went to see a doctor... ...he was diagnosed with Menintightis.

Score: 68

What's the difference between a wicker basket and wicker box? Wicker basket is what Little Red Riding Hood carried to Grandma's house.

Wicker box is what Elmer Fudd does to his girlfriend on special occasions.

Score: 23

What's Robin Hood's favourite font? Sans Sheriff!

Score: 21

What do people in the hood enjoy eating? Spaghetto

Score: 20

Why doesn't Batman like going to Robin's house? They don't like rich people in Robin's hood

Score: 19

What does a Buddhist from the hood say after his friends ask him to leave? Namaste.

Score: 19

Did you know princess diana was on the radio during her car accident? She was also on the dash, windshield and the hood

Score: 18

If the world was a giant sweater, where would all the black people live In the hood

Score: 17

What's the scariest hood of all? Adulthood

Score: 15

What’s the only positive about living in the hood? HIV

Score: 14

What starts with N, has two Gs in the middle, and has no business wearing a pointy white hood? Your noggin

Score: 11

Hey, i'm proud of my heritage that's why sometimes, I don't even wear my hood at rallies.

Score: 11

What do you call pasta from the hood? Spaghetto

Score: 10

what is worse than locking your keys in your car parked at planned parent hood? going inside to borrow a coat hanger

Score: 10

I like to steal from the poor and give to the rich It's called robbing the hood.

Score: 10

My check engine light came on, so I popped the hood my engine was still there.

Score: 10

What kind of noodles do they eat in the hood? Spaghetto.

Score: 8

We all grew up in the hood Childhood

Score: 7

What do you call a sexually repressed bandit? Rubbin' Hood

Score: 7

If the world is a sweatshirt, where do the poor people live? In the hood.

Score: 7

Father's Day The most confusing day in the hood.

Score: 6

My check engine light just turned on. I opened up the hood and the engine is still there. Thankfully everything is fine, but I was worried for a minute.

Score: 5

What's the worst hood to live in ? Adulthood.

Score: 5

A guy pulled up next to me in his Honda on a scorching day.... .... and asked if he could fry and egg on the hood of my black car on a dare.

I looked back at him incredulously and said "Why not do it on your own Accord?"

Score: 4

Why does DMX hate sweatshirts? he dunno where the hood at

Score: 4

What's the most confusing day in the hood? Father's Day

Score: 4

Why do Trump supporters always have a point? It's on top of their white hood.

Score: 4

Why do people from the hood want used cop cars? To see what it’s like to sit up front.

Score: 4

A woman has 5 kids in the hood and names them all tyrone. How does she tell their names apart? The last names.

Score: 4

Car Talk So a transmission asks an engine, "Yo Engine, hows things with you today?" and the engine replies "Oh you know, just another day in the hood..."

Score: 3

Robin Hood is lining up his final shot of the tournament He turns to the official and asks "If I can fire this arrow into my first will it count as a double bullseye?"

The official replies, "yep, Sherwood"

Score: 2

There's a new fashion inspired by the police It's a pullover in a hood

Score: 2

There was going to be a big thanksgiving dinner in the hood for homeless people and it was canceled . Because the cameras weren't working

Score: 2

Why did Carrot Top go to the hood? To get props.

Score: 1

Guy 1: what kind of car is an ixat? Guy2: never heard of it, where did you see that? Guy 1: I was stopped at a red light, looked in my rear view mirror and there was a yellow car with " ixat" written on the hood behind me.

Score: 1

What’s the difference between Robin Hood and Paul Manafort? Robin Hood used arrows.

Score: 1

You might have heard that Mary K. gives their top sales people pink cars. But have you ever heard of the Mary KKK car? It's still pink but it has a white hood and runs over black people.

Score: 1

The wife said she'd like me to make love to her over the hood of her Honda Civic. I never would have thought of doing that on my own Accord.

Score: 1

What do you call spaghetti from the hood? Spa-ghetto. Or just spaghetti because we're not racists.

Score: 1

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What’s it called when a air plain shoots up a hood? A fly-by.

Score: 0

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