Tesla Jokes


Funniest Tesla Jokes

What do you call a stolen Tesla? An Edison.

Score: 1986

Shame about the Tesla driver that crashed while watching a movie. He should've watched the trailer.

Score: 1890

What do you call new car smell in a Tesla? Elon's Musk

Score: 905

When a Tesla drifts, It's called the electric slide

Score: 538

Did you hear about the stolen Tesla? I guess now it's an Edison

Score: 365

What's the difference between Chris Brown and a Tesla Model S? The Tesla gets fewer battery charges in a year

Score: 341
Funny Tesla Jokes
Score: 297

What do you call a stolen Tesla? Edison

Score: 252

Tesla released a car air freshener last week... They call it Elon's Musk.

Score: 234

What do you call the new car smell in a Tesla? Elon's Musk

Score: 227

Man, I really want a Tesla Roadster... But the price keeps skyrocketing!

Score: 167

What's the difference between Chris Brown and a Tesla? The Tesla gets fewer battery charges in a year.

Score: 165

New Tesla's dont have a new car smell The come with a Elon Musk.

Score: 135

If someone stole a Tesla Would it be called an Edison?

Score: 126

Two friends chat and one brags about his new car “So I got a new Tesla Model X, it drives itself!”

“Nice! Where is it?”

“No idea...”

Score: 101

If you ever own a Tesla and it gets stolen... Then it's called an Edison.

Score: 101

TIL Hours before Edison died , he came out of coma , opened his eyes and said "It is very beautiful over there" Well tesla said it first anyways.

Score: 97

Why did Elon Musk send a Tesla into outer space? When NASA sent a Challenger up, it didn't go so well.

Score: 93

Why was Nikola Tesla a fan of Marvel? Because he didn't like DC...

Score: 92

I sat in my closed garage with the car on for 30 mins... before I realized I shouldn't have gone with the Tesla.

Score: 88

If someone steals a Tesla... Does it become an Edison?

Score: 76

If a Tesla car gets stolen . . . would it be called an Edison?

Score: 55

Some lowlife stole my Tesla today. I guess now it's an Edison.

Score: 55

TIL that Nikola Tesla threw the bomb that killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, sparking WWI... Whoops, wrong Serb.

Score: 53

Tesla have announced they are going to build the worlds biggest battery. Yet it still won't last a day on an iPhone

Edit: Thats first time I didn't see a single joke in comments. I guess battery issue is quite tricky

Score: 49

If you drive a Tesla, but it gets stolen... ...does that make it an Edison?

Score: 48

Tesla is considering releasing a line of electric buses named after Egyptian gods. It'll be A-new-bus.

Score: 45

I had a terrible dream of a dystopian future where robots controlled every aspect of our lives. Luckily, I was awakened by my Tesla.

Score: 40

If you steal a Tesla... Does it become an Edison?

Score: 36

Did you hear what they’re calling this Tesla scandal? Elongate, it’s gonna be really drawn out.

Score: 30

Why did the blind man cross the road? Because he couldn't hear the Tesla coming

Score: 24

If you were driving a stolen Tesla... ... would it be called an Edison?

Score: 15

What do you call someone who steals a Tesla car? An Edison.

I have to thank my buddy Chris for this one.

Score: 12

Soon I'll have a driverless car... I'm not getting a Tesla. It's just my insurance runs out and I can't afford to renew it.

Score: 5

The new Tesla cars don't come with that new car smell. They have an Elon Musk

Score: 4

Have you seen Tesla’s advertising? It’s out of this world!

Score: 3

Elon Musk is coming out with a new Tesla model The Model Ex... it's going to be the most expensive Telsa to date.

Score: 3

Chris Brown is so good at Battery Elon Musk just hired him for Tesla.

Score: 2

Have you ever seen a Tesla elephant? It has Elong Tusks

Score: 2

Elon Musk created Tesla to save the enviroment, and now his stock prices are going down... Which makes sense, since he started burning trees.

Score: 2

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New Tesla Jokes

What does a tesla do in the rain? The electric slide

Score: 1

What cologne do Tesla drivers wear? Elon's Musk

Score: 2

Just paid off the Tesla said no one ever.

Score: 1

I just heard that the CEO of Tesla could have been seeing Jonny Depp's Ex-Wife while they were still married I'm surprised Jonny couldn't smell the Elon Musk

Score: 1

My new Tesla had a dead battery so I called AAA. Turns out the don't service Teslas. So I called AA... They don't have on site road assistance but I'm 30 days sober now.

Score: 1

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