North Korean Jokes


Funniest North Korean Jokes

North Koreans believe they live in the best country in the world because they’re brainwashed by the government and the media But every American knows that America is the best country in the world

Score: 19392

Why do North Koreans draw lines so well? They have a Supreme Ruler.

Score: 17403

A North Korean Soldier Walks Into A Bar The bartender asks, "How's it going?" The North Korean soldier replies, "Can't complain!"

Score: 10850

I asked my North Korean friend how he liked living there, He said he can't complain.

Score: 6839
Funny North Korean Jokes
Score: 6522

North Koreans believe they live in the best country in the whole world, because they’re brainwashed by the government and the media… But every American knows that America is really the best country in the world!

Score: 2670

I asked my North Korean friend what life was like in North Korea "Can't complain", he said.

Score: 1949

I asked my North Korean pen pal how it was like living in North Korea "I can't complain" he wrote back.

Score: 1763

North Koreans believe they live in the best country in the world because they're brainwashed by the government and the media. When every American knows that America is the best country in the world.

Score: 422

Why do North Koreans draw the best lines? Because they have a Supreme Ruler.

Score: 378

How do you stop a North Korean tank? Shoot the soldier pushing it.

Score: 342

I asked my North Korean friend how it was to live in North Korea... He says he can't complain.

Score: 201

Why are North Korean weekends so lame? Because theres only one party.

Score: 200

What do you call North Korean K-Pop? Propaganda Style.

Score: 172

I asked my North Korean friend how it was over there. He said he couldn't complain.

Score: 166

North Korean submarine accidentally destroys another North Korean submarine Woops, wrong sub

Score: 160

Why are North Korean Figure Skaters so good? It's all about the Execution

Score: 159

Why does the north Korean navy have glass bottom boats? So they can see their air Force.

Score: 131

What do all North Korean's say when you ask them how their day was? "can't complain"

Score: 129

Know why North Koreans are so good at measuring stuff? They have a supreme ruler

Score: 119

Why is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un so ruthless? He doesn't have a Seoul.

Score: 115

I asked my North Korean friend how life was there He said he couldn't complain.

Score: 84

Why do North Korean navy boats have glass bottoms So they can see their Air Force

Score: 81

A North Korean man frequently sneaks to the South Korean capital to gamble for bakery goods for his family. He is the seoul breadwinner

Score: 80

What's a North Korean farmer's favorite time of year? Breakfast.

Score: 79

Being a North Korean is tough and all but hey At the end of the day, I can't complain.

Score: 79

How do you clear a North Korean bingo hall? B 52

Score: 76

So I asked my North Korean friend how his life was going He said "Can't complain".

Score: 72

"How is life in North Korea?" I wrote to my North Korean pen pal "I can't complain" he wrote back.

Score: 67

I asked my North Korean friend if he liked living there He said he can't complain.

Score: 66

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get out of the range of the North Korean missiles

Score: 60

What's the difference between North Koreans and Americans? The Americans had a chance to vote.

Score: 33

Have you tried North Korean food? Neither have they

Score: 30

I asked my North Korean friend how things were going there. He said, "I can't complain."

Score: 22

I asked my North Korean friend what life is like there He said he couldn't complain

Score: 16

In the latest federal North Korean election, Kim Jung Un won 100% of the vote. A landslide victory against his sole competitor: "*Or else*".

Score: 14

What do you call a rap group of North Korean defectors? Run-DMZ

Score: 14

North Korean launches keep getting better and better Heck, they even made it to the front page today!

Score: 11

So I asked my North Korean friend about his country. He said he couldn't complain

Score: 10

I think I figured out why so many North Koreans are starving Not enough Seoul food.

Score: 7

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New North Korean Jokes

North Koreans believe they live in the best country in the world, because they're brainwashed by the government and media But every American knows that America is the best country in the world

Score: 0

North Korean doctors when giving their leader a CPR be like : Kim Jong Un.. *Dos.. Tres...*

Score: 0

How do North Koreans count COVID-19 cases? 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0....

Score: 2

I asked my North Korean friend about how it feels like living in North Korea? He replied, "Can't complain".

Score: 0

What do you call a North Korean fish? Kim Jong Gill

Score: 3

How do North Koreans like their pepperoni? Nuked.

Score: 2

What did a north korean get for cristmas ? Really hungry

Score: 0

I recently watched a North Korean horror movie It turned out to be a documentary.

Score: 5

Why do North Koreans draw better lines? Because they have a supreme ruler

Score: 2

What do you call an indecisive North Korean? Kim Jong Um...

Score: 2

How do you laugh in North Korean? You dont

Score: 5

What were North Korean communists using before gas lamps? Electric Lamps

Score: 2

Trump walks into a North Korean bar And raises it

Score: 1

Two North Korean soldiers were patrolling the border One of them asks: "What do you think of South Korea everytime you look at them?"

The other replies: "The same as you are."

The first then said: "Well then, I must arrest you!"

Score: 1

Have you ever tried North Korean food? No? neither have north koreans

Score: 2

Have you ever tried North Korean food? No? Neither have North Koreans!

credit to u/jackmaner12

Score: 5

I wonder what North Korean food tastes like... Oh wait, there is no food.

Score: 2

As a North Korean I am offended at this "Can't complain" meme. We can complain But why get killed?

Score: 5

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because North Korean long range missles cant make it that far.

Score: 2

Why do all North Koreans look alike? Because they have a supreme breeder.

Score: 2

North Koreans said the Kim Jong Un has read all the books in the world. That's why they call him their supreme reader

Score: 2

The US Navy is starting to worry about the North Korean military. Since all the missles they launch at Washington end up hitting the ocean, the odds are they will eventually hit a ship.

Score: 5

Have you ever tried North Korean food? Neither have the North Koreans

Score: 5

News: Trump would be “honoured” to meet North Korean dictator. “He’s my kind of guy — crazy, overweight and has a ridiculous haircut.” Said North Korea’s dictator.

Score: 3

What is the lowest form of North Korean joke? A Kim Jong Pun

Score: 5

What would you call a North Korean news channel? The Medium.

Score: 2

I asked my North Korean friend how Christmas was going. He said he couldn't complain.

Score: 4

So I asked my North Korean frien how is life was going. He said "can't complain"

Score: 3

Here's a joke about North Korea [This post has been removed by the North Korean Government]

Score: 3

Why did the chicken cross the road North korean missles don't go that far

Score: 2

I asked my North Korean friend how it was up there he said he couldn't complain...

Score: 2

North Koreans believe they live in the best country in the world because they're brainwashed by the government and the media. When everyone knows that America is the best country in the world.

Score: 3

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