Snap Jokes


Funniest Snap Jokes

Thanos’ finger snap would have a way greater impact if they found a way to make it seem like half the audience disappeared Apparently only DC movies can do that

Score: 3179

I hope they serve cookies at the Royal Wedding this weekend Just to show how a touch of brown sugar makes a ginger snap.

Score: 1026

Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Sodium, and Phosphorus walk into a bar. The bartender says: "OH SNaP"

Score: 501

What do you call it when a redhead goes nuts? A ginger snap.

Score: 77
Funny Snap Jokes
Score: 67

Yo mama so fat... Thanos had to snap twice.

Score: 60

What did the bartender say when oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorous walked into his bar? OH SNaP!

Score: 35

An old lady is walking down the street singing "21 today, 21 today." A young man beside her snaps "You're not 21 you old bat." With a snap she slams her cane into his head and walks away singing.

"22 today, 22 today." With a smile.

Score: 20

Oxygen, helium, sulphur, sodium and phosphorus walk in to a bar... OH SNaP

Score: 18

What is it called when a person with red hair and freckles gets angry for no reason? Ginger-snap!

Score: 12

Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Sodium, and Phosphorus walk into a bar. OH SNaP

Score: 9

I got fired from the rubber band factory yesterday... My first thought was "Oh snap!"

Score: 9

So Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Sodium, and phosphorus walk into a bar. The bartender says "OH SNAP"

Score: 7

Did you see the new Avengers movie? It was over in a snap

Score: 7

A Crossbow is like a Beautiful Woman It has a lot of complicated parts and if you handle them wrong it will snap and break your fingers.

Score: 7

What is Thanos' favourite vegetable to snack on? Snap peas

Score: 7

What's the difference between my guitar and my girlfriend? My guitar doesn't yell at me when I snap it's g-string

Score: 6

What do lesbians and mechanics have in common? Snap-on tools

Score: 6

How come Thanos is so buff and strong? He's a member of Snap fitness.
Sorry, had to blow the dust off of this joke.

Score: 6

What do you call it when a redhead gets angry? Ginger snap.

Score: 5

Schrodinger had a girlfriend but he was afraid to look at her because she might snap into a state where she didn't exist. And don't even get me started on the double slit.

Score: 5

How do people talk to each other in the soul stone? Snap-chat

Score: 5

That last avengers movie.. Was over in a snap.

Score: 5

How does the cereal killer kill his victims? With a snap, crackle and pop

Score: 5

I have insomnia Everyone keeps telling me to snap out of it but I keep telling them it doesn't happen over night.

Score: 4

Telling your parents your a philosophy major is like reading them poetry They snap

Score: 4

Oh snap..I missed the Oscars again. That makes 35 years in a row now.

Score: 4

If snap chat has taught me anything... It's that alot of you females look better as farm animals.

Score: 4

So hydroxide, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorus walk into a bar. The bartender yells, "OH SNaP!"

Score: 4

So...if a redhead goes crazy... Is it called a ginger snap?

Score: 4

What’s the most offensive marketing campaign post-Thanos Snap? 50% off.

Score: 4

Why are red heads never calm? Because it's so easy to make a ginger snap.

Score: 3

The avengers “infinity war” movie was almost 3 hours... But I felt like it ended in a snap!

Score: 3

Courtney Love could snap me like a twig Or she could kill me and make it look like suicide

Score: 3

What did the hat say to the other hat that always daydreamed? You need to snap back to reality.

Score: 3

When a red head goes crazy... Its a ginger snap.

Score: 2

What do you call a chlamydia-infected photographer whose father has the runs? A snap-happy clappy chappie with a crappy pappy.

Score: 2

What's Thanos's Favorite Veggie? Sugar SNAP peas!!!!!!

Score: 2

What did Thanos say when his plan didn't work? Oh snap!

Score: 2

I met a French girl at the bar and she gave me her snap chat username But so far she's only sent me pictures of cats

Score: 2

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New Snap Jokes

What do you call it when your parents get mad at you? A snap and slap

Score: 1

You know those this you throw on the ground, and they snap and crackel? They are called the Elderly, and it's illegal.

Score: 0

Are you good at making snap decisions? Interviewer: "Are you good at making snap decisions?"

*20 minutes later*

Me: "No."

Score: 2

When Redheads go crazy... Is it called a ginger snap?

Score: 2

How does a Social Media Interrogator make people talk? He makes them Snap

Score: 1

A man goes to the Doctor and says "I can't stop listening to the Arctic Monkeys" The doctor replies- "Snap out of it".

Score: 1

I got yelled at for taking pictures.. I don't understand why I'm being yelled at. The guy said to snap the camera so I did.

Score: 1

What were the wishbone's last words? OH Snap!

Score: 1

Why were the Jets and the Sharks the first millennials? They were the first to have a snap chat.

Score: 1

Hey girl, you ever played Pokemon Snap? 'cause I keep trying to get a Pikachu

Score: 1

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