Rap Jokes


Funniest Rap Jokes

R Kelly is really changing the rap game He takes the art out of rap artist

Score: 28395

R Kelly changed the rap game He took the art out of Rap Artist

Score: 124

What's the difference between Bill Cosby and a Rap artist? art

Score: 110

It’s not fair that procrastination gets such a bad rap. It has literally kept me alive for years.

Score: 62
Funny Rap Jokes
Score: 57

I was eating green onions when all of a sudden, I started rhyming everything that I was saying. It turns out, they were rap scallions.

Score: 56

I'm working on a rap song about Drugs and Money It's called "I can't afford that insulin"

Score: 53

R Kelly taking the art out of rap artist.

Score: 43

I've just written a song about tortillas Actually, it's more of a rap.

Score: 38

What's North Korea's favourite rap group? Run, DMZ!

Score: 28

I wrote a song about tortillas. Actually, it's more of a rap.

Score: 25

What is Donald Trump's rap name? Toupée Fiasco

Score: 24

What was the weather like at the rap concert? There was a Lil Wayne.

Score: 23

Whats Albert Einstein's rap name? MC Squared

Score: 22

I told my black coworker that I like to go to sleep listening to white noise. He said "Why does it gotta be white noise with you people?" I said because I can't go to sleep listening to rap music and gunshots.

Score: 21

Lot's of people know about Will Smith and rap, but did you know he's good with metal too? Because he's a black Smith.

Score: 18

I plan on starting a geek rap band... I think I'll call it Run-D.L.L.

Score: 15

I dont know why dad jokes get a bad rap, women love dad jokes. Otherwise they'd call them bachelor jokes.

Score: 15

What rhymes with Tortilla? I'm making a rap.

Score: 14

What do you call a rap group of North Korean defectors? Run-DMZ

Score: 14

What do you call a rap battle event between lizards? A reptile diss function.

Score: 13

So batman's son got into the rap industry .. They call him Lil' Wayne

Score: 12

Did you hear about the place in western Czech Republic where they do hip-hop covers of Queen songs? It's the Bohemian Rap City.

Score: 11

I just found a fruit roll-up in my pocket That means one of my kids has a grape flavored blunt rap in their lunch box.

Score: 10

I made a rap song all about soap. It’s fine, the lyrics are clean.

Score: 10

Have you heard the new rap producer from Australia? DJ Redo.

Score: 9

I thought this joke was very funny and true. Why is rap like scissors? Because rock beats scissors...

Score: 9

Why did the pirate's rap song become such a hit? The bass was pegged, his hook was just right, and it made all the girls shake they booty.

Score: 9

What do you call a criminal onion that drops sick beats? A *rap-scallion*.

Score: 9

Why aren't there any rap songs about Donald Trump? Because there aren't any words that rhyme with "Orange."

Score: 9

GF: "Did you see Eminem's new rap about Trump?" Me: "Yes. It was ludacris."

GF: "No, it was Eminem."

Score: 8

What's the difference between a Rap Artist and R Kelly? The space and "art"

Score: 7

Apparently, someone stole a few of my Rap CDs. Oh well, no biggie.

Score: 6

What's the difference between Jake Paul's songs and rap? The letter C.

Score: 5

What is Albert Einstein’s rap name? MC SQUARED

[Stolen from Neil DeGrass Tyson]

Score: 4

What do you call anti-environmental music? Plastic Rap

Score: 4

I'm going to open a strip club where the dancers rap. And call it titty bars

Score: 4

What do you call a really bad rap battle? A dis-appointment

Score: 3

Did you hear about the electro rap duo who shot a Detroit based rapper? Lmfao gottem

Score: 3

What is Donald Trumps favourite rap group? Run-DNC

Score: 3

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New Rap Jokes

If Poems are felt instead of heard and rap is just fast poems then that brings a whole new meaning to "this song slaps"

Score: 0

I remember hearing for the first time that 50 Cent got shot 9 times I thought to myself, "When he comes back into the rap game he'll be only 5.5 Cents"

Score: 1

There's always someone arrested in a rap song It's the meaning behind the bars

Score: 2

You've heard about the R Kelly scandal right? He really takes the art out of rap artist

Score: 2

R Kelly has always been an important player for the rap game He's the man behind the bars.

Score: 1

If rap stands for rhythm and poetry what does trap stand for? Terrible Rhythm and Poetry

Score: 1

Why do lesbians make the best rap group members? They like to beat-box. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Score: 2

What do you call a white guy trying to rap? A faux shizzle my nizzle.

Score: 3

Why do lesbians make good rap group members? Because they like to beat-box.

Score: 1

Three cheers for rap music. Hip Hop...

Score: 2

Have you ever heard of the female rapper who would only rap while she was on her menstrual cycle? ... they say she had a mean flow.

Score: 1

Rap is like scissors it always loses to rock.

Score: 2

Wrote a rap song about anime Smoke Weeb Everyday

Score: 1

What's was the name of the rap battle judge? Impartial Mathers

Score: 1

A Pirate tried starting a rap career in Compton, but his songs were not well received. He couldn't get rid of the habit of using the hard arr

Score: 1

Someone has stolen my favourite rap CD. Oh well, no Biggie.

Score: 2

I jumped out from behind a door to spook my friend. He started rhythmically quacking over a beat. Apparently, I scared duck rap out of him.

Score: 2

Why would keyboards fail in battle rap? They only have "space bars."

Score: 3

What does a rapper say after he's done recording? It's a rap

Score: 3

Definite proof Obama is related to Kenya They both can't rap.

Score: 1

Why did the kid in the wheelchair win the rap battle? Because of his mad DISS abilities!!

Score: 2

Fetty Wapp was fired from 3 cashier jobs before turning to rap music No matter what items were scanned through, the total always came up to $17.38

Score: 2

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