Sniper Jokes


Funniest Sniper Jokes

Funny Sniper Jokes
Score: 3162

What do you call a Communist sniper? A Marxman.

Score: 2542

What do you call a Soviet Sniper? A Marxman

Score: 765

Did you hear about the communist sniper? He was an incredible marxman

Score: 575

I took my mother in law out today I love being a sniper

Score: 316

What's the difference between a sniper with bad eyesight and a constipated owl? One shoots but can't hit, the other hoots but can't sh*t

Score: 249

What do you call a communist sniper Marxman

Score: 153

What's the difference between a sniper with bad eyesight and a constipated owl? One shoots but can't hit, the other hoots but can't sh...

Score: 119

Trump will be President until 2020 It would have been 20:15, but the sniper got stuck in traffic...

Score: 94

How do you know if a sniper likes you? He misses you.

Score: 71

What do you call a Hispanic sniper? A Puerto-recon.

Score: 55

Recently divorced Marine sniper slapped with a 1500 yard restraining order. He is now struggling to understand the distance that has become between them, as well as windage.

Source: The Onion

Score: 50

What did the sniper say to his wife when he came back from work? I missed you

Score: 40

What's the difference between a sniper with bad eyesight and a constipated owl? One shoots but can't hit, the other hoots but can't...

Score: 37

What do you call a sniper in the red army? A Marxman

Score: 34

It's a long shot... but does anyone know a good joke about a sniper?

Score: 32

I just started going for a sniper training course My trainer told me that sniping is like programming, you gotta C#.

Score: 31

So an American walks into a store in the Midwest and says, I'd like to buy that .50 cal sniper riffle with 4,000 rounds of ammunition and a box of penicillin... The store clerk replies: sorry Sir, I'm going to have to see some paperwork for that penicillin.

Score: 31

What's the difference between a bad sniper and a constipated owl? One can shoot but not hit, the other can hoot but not sh*t.

Score: 31

I'm training to be a sniper in the Communist Revolutionary Forces... ... I'll be the designated Marxman!

Score: 30

What do you call a Soviet sniper? Marxman

Score: 27

Whats the difference between a blind sniper and a constipated owl One shoots and cant hit...

Score: 27

What did the Canadian Sniper say after making a record-breaking kill shot? Sorry

Score: 26

How do you know a sniper likes you? He has you in his sights and takes you out.

Score: 17

A Canadian sniper hit a target from 2 miles When asked how he did it, he said it was a team effort. "I could have never done it without my spotter and 2 sweepers."

Score: 16

How do you know a sniper likes you? He misses you.

Score: 14

I took my mother-in-law out yesterday morning. Being a sniper is awesome.

Score: 13

It's a bit of a long shot... ...but who here has some good sniper jokes?

EDIT: Seems like nobody has gotten *my* joke.

Score: 12

What do you call a sniper that supports communism? A Marxman

Score: 12

History Joke What do you call a communist sniper?

A Marxman!

Score: 11

What do you call a Danish Sniper? A Denmarksmen

Score: 9

What does Dora say in Iraq? Sniper no Sniping

Score: 7

I can never be consistent when I play sniper. It's always a hit or miss.

Score: 4

My girlfriend is a sniper and I know she loves me, you know why? Because she said she missed me.

Score: 4

I told my commander that I'd like to be a sniper But he told me it would be a long shot.

Score: 3

My girlfriend is a sniper and I know she really love me... She said she missed me!

Score: 3

I was looking to buy a sniper rifle at a small arms store but it was a long shot

Score: 2

Long Range Sniper Rifle: $5,000. Hiring an assassin: $10,000. Having Mike Pence assassinated? Viceless.

Score: 2

My great great great great great uncle during the revolutionary war was quoted for his famous last words, saying... "That sniper can't hit the broad side of a ba...."

Score: 1

My wife just became a Hindu! ... nevermind it was a sniper

Score: 1

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Why would Thor be a bad sniper? Because he doesn’t go for the head

Score: 1

A reporter asked an army sniper what he felt when shooting a Taliban terrorist He shrugged and replied, "Recoil"

Score: 1

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