Stalin Jokes


Funniest Stalin Jokes

Funny Stalin Jokes
Score: 1914

Stalin should have known that Communism wouldn't work. I mean, there were red flags everywhere.

Score: 1060

Old soviet joke. Who is your mother?

Our great Soviet country.

Who is your father?

Our dear comrade Stalin.

What's your greatest desire?

Becoming an orphan.

Score: 601

Osama Bin Laden, Josef Stalin and Hitler are robbing a bank, who do the cops shoot first? A black guy

Score: 256

Why are Russian automobiles the most unreliable? They're always Stalin

Score: 132

Why didn't anyone drive stick in Soviet Russia? They were afraid of Stalin.

Score: 103

Why was everyone in the Soviet Union so good at driving manual? Because they were afraid of Stalin.

Score: 103

Her: Come over, Joseph! Stalin: Can't, I'm sending people to gulag

Her: My parents aren't at home

Stalin: I know

Score: 100

Stalin should’ve known communism was a bad thing There were red flags everywhere

Score: 100

Mao Zedong, Stalin, Hitler, and Ellen Pao walk into a bar... (user was banned for this post)

Score: 90

Russia's Three Steps to Homework Step 1. Putin it off

Step 2. Stalin

Step 3. Russian to finish

Score: 81

Did you know that Stalin had a girlfriend that cheated on him? You know what, don't worry about it. She's out of the picture now anyway.

Score: 78

Why does Stalin only write in lower case? Because he hates capitalism

Score: 69

Why did the soviet plane crash? It was stalin

Score: 67

What do you call a Russian that is procrastinating You call him Stalin

Score: 64

Why could nobody in the Soviet Union drive a car? They kept Stalin.

Score: 60

Russian kids were writing an essay about their heroes.... ..... The title was: "Who is your hero and why Stalin?"

Score: 54

Why can you never trust a car made in the Soviet Union? They keep Lenin to the left, and Stalin.

Score: 54

Why's the leader of Russia always late? Is trick question. If Comerad Stalin appears late, it is only because we were early. All glory to mother Russia.

Score: 53

Joseph Stalin should have known Communism wouldn't work. ​

I mean seriously,there were red flags everywhere.

Score: 53

So Hitler asked Stalin to tell him a joke Stalin: Moscow

Hitler: I don't get it

Stalin: Exactly

Score: 52

I have a Stalin joke. You just gotta wait.

Score: 51

Did you hear about the procrastinating dictator? He was stalin.

Score: 45

Bought a Russian car... The salesman said it was the krem de la kremlin, but every time it's putin gear, it keeps stalin. My wife said, "Crimea river, I'm not lenin you my car!"

Score: 45

Why are Russians such bad pilots? Because they're always Stalin.
Thank you, good night.

Score: 44

The Cold War was so anticlimactic... I mean, most of it was just Stalin.

Score: 43

Stalin and Hitler Stalin: Hey Hitler, Wanna Hear a Joke?

Hitler: Sure Broh

Stalin: Stalingrad

Hitler: I Don't Get It

Stalin: Exactly

Score: 38

Hitler and Stalin are telling jokes to each other "Moscow" says Stalin;

"I don't get it" answers Hitler;

"Excactly - says Stalin - you'll never get it".

Score: 38

Why was the cold war such a long period with little fighting? Because the Russian President was Stalin.

Score: 36

Stalin is giving a speech. And someone sneezes.

Stalin: Who sneezed?
No answer.
Stalin: First row outside.
Stalin: Who sneezed?
No answer.
Stalin: Second row outside.
Stalin: Who sneezed?
Attendee, crying: "I SNEEZED!"
Stalin: Bless you!

Score: 29

Why does Putin always take the bus to work? His car is always Stalin

Score: 27

What country had a history of procrastination? Russia. At one point, they were all for Stalin.

Score: 25

Stalin would do well in my math class: He's got a lot of practice solving by elimination.

Score: 24

In Soviet Union we had old joke about Stalin But you would die laughing if you heard it

Score: 15

Why did World War II last so long? Because the USSR kept Stalin.

Score: 15

Post-WW2 Soviet joke \- Who is your mother?

\- Our great Soviet state!

\- Who is your father?

\- Our dear comrade Stalin!

\- What's your dream?

\- Becoming an orphan!

Score: 14

Why did it Take so long For Russia to abolish Communism? The Leader was Stalin

Score: 14

Why did Stalin go to Bed Bath & Beyond? He needed an iron curtain

Score: 12

Why didn't the Soviet Union join WW2 until 1941? They were using Stalin-tactics

Score: 11

Lenin, on his death bed, said to Stalin: How will you rule if so many do not wish to follow you? Stalin calmly smiled at him: Don't worry, those who won't follow me, I'll make them follow you

Score: 11

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New Stalin Jokes

If you crack a Joseph Stalin joke.. I am obliged to give full Marx for effort.

Score: 1

Top 3 Most Famous People from Georgia 3) Julia Roberts

2) Martin Luther King Jr.

