R Kelly is really changing the rap game He takes the art out of rap artist
R Kelly changed the rap game He took the art out of Rap Artist
What's the difference between Bill Cosby and a Rap artist? art
It’s not fair that procrastination gets such a bad rap. It has literally kept me alive for years.
I was eating green onions when all of a sudden, I started rhyming everything that I was saying. It turns out, they were rap scallions.
I'm working on a rap song about Drugs and Money It's called "I can't afford that insulin"
R Kelly taking the art out of rap artist.
I've just written a song about tortillas Actually, it's more of a rap.
What's North Korea's favourite rap group? Run, DMZ!
I wrote a song about tortillas. Actually, it's more of a rap.
What is Donald Trump's rap name? Toupée Fiasco
What was the weather like at the rap concert? There was a Lil Wayne.
Whats Albert Einstein's rap name? MC Squared
I told my black coworker that I like to go to sleep listening to white noise. He said "Why does it gotta be white noise with you people?" I said because I can't go to sleep listening to rap music and gunshots.
Lot's of people know about Will Smith and rap, but did you know he's good with metal too? Because he's a black Smith.
I plan on starting a geek rap band... I think I'll call it Run-D.L.L.
I dont know why dad jokes get a bad rap, women love dad jokes. Otherwise they'd call them bachelor jokes.
What rhymes with Tortilla? I'm making a rap.
What do you call a rap group of North Korean defectors? Run-DMZ
What do you call a rap battle event between lizards? A reptile diss function.
So batman's son got into the rap industry .. They call him Lil' Wayne
Did you hear about the place in western Czech Republic where they do hip-hop covers of Queen songs? It's the Bohemian Rap City.
I just found a fruit roll-up in my pocket That means one of my kids has a grape flavored blunt rap in their lunch box.
I made a rap song all about soap. It’s fine, the lyrics are clean.
Have you heard the new rap producer from Australia? DJ Redo.
I thought this joke was very funny and true. Why is rap like scissors? Because rock beats scissors...
Why did the pirate's rap song become such a hit? The bass was pegged, his hook was just right, and it made all the girls shake they booty.
What do you call a criminal onion that drops sick beats? A *rap-scallion*.
Why aren't there any rap songs about Donald Trump? Because there aren't any words that rhyme with "Orange."
GF: "Did you see Eminem's new rap about Trump?"
Me: "Yes. It was ludacris."
GF: "No, it was Eminem."
What's the difference between a Rap Artist and R Kelly? The space and "art"
Apparently, someone stole a few of my Rap CDs. Oh well, no biggie.
What's the difference between Jake Paul's songs and rap? The letter C.
What is Albert Einstein’s rap name?
[Stolen from Neil DeGrass Tyson]
What do you call anti-environmental music? Plastic Rap
I'm going to open a strip club where the dancers rap. And call it titty bars
What do you call a really bad rap battle? A dis-appointment
Did you hear about the electro rap duo who shot a Detroit based rapper? Lmfao gottem
What is Donald Trumps favourite rap group? Run-DNC
If Poems are felt instead of heard and rap is just fast poems then that brings a whole new meaning to "this song slaps"
I remember hearing for the first time that 50 Cent got shot 9 times I thought to myself, "When he comes back into the rap game he'll be only 5.5 Cents"
There's always someone arrested in a rap song It's the meaning behind the bars
You've heard about the R Kelly scandal right? He really takes the art out of rap artist
R Kelly has always been an important player for the rap game He's the man behind the bars.
If rap stands for rhythm and poetry what does trap stand for? Terrible Rhythm and Poetry
Why do lesbians make the best rap group members? They like to beat-box. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
What do you call a white guy trying to rap? A faux shizzle my nizzle.
Why do lesbians make good rap group members? Because they like to beat-box.
Three cheers for rap music. Hip Hop...
Have you ever heard of the female rapper who would only rap while she was on her menstrual cycle? ... they say she had a mean flow.
Rap is like scissors it always loses to rock.
Wrote a rap song about anime Smoke Weeb Everyday
What's was the name of the rap battle judge? Impartial Mathers
A Pirate tried starting a rap career in Compton, but his songs were not well received. He couldn't get rid of the habit of using the hard arr
Someone has stolen my favourite rap CD. Oh well, no Biggie.
I jumped out from behind a door to spook my friend. He started rhythmically quacking over a beat. Apparently, I scared duck rap out of him.
Why would keyboards fail in battle rap? They only have "space bars."
What does a rapper say after he's done recording? It's a rap
Definite proof Obama is related to Kenya They both can't rap.
Why did the kid in the wheelchair win the rap battle? Because of his mad DISS abilities!!
Fetty Wapp was fired from 3 cashier jobs before turning to rap music No matter what items were scanned through, the total always came up to $17.38