Trigonometry Jokes


Funniest Trigonometry Jokes

I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics... But graphing is where I draw the line!

Score: 2525

I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics... But graphing is where I draw the line!

Actually, graphing is fine, but calculus is my limit.

Score: 448
Funny Trigonometry Jokes
Score: 248

I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, and I'll even do statistics But graphing is where I draw the line!

Score: 203

Catholics fail trigonometry because they're afraid of sin Irish people fail trigonometry because they can't tan.

Everyone else fails trigonometry just cos.

Score: 127

I'll do algebra, I'll put up with calculus, I'll even push through trigonometry... but graphing is where I draw the line!

Score: 80

I’ll do algebra, I’ll do trigonometry, I’ll even do statistics. But graphing is where I draw the line!

Score: 68

What do you call the study of feminism? Trigonometry.

Score: 58

I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics... But graphing is where I draw the line!

Actually, graphing is fine, but calculus is my limit.

Score: 51

Math joke courtesy of my teacher I'll do algebra and I'll do trigonometry, but graphing is where I draw the line.

Score: 46

My teacher frowned at me when I handed in my trigonometry test paper I don't think that's a good sine

Score: 31

I'll do algebra. I'll do trigonometry. I'll even do calculus! But graphing is simply where I draw the line.

Score: 30

Whats a feminist's favorite subject in school? Trigonometry.

Score: 23

Why are religious people afraid of Trigonometry? Cos they are afraid of Sin

Score: 18

I participated in a trigonometry competition I got secant place.

Score: 17

Trigonometry Why can't Irish do trigonometry? They can't tan.
Why can't Christians do trigonometry? They can't sin.
Why can't the rest of us trigonometry? Just cos.

Score: 16

I'll do algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and probability but graphing is where I draw the line

Score: 16

Did you hear about that geeky trigonometry expert? The only angle lacking in his life was secs.

Score: 12

Why did the boy like doing trigonometry? Just cos.

Score: 11

Geeky trigonometry joke my dad used to tell me What sound does a horse make while walking?
*Clop, clop.*

What sound does a horse make while walking uphill?
*Clop, clop* multiplied by the cosine of the slope angle.

Score: 10

Betsy DeVos wants to eliminate trigonometry from school math curricula because it teaches our children to sin

Score: 10

Does anybody know a rad trigonometry joke? Please don't go off on a tangent.

Score: 9

Math in a nutshell Catholic people fail trigonometry because they don’t sin

Irish fail because they can’t tan

Everyone else fails just cos

Score: 8

Math puns are boring Algebra puns are too linear, arithmetic puns are too basic, trigonometry puns are too graphic, calculus puns are all derivatives. Only the statistic puns are the occasional outlier.

Score: 7

Why was the priest afraid of trigonometry? cos sin

Score: 7

Why don't white girls like trigonometry? Because secant even.

Score: 7

Do Catholics fail trigonometry... cause they are afraid of sin?

Score: 7

Why do you always follow your instinct when doing trigonometry? Beacuse you might have secant thoughts and go off on a tangent

Score: 6

Why does the Pope doesn't like trigonometry? Cos it has a lot of Sin.

Score: 6

Why do Catholics and Irish people always fail trigonometry? Because the catholics are afraid of Sin and the Irish people can't Tan.

Score: 6

Did you hear about the kid who's always doing trigonometry at the beach? He got a tan

Score: 5

Why did the skeptic do poorly in Trigonometry? He refused to see the sines.

Score: 5

A nerd was invited to compete in the Trigonometry Mathletic Competition... he said:
"Sine me up!"

Score: 4

My trigonometry teacher was just removed from class... He was caught writing really graphic things on the chalk board.

Score: 4

My trigonometry teacher and I got into a fight because she thinks triangles are the simplest polygon. However, I think we can let digons be digons.

Score: 4

I didn't want to believe we were having a trigonometry pop quiz during Math class today... But when I entered the classroom all the sines were there.

(A twist on a similar construction joke that you may have heard.)

Score: 2

I'll can work hard to learn algebra, trigonometry, heck even statistics... But Geometry is where I draw the line!

Score: 2

It's as easy as tau over 2. For those who don't know tau (T) = 2*pi (3.14) and makes trigonometry "easier". Saying it is T/2 is 2*pi/2 and the two's cancel out leaving you with pi, and thus, "It's as easy as pi" QED.

Score: 1

What the trigonometry teacher get on holiday? A tan.

Score: 1

Why do teachers from Las Vegas focus so much on Trigonometry? Because it's sin city.

Score: 1

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What do you call a researcher who is good at trigonometry? A sinentist!

Score: 1

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