Monica Lewinsky Jokes


Funniest Monica Lewinsky Jokes

Apparently Monica Lewinsky won't be voting for Hillary Clinton this election She says the last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth

Score: 2269
Funny Monica Lewinsky Jokes
Score: 585

What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? One US leader.

Score: 292

Monica Lewinsky has released the following statement on Hillary Clinton's run for the American Presidency: "I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. The last Clinton Presidency left a very bad taste in my mouth."

Score: 254

Monica Lewinsky was recently offered a new position at a prestigious boarding school. Headmaster.

Score: 109

What is the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? 1 US Leader.

Score: 91

Monica Lewinsky walks into a cleaners.... with a dress and yells at the old owner who is hard of hearing

"I need to dry clean my dress"

The owner cups his hand next to his ear

"come again"

"No it's ketchup this time"

Score: 68

Monica Lewinsky will be voting for Trump As the last Clinton in office left a bad taste in her mouth...

Score: 62

What is the volume of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? One US Leader

Score: 40

What do you call a person who kneels after the President makes inappropriate comments? Monica Lewinsky

Score: 35

Monica Lewinsky said it 20 years ago and she said it again this year Hillary Clinton wasn't the right person for the job.

Score: 34

What do Monica Lewinsky and a vending machine have in common? Both say Please insert Bill.

Score: 32

Monica Lewinsky isn't voting for Hillary. The last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 31

Why Didn't Monica Lewinsky Vote For Hilary Clinton? Because the last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 31

Why won't Monica Lewinsky vote for Hillary as president? The last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 24

Monica Lewinsky says she won't endorse Hillary for president... "The last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in my mouth"

Score: 23

Did anyone else see that 60 Minutes interview with Monica Lewinsky last night? She said she wasn't very happy about possibly having another Clinton in the White House. That the last one left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 22

I heard that Monica Lewinsky voted Republican this year. The Democrats left her with a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 19

What does a vending machine and Monica Lewinsky have in common? They both say "Insert Bill Here"

Score: 18

Why isnt Monica Lewinsky voting for Hillary? The last Clinton left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 17

Why didn’t Monica Lewinsky vote for Hillary? The last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 16

What was Monica Lewinsky's job at the White House? Receiving heads of state.

Score: 15

Is Monica Lewinsky good at the piano? I don't know about the piano, but she sucks at the organ.

Score: 14

Apparently Monica Lewinsky didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton this election. She said the last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 13

How much liquid can Monica Lewinskys mouth hold? One U.S. Liter

Score: 11

Monica Lewinsky goes to the dry cleaner. She says to the dry cleaner, “I have another dress for you Joe.”

Joe is hard of hearing and says, “come again?”

Monica says, “no, mustard this time!”

Score: 11

Monica Lewinsky just released a statement on the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton... She was quoted as saying that she can't vote for Hillary, because the last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 10

Why is Monica Lewinsky voting Trump? The Clinton's leave a bad taste in her mouth

Score: 10

What did Bill Clinton find attractive about Monica Lewinsky? He said she had the prettiest smile he ever came across.

Score: 9

Who is Monica Lewinsky's favorite football player? Ha Ha Clinton Dix

Score: 9

Monica Lewinsky will not be voting for Hillary.. The last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth.

Score: 9

Monica Lewinsky says she WILL endorse Hillary for president... ..says Hillary Clinton "doesn't suck."

Score: 9

Despite the fact she is a Democrat, Monica Lewinsky decided to vote for Trump in the last election... ....she said to her friend, "I'd like to vote for Hillary, but the last Clinton left a very foul taste in my mouth."

Score: 7

What do Monica Lewinsky and a vending machine have in common? Insert bill here.

Score: 5

The US can't rely on Hillary Clinton to create jobs The last meaningful job Hillary had was outsourced to Monica Lewinsky...

...and Monica blew it!

Score: 4

Everybody hated Monica Lewinsky But now everybody wants her to get her old job back.

Score: 2

Why doesn't Monica Lewinsky like going to the doctor? He always shoves a Bill down her throat!

Score: 2

What do Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton have in common? They blew a seal.

Score: 2

What do Monica Lewinsky and the New York Giants have in common? They were both terrorized by Clinton Dix, Ha Ha.

Score: 2

What does Monica Lewinsky going to the oval office and you cashing your paycheck have in common? In both cases somebody leaves with a hand full of Bills.

Score: 2

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Score: 1

How is Monica Lewinsky like a vending machine? They both say, "Insert Bill here"

Score: 1

what do you call an instrument that blows you? harmonica lewinsky

Score: 2

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