1) Joseph Stalin

Score: 2

Appearntly Lenin and Stalin only drank coffe Because all proper tea is theft

Score: 1

If Stalin didn't become the leader of the Soviet Union he would be Starvin.

Score: 4

If Stalin didn't become the leader of the Soviet Union he would've been Starvin.

Score: 2

I honestly think we should deal with anti-vaxxers like Joseph Stalin would've. Give everyone who complains a shot.

Score: 1

What do you call a gathering of the Stalin and Lenin families? A Soviet Reunion

Score: 1

Communism helped America in coldwar Stalin to his people: We will win this war, I means US

Score: 0

My friend was giving a speech on the benefits of communism at an auditorium But he kept Stalin

Score: 5

A girl approaches Stalin. "Do you want to come to my house?", she asks.

"I can't, I'm sending people to Gulag", Stalin replies.

"My parents aren't home..."

"I know."

Score: 2

Stalin was great at protecting human rights Without any humans left in Ukraine to have any rights left, no human rights violations can occur from now on.

Score: 1

I told the winning team to stop being communist. It wasn't fair that they kept Stalin'

Score: 3

How did Russia win the second World War? By stalin' the german advance

Score: 7

What was the relation between Stalin and his army? They were Russian but he was Stalin.

Score: 2

Did you know that before WWII, Hitler and Stalin took cooking classes together? They were learning how to make peas with their enemies.

Score: 4

What is Stalin's favourite convention? Comecon

Score: 2

Two Russians.. ..discussed who was the greater man, Comrade Stalin or President Hoover.

“Hoover taught the Americans not to drink,” says one.

“Yes,” replies the other, “but Stalin taught the Russians not to eat.”

Score: 8

If you are Russian for time... You gotta quit Stalin.

Score: 1

Why did the Russian dictator take so long to respond? He was Stalin.

Score: 6

I was working with a Russian... ... we were running late but he wasn't russian enough, so I told him there's no time for stalin, but he was just lenin it be.

Score: 3

Some days it just feels like the media is Putin me on If they keep Russian to conclusions, next they'll say Trump is Stalin an investigation.

Score: 1

Stop Stalin... ...And start Putin your foot on the gas so we can get Russian around!

Score: 1

"Mr. Stalin, what's your hobby?" Stalin: My hobby?

Interviewer: Yes.

Stalin: Well, I collect political jokes.

Interviewer: How many have you collected?

Stalin: 2 and a half Gulags

Score: 4

Two Russians Two Russians are discussing who is the greater man, Stalin or Hoover.
"Hoover taught the Americans not to drink," says one.
"Yes," replied the other, "but Stalin taught the Russians not to eat."

Score: 6

A story about how one man overthrows the government and saves his people... By Joesph Stalin

Score: 1

How does a Russian hacker get its malware onto the NSA's computers? By in-Stalin it.

Score: 4

Stalin ruled Russia with an iron fist... The arm of the law it was on, however, had a very hard time reaching us.

Score: 1

Why are soviets always late to work? There cars are always Stalin

Score: 1

During the 20th Century Europe, Russia asks the allies for help in defeating the Germans... But they kept Stalin.

Score: 1

The three stages of writing a paper: 1. putin it off

2. stalin

3. russian to finish

Score: 6

How do you get someone in Russia to wait? Stalin

Score: 7

Why could Joseph Stalin never be a leader in his country today? Because these days, it's all Russian.

Score: 1

Why did Trotzky put his plane in a dive? To stop Stalin'

Score: 2

How to write a paper at Moscow University: 1) Putin it off

2) Stalin it

3) And then Russian to finish it.

Score: 5

Bad Russian Joke Why are people afraid of getting on Russian planes?

Because they're always Stalin

Score: 2

Why did the Russian walk to work? Because his car kept Stalin and he wasn't Putin up with it any more

Score: 5

In Soviet Russia, a Judge bursts into his chambers laughing *"I've just heard the funniest joke about Stalin... ever!"*

*"Well, go ahead and tell us."*, the other Judges ask.

*"I can't. I just gave someone a life sentence for it."*

Score: 7

Why are the cars built by communists no good? 'cause they're constantly Stalin!

Score: 4

Stalin's political career didn't really take off, until he played the trump card -Seize the means of reproduction!

Score: 3

The only difference between Hitler and Stalin... is that I know who Hitler is.

Credit- Community

Score: 1

What happened when the communists took over the airport? The planes kept Stalin.

Score: 3

What was Stalin's favorite Insurance? State Farm.

Score: 9

Me and my Girlfriend just broke up We had different views on history, I wanted to Hitler and she was just Stalin.

Score: 1

Why did the Cold War never happen? Because Joseph was Stalin.

Score: 4

What did russian judge say to the jury? I better stop Stalin for time and Putin a little more effort.

Score: 2

Why did the USSR have such a bad air force? They kept Stalin.

Score: 1

A communist homework joke... Stop Putin it off man. You're Lennin it get to you. I know it's stressful but you really need the good Marx. You really are just Stalin the enevitable. Do it Mao!!

Score: 1

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