Seizure Jokes


Funniest Seizure Jokes

I am so high and I made up a joke and I want to tell it and make someone laugh but no one is home so: Whats an epileptics favorite food? SEIZURE SALAD.

I peed

Score: 1475

What do you call a pizza joint run by epileptic midgets? Little Seizure's

Score: 866

What do you do if an epileptic has a seizure in your pool? Throw in your laundry.

Score: 844

What do you call a bodybuilder having a seizure? A protein shake

Score: 168

What do you call a man having a seizure in a pile of leaves? Russell.

Score: 162

Do you know about the Roman emperor who had epilepsy? It was Julius Seizure.

Score: 132

What do you do when an epileptic has a seizure in a bathtub? Throw in your laundry.

Score: 104

What do you call a cow having a seizure? Beef jerky

Score: 90
Funny Seizure Jokes
Score: 83

What do you do with epileptic lettuce? You make a seizure salad.

Score: 78

What do you call and epileptic in a lettuce field? A seizure salad

Score: 74

What do you call an epileptic in a vegetable patch? Seizure Salad

Score: 47

What did the epileptic vegetarian always have for dinner? Seizure salad...

Score: 42

What can you make with epileptic lettuce? A seizure salad

Score: 40

what do you do with someone that is having a seizure in a bathtub? Throw in a load of laundry.

Score: 36

LPT: what to do when someone is having a seizure in a bathtub Throw in a load of laundry.

Score: 33

What do you do with epileptic lettuce? Make a seizure salad.

Score: 33

What do you do if an epileptic has a seizure in your bath? Throw your laundry in!

Score: 29

What do you do if someone is having a seizure in the bathtub? Throw your laundry in.

Score: 29

What do you call an epileptic in a lettuce patch? A seizure salad!

Score: 27

What do you do if you see someone having a epileptic seizure in the bath? Throw your washing in

Score: 25

What do you call an epileptic emperor? Julius Seizure

Score: 25

What do you do when someone has a seizure in the bathtub? Throw in your laundry!

Score: 24

What Roman dictator suffered from Epilepsy? Julius Seizure.

Score: 22

What do you call a roman emperor with epilepsy? Julius Seizure

Score: 21

What do you do with an epileptic lettuce? Make a seizure salad

Score: 20

Had my first ever seizure today. I was pretty shaken up, but I’m alright now.

Score: 20

What's it called when a Roman sees too many flashing colors? A Julius Seizure.

Score: 19

What do you call a white person having a seizure on the dance floor? An improvement.

Score: 19

What do you call an epileptic that got stabbed in the back? Julius Seizure

Score: 17

What do you call a Roman dictator having an epileptic fit? Julius Seizure

Score: 16

What does an epileptic person eat? Seizure salad

Score: 16

I'm epileptic. My friend dumped a bunch of lettuce on me. I am now a seizure salad.

Score: 15

What's an epileptic Roman's favorite food? seizure salad

Score: 13

What do you call a a bunch of epileptic vegans at a rave? Seizure Salad

Score: 12

What type of salad does an epileptic eat? A seizure salad.

Score: 11

What do you call it when you give an epileptic a rimjob? A seizure salad.

Score: 10

What do you do when someone has an epileptic seizure in your bathtub? Throw in the laundry.

Score: 9

An epileptic cop brakes up a drug ring in an underground night club. It was a search and seizure.

Score: 9

What’s an epileptic’s favorite meal? Seizure Salad

Score: 8

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New Seizure Jokes

What should you do when you see an epileptic kid having a seizure in a bath tub? Throw your washing in it.

Score: 2

What's the first thing you do if you find your wife having a seizure in the bathtub? Throw in the laundry

Score: 3

How does an epileptic say goodbye? "I'll seizure later."

Score: 2

Doctor said if I don’t stop drinking , I’ll go into shock and die of a seizure Ooooh I’m shaking

Score: 7

What do you call a person from NY that is having a seizure ? A harlem shake.

Score: 3

What do you do if someone is having a seizure in a bathtub? Throw in your laundry.

Score: 3

You know what the first thing you do when someone is having a seizure is? You take their wallet!

Score: 1

What do you do if someone is having a seizure in the bathtub? Throw in your laundry.

Score: 0

What did the epileptic vegetarian have for supper? Seizure salad

Score: 1

What do you do when the epileptic kid has a seizure in the bathtub Throw some laundry in

Score: 4

What did the epileptic order at the restaurant? A seizure salad.

Score: 4

What’s an epileptic’s favourite lunch? Seizure Salad.

Score: 2

When does an epileptic get fizzy? When he seizure just a jerk.

Score: 1

What do you get when a white boy has a seizure in the middle of a dance routine? An improvement.

Score: 2

What is it called when an epileptic police officer walks into a house with a warrant? Search and seizure!!!

Score: 3

If you throw an epileptic into a lettuce patch... ... is that a seizure salad?

Score: 3

Apparently Bruce Foresythe died of a seizure A nice to seizure to seizure nice

Score: 3

Autopsy finished on Bruce Forsyth Official notice : Bruce Forsyth died of a seizure, nice to seizure, to seizure nice

Score: 3

What is it called when a stoner falls down and starts shaking violently? A T.H.Seizure

Score: 2

What is an epileptic's favorite appetizer? A seizure salad.

Score: 3

What do epileptic people on a diet eat? Seizure salad.

Score: 4

What do you do if you see someone having a seizure in the bathtub? Toss in your laundry!

Score: 7

When I was a kid I kept asking my friend why he always got a massage chair and he never answered me. I recently found out he died having a seizure. Now I'll never know.

Score: 3

Did you hear about the epileptic who played peek-a-boo? Now he seizure

Now he don't

Score: 8

What do you call a white man having a seizure on the dance floor? An improvement.

Score: 7

What do you do when someone is having a seizure in the bathtub? Toss in your laundry

Score: 3

What do you call a bowl full of leaves and epileptics? Seizure Salad.

Score: 8

I work at a restaurant and one of the chefs there is both dyslexic and epileptic. Ended up sending out a chicken seizure salad.

Score: 4

What is an epileptic's favorite thing to eat? Seizure salad

Score: 1

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